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“Jericho?” Hestia muttered quietly once we were back in our own bed. In the end, waiting for Lili to wake up did exactly what I thought it would -- it stressed me out because she wasn’t waking up, and I was worrying myself sick. Hestia wasn’t much better in that regard, and our negativity must have been felt throughout the building because Ryuu sent us to our room with a vague excuse that neither of us had the will to argue. 


“Are you going to try something with Tiona? She’s interested in you, you know,” Hestia pointed out like it was somehow possible that I hadn’t. Honestly, dense harem protagonists were apparently an entirely different breed protagonist if they could miss hints like that. 

"I have so much on mind that sex is the very last thing on it," I told her honestly. Time spent fucking was time that could have spent training. Even now, as I cuddled with Heatia, I was getting antsy. I felt like I should be doing something. Pushups, or reading a textbook -- anything other than sitting around, waiting for my next bout of training. 

"I think Ryuu's right," Heatia spoke, lazily caressing my bicep as she cuddled into my shoulder. "You need to do something that lets you turn your brain off. I can tell you're getting stressed out," she stated, and as if to prove her point, she lazily put a foot on my knee and it was only then that I realized it had been bouncing up and down. I stopped, a soft sigh escaping me. 

"It doesn't have to be sex, though. And things are complicated with Loki enough. I don't think she's going to react well if she finds out I slept with one of her familia members," I pointed out as I held Hestia a bit tighter. Hestia made a small noise at that, her hand clenching down on my arm. 

"She's already here against Loki's wishes. And...I don't care what Loki thinks!" Hestia snapped, frustration bubbling over. "I know all of this is apart of some stupid elaborate plot of hers, but I can't believe she would do this to us to make sure that it worked!" From the sound of it, she didn't believe it in a way that she thought Loki was secretly on our side. And neither could I. 

"I think it's a plan to get me to join her familia," I told Hestia. "That I'll get desperate enough to come crawling to her to make this entire situation go away." That's was the explanation that made the most sense to me. 

"Hmph," Hestia scoffed, not even considering for a moment that I would leave her. And neither did I. "But, Jericho...if something does happen…" 

"Hestia," I started, one hand climbing up her thigh to play with the hem of her dress. "It doesn't have to be with a different girl." Hestia rested a hand on mine, shifting to look at me. Her gaze was unusually serious, and that alone was enough to make me pause. 

"I know that,” Hestia muttered with some embarrassment. “But...I don’t know how to put it...they’re willing to go so far for us. For you. I know it doesn't have to be with a different girl, but I’m just saying that if something does happen, and you want it to...then you can.” 

"...are you sure about this?" This sounded like a bad idea. I had no clue how Loki would react. I had no clue how Tiona would react if it came to a choice between me and her familia. Actually, I couldn't possibly see her picking us over her familia. 

"I am," Heatia said with utter certainty. "If it comes down to it, we'll leave this awful city behind until you're strong enough to wipe the floor with everyone here. So...if something does happen between you two...you have my permission to let it happen." Hestia spoke, leaning in to kiss me on the lips. I kissed her back, my mind turning over this revelation. 

When she gave me permission to sleep around, I didn't expect it to get this complicated. But that was likely because I was thinking with my dick. Now, if I did fuck Tiona, and Loki found out…

But...at the same time…

I broke this kiss minutes later, Hestia pressing one last quick kiss on my lips before she pulled back as well. I looked into her dark blue eyes and nodded slowly. "Okay. If we're leaving the city anyway, then we might as well." Still, I couldn't help but feel some apprehension. After all, it was hardly like Loki couldn't send someone after us. 

“I love you,” Hestia muttered, pressing her lips against mine one more time. When she pulled back, I leaned forward, kissing her another time before pulling back as well. 

“I love you too,” I told her, a small relieved smile appearing on her face. I’m guessing that she wasn’t exactly comfortable opening up about why she wanted me to fuck Tiona. And, most likely, Hestia did like Tiona. Especially because she was willing to follow through with her promise to train me. It was just that the desire was driven by spite, which wasn’t a side of her that I had seen before. 

If anything, it seemed that we had more in common than I thought. 

Hestia climbed off of me, taking in a deep breath before her smile became gentler in nature. “You know, I never said anything about it, but you always smell so nice. Is that one of your perks?” She asked and- 

Huh. Huh.

I recalled something that I had barely paid any attention to back when first found myself in that void that told me that I was the gamer. A handful of words that I had glossed over back when I was selecting my starting world. ‘Additional worlds will be unlocked as you progress’ or something like that. I never gave it much thought, mostly because it never seemed relevant, but now that we were thinking about running away…

The only question was what it considered advancement. And the likeliest of answers was to level up. 

I didn’t say anything about it, mostly because it was a long shot and we needed to think realistically. I simply kept the idea in the back of my mind, mulling it over, and crossing my fingers that would be the case. Because if it was then, so long as I could take Hestia and Lili with me, then I was content to leave this world behind

I realized that Hestia was still waiting for an answer. “Oh, yeah, it is. Natural Deodorant. It doesn’t give me any bonuses, though,” I pointed out, wondering if I should have picked another perk at the start. I went with Natural Deodorant because of convenience, but now, even if I didn’t regret picking it, it couldn’t be denied that there were better options. I could have started out as a mage, or something, and that would give me some options I could desperately use. 

“Never smelling bad is a big bonus. If you didn’t pick it, you’d probably smell so bad I wouldn’t want to be in the same room as you,” Hestia teased, the tension easing out of her as we bantered, leaving the heavy topics behind. I cracked the first grin in what felt like forever. I stood up, straightening out, but thinking that she was probably right. 

"Fair...but I'll skip out on the shower for now. I'll take a dip once I'm done training with Tiona," I said, glancing around our small room. I had a few spare shirts in my inventory, but I didn't bother putting one on. I was just going to create more laundry for myself. Hestia gave my hand one final squeeze before she let me go. I stepped out of the room, sending Hestia one last glance before I closed the door. 

I let out a small sigh, running a hand through my stiff hair before I started walking down the steps. Tiona seemed to be waiting for me, shifting from foot to foot, idly leaning against her weapon of choice. It was a double-sided broadsword, each blade connected by a slender handle. What was more eye catching was just how thick the blades were -- from what I recalled it was a weapon only used by Amazonians because of the ridiculous Strength stat required to wield it. 

Just by looking at the weapon, I knew it must weigh a lot more than my own sword. Even if Tiona lifted it with utter ease, waving the weapon at me as a smile lit up her face. It was hard to tell with her bronzed skin, but I’m certain that she was blushing. 

“Are you all rested up?” Tiona asked, throwing a megawatt smile my way. I nodded, preparing myself for another ass-kicking, and all the while, what Hestia and I just talked about lurked in the back of my mind. Looking at her now, completely oblivious, I felt a bit bad. Then I reminded myself that things were already moving in this direction anyway, and I only felt bad because Loki had fucked me over. 

“Yeah, I’m good. Are we going to the Dungeon?” I asked, glancing around the empty Hostess, seeing no one but Syr, who swept the same location since I came down the stairs. 

“Yup! There’s no better place to train, cuz I always get yelled at when I try to train in the city. Oh,  and don’t worry, I’ll stay out of sight of those dummies following you,” Tiona said, and I’m guessing that someone already had that talk with her. That, and I’m guessing that Tiona was trying to avoid Loki finding out that she was training me. I would have assumed Loki already knew by virtue of being Loki and Tiona being Tiona, but Tiona could apparently sneak into a building that was being watched by a dozen people unnoticed, so maybe she was being sneaky about it. 

“Sounds good,” I said, nodding as I spared one last look up the stairs, wondering if Lili would finally wake up while I was out. I could only hope. Stepping outside, my gaze instantly landed on the adventurer girl perched on a building across the street, standing watch. The street itself was devoid of anyone, a tense moment passed worthy of tumbleweed to roll by before I turned and started walking towards the training ground.

I had enough experience in these kinds of situations to know that showing fear was a good way to get jumped, so I kept my expression calm as I waited for an arrow in the back. It never came as I made my way up main street, and I felt gazes on me the entire way. Like with Ryuu, knowing that there was a friendly one as well helped more than words could say. 

The Guildhall seemed to go silent as I walked in, everyone taking the time to look at me. By now, news of the War Game had gotten out. Especially when Gangesha, the god of the masses, was taking charge of it and hyping it up. It wouldn’t be long before news spread outside of the city, into the countryside. Bell had become famous after his War Game, and I wondered if the same would happen to me. 

I scanned the room for Eina, only to see that she wasn’t here. I could only hope that she was enjoying her day off -- Hestia told me about the files she had compiled to support my case during the Dentus. And I could only hope that she never learned that the gods didn’t read a single word of it. 

My steps into the Dungeon sounded impossibly loud as I descended down, my blackened sword at the ready. The only armor that I wore was on my legs -- Hestia said that she had taken care of getting me new armor, and I had a suspicion that I knew what that meant, but for now, my torso was left bare.  

The last time I went down here so bare, it was in a towel, and the days prior I was nearly killed by goblins. Now things were different. It was as if the Dungeon itself knew it too because it barely threw any monsters in my direction as I descended down its floors. Because, now, I was a dragon slayer. I killed a level 2 monster as a level one, so the Dungeon didn’t bother wasting my time with trash mobs. 

Then, finally, I stepped foot on the eleventh floor once again. I took in a deep breath of the heavy mist that clung to the ground, turned around and waited by the entrance. I held my breath before I heard the sounds that I was expecting. Footsteps. They were coming down the stairs in an organized fashion, the heaviest at the front while the lightest were at the back. 

To my surprise, I felt calm as my grip tightened on my weapon, my breathing even as I waited in the mist. It felt a bit dumb to say, but if I couldn’t see them through the fog, then it wasn’t likely that they could see me. I heard them fall into a formation -- there were ten of them in total that slowly advanced into the eleventh floor. 

I severely underestimated how useful Feather Foot was because as I made my way around the group, I didn’t make a sound. The fog lessened ever so slightly, letting me catch general outlines as I began to approach from behind. Four of them were heavily armored, two of them had spears, another two wore medium armor with a sword and shield, while another two carried bows. 

There wasn’t a need to, but I confirmed who they were. A moon and a cup. The Soma familia. 

Air entered my lungs slowly, my grip tightening, my muscles tensing...then I sprung into action. With my sword poised level to the ground, I rushed out of the mist, ambushing my ambushers. The archers had enough time to let out a short-lived scream before my blade skewered her through the side with enough force that she was lifted off the ground. Idly I noticed it was the same girl that had been perched outside of the Hostess. 

The others started to react, the other archer going to his quiver, while the warriors pivoted. If they were on this floor, then they were seasoned adventurers. Unfortunately, they acted like it. Letting out my breath, I shared my grip and flung the girl’s corpse off of my blade. The corpse slammed into two of the warriors, making them stumble, but that gave all the time that I needed to close the distance between me and the archer. He fumbled to notch and arrow, but by the time he managed it, it was too late. 

I slammed my pommel into his face as I continued to rush forward, knowing that I couldn't afford to get surrounded. His face gave in, his skull fracturing until I tore through it as I ran forward, back into the fog. They shouted, and cursed, but none of them followed me, fearing an ambush. I took in a deep breath, feeling sweat gathered on my brow, my heart starting to pick up as I but some distance between us. 

"Are you sure you don't want my help?" I flinched at the soft whisper so badly I nearly jumped a foot into the air while my heart nearly jumped out of my throat. I settled down when I saw it was Tiona, but that shaved a few years off of my life.

"I'm sure," I confirmed with a nod. "I need to deal with them yourself." For the exp. To test my growing skills with swordplay. Because I needed to make sure that these adventurers couldn't make an appearance in the War Game in a few day’s time and I didn't think Tiona would kill them. 

Tiona looked troubled but nodded all the same, "but I'm going to help if you look like you're going to lose." She decided, not giving me a choice in the matter. I appreciated it all the same. I gave her a nod before I turned my attention back to the Soma familia and listened. They tightened up their formation, spreading out the heavily armored, and covering the spear users with the sword and shield guys.

Hm. I unslung my backpack that was now free of the drop items, so only rocks remained. There was no way I was going to be able to brute Force my way through that formation without taking some damage. Instead, I threw my backpack at it with all of my strength. They reacted well, all things considered, the spearman thrust his weapon into my bag before it could slam into anyone. Only issue with that was the rock escaped as the bag tore. 

A rock brained a sword and shield guy, bringing the total of enemies to seven. As he dropped like a sack of potatoes, I rushed the gap that formed, even as the others went to code it. The one with the spear was completely out of position to block my attack, but the armored guy next to him wasn't. He took a swing at me, a heavy warhammer racing towards my body. 

As Ryuu taught me, I dodged the attack rather than block it. Leaning out of the way, I thrusted my blade forward. Spear guy tried to deflect the attack, but my sword still caught him in the neck. It wouldn't kill him, not with a health potion, but it would do for now. With Warhammer guy out of place to counter, I slammed into him hard enough to knock him off his feet, sending him sprawling into another two. 

Now that I was inside of the formation, I could do some damage. I slammed a foot on Spear guy's head, killing him as I rushed the others. Shield guy rushed to block me, but he wasn't ready for me to slam into him hard enough he was sent tumbling to the ground. A armored guy attacked, taking a swing at me with a mace, only I dodged out of the way before the blow could land. He was too armored, and we were too close for me to use my blade. 

So, as the mace sailed overhead, I grabbed it while I thrusted my pommel towards his face. His helmet protected him from the blow, saving his life, but he lost his grip on his weapon. All the while the others converged on me, gang up on me to overwhelm me with numbers. With my freshly seized weapon, I had a better close range option. I slammed my mace into a guy's shield hard enough that he buckled under the blow while I slashed at the others to keep them at bay. 

Duel wielding was a lot harder than it looked, apparently. I knew I looked like an idiot, but there was some merit in the idea of being u oredicible simply because you had no idea what you were doing. The other spear guy made a lunge at my throat, only for me to jerk my head out of the way, feeling the weapons edge bite into my cheekbone, before I repeated the wound a thousand times over by slamming a mace into the side of his head. He wore a helmet, but it wasn't enough to keep his skull intact. 

The two of the others scrambled to their feet, one of the armored guys going for a weapon. I lunged at the others, pretending that I hadn't noticed the armor guy until I slammed my mace into the back of his head. Then I stopped on his neck to make sure he was dead rather than knocked out. Now it was me against four others. Two of them heavily armored, while the other two carried swords and shields. 

I slept them up by chunking my weapon at them, acting like I was going to go high, then I spiked it into a sword and shield guys leg had enough that it broke. He went down as he screamed, clutching his leg and I took the moment to rush the other. I blocked his blade before I slammed into him, knocking him off his feet -- the tactic was simply too good to not use. The other two pressed down on me, forcing me to back off, but not before I thrusted my sword into the guy's neck. It didn't kill him, but it would soon enough. 

The last two wore matching grimaces, holding their warhammers at the ready. The approached slowly, flanking out as I continued to back off. I took another step back, feeling my foot hit what I wanted it to. Rolling my foot back, I kicked up a warhammer into my hand before I rushed forward. They took a swing at me, one going high, and the other low. A practiced combo, I'm guessing. 

What they weren't expecting was for me to jump up, sailing over the low attack and letting my weapon absorb the impact as I lashed out with a foot that kicked back the one that hit me, taking the bone shattering force out of the blow. As he fell backwards, the other took another swing with surprising speed. I blocked the blow, catching his warhammer where the hammer was at, yanking it to the side as I gripped my second weapon high up before I slammed it into the guys head. His metal helmet dented, crushing his skull, and then there was only one. 

I heard him sigh over that one guy screaming. At the very least, he didn't beg for mercy before I killed him. I spared one last look at the last guy still screaming -- a part of me wanted to finish him off for the exp. But the decision was taken out of my hands. A horned rabbit made it's presence known by jumping out of the mist, a landform weapon in it's paw, that it brought down on the screaming man's neck. He was dead. 

The monster took one look at me before it fled. 

"You're not that bad at fighting," Tiona commented, making her presence known. "It's pretty sloppy, but it gets the job done and that's all that matters!" I got the impression that she had some personal bias about the topic. 

"I need to get better," I answered, glancing down at the warhammer in my hand. I decided to hang onto it, if only because it was rather useful for dealing with armor. “If I’m struggling with this many, then I don’t stand a chance against the entire familia.”

"Well, that's why I'm here!" Tiona reminded, tossing me a megawatt smile. She seemed awfully undisturbed by the death she just witnessed. I wanted to ask, but I couldn’t, only she seemed to realize what unspoken question my gaze held. “This kind of thing is really common in the Dungeon. Adventurers...well, we’re a violent bunch and familias butt heads for any reason. A couple of years ago, the Loki familia got attacked fairly often before everyone hit high levels.”


Tiona smiled at my faintly surprised look -- in the manga, they all seemed so...above it all? I guess it was a case of details being skimmed over, but I guess all of the Loki familia had killed before. “So, don’t worry about nothing! I won’t say anything!” 

Then her smile faded a fraction, "but are you sure you want to go down to the eighteenth floor? Just because it's a safe floor doesn't mean there's no monsters on it."

I nodded, "I'm sure. Outside of two of their familia members, the Soma familia can't go down that far so I won't have to worry about them watching me train or ambushing me." I said, having come up with the idea after I realized that I was being followed everywhere. At the eighteenth floor, I wouldn't have to worry about ambushes like the one that tried to kill me. 

And if I helped Tione kill some high level monsters, then that was just a happy coincidence. 

"Plus, I'll have you to protect me, won't I?" I asked, flashing Tiona a grin that made her preen. 

"Let's go! Stick really close to me, okay?" Tiona spoke before she led me down, deeper into the Dungeon. 

"The Goliath is dead, right?" I asked, dying the utterly massive hole in the wall. The floor itself was big, covered in crystal like structures. It made up the walls, the floors, and on the far side of the wall were several holes. 

"Yup, it's dead. We killed it on our way back up a couple of days ago, so we should have plenty of time before it respawns. Why, were you hoping to fight it?" Tiona asked as if she fully expected me to say yes. 

I let out a small huff, "more like I don't want to be stepped on." I corrected, taking the seventeenth floor in. Despite my hopes, the trip down was relatively tame. Worse, Tiona killed whatever monsters that came with extreme prejudice. To impress me, I'm guessing if the fact she kept looking back at me, waiting for approval, each time she killed a monster. 

But, since there was no giant monster to serve as a final obstacle, we continued downwards towards our destination. Unlike the previous floors, the ride down was a crystal slide that twisted and turned, plunging us into darkness until there was a light at the end of the tunnel. It was a short ride down, and once it was done, we were on the eighteenth floor and it was...

The eighteenth floor was beautiful. The crystal ceiling that shone like a sunny day, the forest, rolling hills and cliffs, with an ugly little town sticking out like a sore thumb in the distance. It was breathtaking -- a slice of paradise in the depths of hell. 

"We should take a small break before we continue your training," Tiona said, fidgeting as she pointed to a waterfall in the distance. "I know of a camping spot where we can wash up a bit." 

I glanced at her to see her bronzed face had darkened as she stubbornly refused to meet my gaze. Any question of why would either of us need to wash up died on my tongue -- I doubt she was going to work up a sweat kicking my butt, and there was no point in me bathing since I was going to be getting my butt kicked. This was her play, I realized, nodding as I followed her off the beaten path. 

After what happened a few floors up, I figured that if anything could kill the mood, it would be watching your crush kill ten people. I mean, I know she said she understood, and had been through similar, but...it still felt like killing ten men should put a hold on her shooting her shot. If only for a day. 

Tiona led me to the place where the Loki familia bathed in the anime -- a small deep river that was fed by a waterfall, the water crystal clear. She took in a deep breath that seemed to inflate her before she turned around to face me. "We should bathe together," she stated bluntly as could be. 


"The monsters are-" Tiona blinked, clearly not expecting me to agree so easily if judging by the fact she had a list of reasons why we should bathe together. “O-oh! You agree...that's...good…” Tiona said, swallowing thickly as her eyes roamed my body, her breathing getting heavy. I hadn’t even laid a finger on her, and it already looked like she was about to cream herself. Honestly, it was rather flattering. 

An earnest smile found its way onto my face as I kicked off my boots, watching Tiona watch me. Her breathing hitched when my hands went to my thoroughly ruined pants and popped the button. In the end, there’s no real way to make taking your pants off sexy, but it wasn’t for a lack of trying on my part. Though, I guess it didn’t really matter because Tiona openly gaped when I stood nude before her.

“Ohhhh…” Tiona muttered, a shudder running through her. She swallowed thickly, her gaze fixated to my crotch. It was like she was a deer in headlights, and the comparison became more appropriate when I strode towards her, closing the distance between us until I was close enough to touch. Slowly, her gaze drifted upwards, our eyes meeting, and she seemed to realize that I knew exactly where she was trying to lead this encounter and decided to skip to the good part. 

Tiona launched herself at me. She didn’t weigh a whole lot, but Tiona was a level 5, so that didn’t matter. She slammed into me, knocking me back so that I fell onto my ass. Her hips straddled mine -- Tiona wasn’t wearing any underwear, I noticed a short moment after I noticed that she was absolutely drenched. Now that comment that she was about to cream herself without me doing anything seemed a lot closer to the truth than not. 

She slammed her lips into mine, a desperate clumsy need driving her forward as her hands indulged themselves by caressing my body. Her tongue shoved itself into my mouth, my own pressing against it, and I quickly realized that Tiona was completely taking control over the encounter by virtue of being four levels stronger than me. In terms of strength, I couldn’t even hope to compete. 

So, if I wanted to take the lead, I had to make her want me to. I kissed her back hard, my hands going to her skirt and undoing the knot within a moment. Tossing it to the side, my hands went to her ass as her hips ground themselves against me, making my skin slick with her arousal. The moment my hands gripped her butt, I felt more of it erupt from her -- she just came. Already. 

Her legs clenched down on me hard enough to hurt, but even as the tides of her orgasm crashed down upon her, she restrained herself enough not to crush me outright. Tiona moaned into my mouth, her tongue bashing against mine, no form or technique, just desperate lust begging to be saited. I battled her tongue as well as I could, but I only won a victory when my fingers inched to her dripping slit and slipped a finger inside of her. 

“Jericho…!” Tiona moaned, her walls clamping down on the digit hard enough that it made me seriously worry for my cock. She was tight, but more than that, her walls had such strength in them. There was a non zero chance that she could actually crush my dick...but some risks were just worth it. As she writhed from her orgasm, I flipped us over so her back was on the grass. 

Leaning over her, my fingers dipped inside of her slit, deeper with a better angle that she offered when her hips bucked upwards. Her hands continued to explore my form, dragging my face down to kiss her again as my fingers pistoned in and out of her. Steadily, my rhythm grew rougher and faster, leaving the speeds I would use on Hestia long behind. Tiona was an adventurer, and one of the best in the world. She could handle me getting a little rough. 

“You like that?” I breathed, pulling back enough before pressing my lips to her jugular and sucking hard, leaving behind a love bite. Tiona answered me with a moan as her hips bucked again, the sounds of her pleasure refusing to be drowned out by the waterfall. Her hands went to my wrist, nearly crushing it and throwing off my rhythm as she pressed my hands to her weeping lips. 

“Yesssssss! This is so much better than doing it myself,” Tiona moaned as my thumb pressed down on her clit to make up for my new restriction. I grinned when I heard that, my free hand going to her tube top to push it up, revealing small breasts capped with a chocolate brown nipples. Seeing as how she liked it a bit rough, I pinched her nipple with my free hand, rolling it between my thumb and finger, the action seemed to drive Tiona wild. 

“Oh?” I asked, whispering in her ear as I leaned over her. “It sounds like you’ve been playing with yourself a lot, have you? Who are you thinking about when you’re playing with your pussy?” I punctuated the question by curling my finger upwards, directly on what I was certain was her g-spot. Tiona howled in ecstasy, her wet walls clamping down on my fingers hard enough that it felt like they were being crushed. I touched out the pain though, tormenting her pussy as I tugged on her nipple. 

"You!" Tiona shouted, her hips jerking as she came. Between Massage and Sex, Tiona was putty in my hands. "I-I've been thinking of you!" 

I grinned as I lowered myself to her chest, running my tongue over her budding tits. It was really hard to see Tiona as Tione's twin when they couldn't be more different in the breast department. "And how often have you been fucking yourself when you think of me?" I asked, resuming to finger her pussy once her walls eased up on the pressure. 

It took Tiona a moment to answer as I edged her towards another orgasm already, teasing her pleasure button with my thumb to help her along. "Every day! Every night!" She answered, her breathing ragged, a Sheen of sweat building up on her bronzed skin. I guess she ended up breaking a sweat after all. 

"And what do I do to you in your fantasies?" I asked, drawing her attention back to me by harshly tweaking her nipple. Tiona seemed to love it, her breathing harsh as her walls bared down on me, massaging my fingers as they continued to piston in and out of her. 

"You...you…" Tiona tried to answer, only to trail off when her gaze landed on my cock. She reached out, looking at it almost reverently as she gave my rock hard cock an experimental tug. "You put this inside of me…" Tiona muttered before she decided to make her fantasies a reality. She reached out, pushing me so that I was laying on my back with terrifying strength. My cock stood tall, forcing Tiona to stand on wobbly legs before I felt her lower lips kiss the tip of my cock. 

"Unnnnhhhh!" Tiona groaned as she thrusted her hips down sharply, burying my entire length inside of her in one go. Her head rolled back, her jaw slack -- if it wasn't for a low groan, I would have thought she knocked herself out. I didn't have any time to be worried about her, though, because I was really worried that she was about to crush my dick. Her depths were like a furnace, impossibly hot as her pussy massaged my length, eager for cum. 

A long minute passed as both of us adjusted to the sensations -- I had always wondered how it would feel to fuck a girl with super strength, and now I had my answer. It was awesome and terrifying. In the end, it was Tiona that recovered first, leaning forwards, propping herself up with her hands on my stomach, before her hips rose slowly. Her inner lips dragged, trying to keep me completely hurried inside of her, my cock glistening with her arousal. 

"This is amazing," Tiona breathed, speaking to herself more than me as she nearly pulled out entirely, leaving only my cockhead inside of her. Sweat dripped down her face, a shaky smile on her face as she gazed at me. "This is---" she cut herself off as she slammed her hips down hard enough I spared a worry that she was going to break my pelvis. I was impressed despite myself. Tiona took every inch of me despite being a virgin, I'm guessing. 

Then Tiona found her own frantic rhythm as she began to fuck the shit out of me. Her hips shook frantically, my hands on her waist to help support her but her pace was frantic, desperate for pleasure. Her hips slammed into mine, the harsh sounds of sex were almost as loud as Tiona's moans as she announced her pleasure to the world. Despite my desire to take the lead, I found myself laying there and taking it. 

Tiona dominated me on accident, she was simply so strong that she overpowered me on accident. Without noticing, even. But, despite appearances, I wasn’t going to take that laying down. I lifted my torso up, Tiona rested her hands on my shoulders, giving herself better leverage to thrust. With that done, I shifted my legs, propping them underneath me before I began to rise. 

Her rhythm didn’t even pause for a moment as she continued to thrust, her face was a mask of pleasure. She rested her head against my chest as I stood up, her thrusts growing more desperate because now she didn’t have gravity working in her favor. Which is fine, because once I hooked my hands underneath her legs, I met her thrusts with my own. “How’s it compare to your fantasies?” I asked, fucking her with a roughness that I didn’t dare try with Hestia. 

Tiona orgasmed so hard that her arousal gushed out of her, drool running down my chest as she, her hands gripping my shoulders so hard that I’m surprised that she didn’t break skin. She tried to answer me, only her words were so slurred with pleasure that I couldn’t make them out. Though I suppose it was a stupid question, all things considered as her arousal dripped down like a broken faucet. 

I chuckled, feeling...powerful again. Tiona was a level 5, and now she was cock drunk, mindlessly bouncing on my dick as she drooled on me because she suffered too many mind-blowing orgasms back to back. It was a refreshing change in pace compared to the past couple of days with the Soma familia and everything else. 

“I’m about to cum,” I warned her, feeling a tightening in my balls. I didn’t expect for Tiona to lock her legs around my waist, holding tight as her hips pace picked up. 

"I want it inside," Tiona moaned, looking up at me with her face twisted in orgasmic bliss. "I want you to cum in me." And, deep down, I knew that was a real stupid idea. I hate kids. All they do is slobber over each other and ask for stuff. But, like so many times before, I didn't let that stop me. 

I hissed as I unleashed my orgasm, painting Tiona's walls white. She groaned, cumming in return, the biggest one yet for her so far. Her breathing hitched before she moaned loudly, trembling against me. I actually had to go back down to the ground, worried I would fall over. Once Tiona was laying on her back, lost in pleasure, I slowly pulled out of her, hot cum flowing out after I left her pussy. Letting out a content breath, I spared a moment to thank Ryuu in my head. 

She was right. I did need something to take my mind off the Soma familia and the War Game. 

"That was great," I said, watching Tiona writhe in orgasmic bliss. But, I underestimated her. Tiona pushed herself up, gasping for air as cum dropped from her. Her gaze landed on my still hard cock, and before I could even think about reacting, she lined herself up and slammed her hips down. We groaned in unison as I returned to being on the bottom. Back where I started. 

"What about my training?" I asked as Tiona experimented on how she preferred to thrust. Her hips swayed to the sides, then back and forth, before she decided to thrust up and down hard enough I swear that I was going to have bruises. 

"Later?" Tiona answered, pushing my body down so I was laying flat on my back. She moaned as she found her intense rhythm, my hands on her hips. 

Well...I guess an hour or two couldn't hurt. 


Gremlin Jack

Good chapter but a few typos here and there. Needs proofing.