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"That sucked," I summarized my feelings rather well as I walked downstairs after putting Hinata to bed because she was out like a light. It felt weird to dry her off thoroughly, so I ended up putting a towel underneath her on top of the covers then flipping over one half so she didn't catch a cold or anything. I was hardly upset enough that I wished she got sick, or anything, but, being honest, in hoping it's a while before she wakes up. Preferably for the night, thanks to the alcohol. 

Because hearing her shout another man's name as she came hurt me right in my soul. And I wasn't even in love with the girl, it was just the principle of it. Learning that she was thinking of another man when your head is buried between her thighs was like a slap to the face. 

"But," I reminded myself as I walked downstairs. "I knew she was in love with another man," I muttered as I found myself walking back outside to collect our clothes. I just peeled off my soaked boxers and put on my previous outfit, the only difference was that I was going commando. I deposited her stuff on the counter while leaving up what was wet to dry. 

But that didn't explain why she threw herself at me like that. There was no way that two mixed drinks and a few sips of an Old Fashion would get her drunk enough to suck faces with the nearest available warm body. I've seen girls smaller than Hinata drink twice that amount, and they weren't ninjas trained since before they exited the womb to be the ultimate killing machines. No, she had wanted to kiss me, and she went along with it the entire way, only to call out that idiots name instead- 

You know what? I'm going to treat this like my other problems. I'm going to ignore it until it stopped bothering me at all, and only then would I spend another second thinking about how Hinata screamed Naruto's name when I was doing things with my tongue that shouldn't be physically possible. 

"I...need to get some coffee," I muttered, wanting to get out of the house. My car keys were already in my pocket and I had a tank full of gas. "And a book," I continued, grabbing a slip of paper and writing out a note for Hinata that I felt by her clothes. I liked reading. Honestly, all I needed to be happy was a cup of coffee, a good book, and a quiet place. 

The fact I just spent several thousand dollars on clothes notwithstanding. Nor the fact that I now lived in a multi-million dollar home with a garage full of expensive cars also notwithstanding. 

With a note written, this time not leaving behind a time to expect me back, I slipped into my car and sped off into the night. Well, it was barely eight o'clock, but the skies were dark so that made it nighttime. I left the music off, preferring to listen to the wind and think about absolutely nothing. Because, I knew if I let my mind wander, it would go straight back to the topic I didn't want to think about. 

Pulling into Jump city once again, I pulled into the parking garage, spotting the same guy as before manning the toll station. His face lit up in a smile when he saw me, "been seeing you a lot today," he commented as he already

"Eh, keep finding reasons to go out," I returned, my hand dipping to my wallet. 

"Your lady friend not interested in the nightlife?" He asked, scratching at a clean-shaven cheek. I blinked, surprised by the question, but I guess I shouldn't be. He probably thought I was a rich kid that spent every night out clubbing. Huh. Actually, I would take one look at me and come to that same conclusion. 

"Oh, no, she fell asleep," I explained, handing him a hundred. "Actually, could you help me out?" I started and the attendant smoothly interrupted, throwing on a great big friendly smile. 

"I can help you with anything you need," he said. This was why it always paid to tip well. "Do you need a recommendation for a club to hit tonight?" 

"Actually, I was looking for a coffee shop that has a decent library," I corrected, amused by his momentary expression of 'does not compute.' Then, suddenly, the great big friendly customer service smile of his became a lot more genuine. 

"I got you," he said, showing off white teeth. "Just off of Vermont Avenue and Main Street. You're going to see a place called Madison's, it's an alright dinner, but on the floor above it is Ralf's Recommendations. Real hole in the wall place, some of the best coffee out there. I don't know what you like to read, but they got a little of everything." He said with an enthusiasm that couldn't be faked. 

"Sounds like you’re a fan,” I observed, his enthusiasm proving to be infectious since I found myself smiling back at him. 

He nodded, “life long. Actually, I’ll tell you what,” he said, holding up the hundred I gave him. “If you don’t walk out of Ralf’s with a new series you fell in love with, not only will I give you back this generous tip, I’mma give you back the other generous tip too,” he declared, slapping a hand over his heart. 

Well, I was more than convinced to at least check the place out, “alright, deal.” I said with a laugh before I stuck my hand out to shake on it. “I’m Nero, by the way,” I introduced myself as the attendant shook with a firm grip, his hands calloused. 

“Marvin,” Marvin returned. “And I’m not worried at all. You’re going to love the place, just tell Ralf that I sent you and he’ll set you up.” He spoke with certainty before the bar keeping me out of the parking garage went upwards. “Have a good night!”

“Right back at you,” I returned, driving through and finding a parking spot. I liked that guy, and I got a solid recommendation from him. After all, anyone willing to swear by their tips was either a mad man or beyond certain of the quality. Getting out of the car, I pulled up some directions and started walking. 

I took in a deep breath of the night air as I walked through the streets, my sunglasses left in my car simply because wearing them at night made me feel like a tool. It should be fine simply because I was going to have my nose buried in a book, so no one should notice my eyes while I was out. Distantly, I heard a siren come to life and when I glanced in the direction, I saw a streak of light race across the sky like a shooting star. 

Starfire, I’m guessing. I wonder if the Titans were looking for me. They should have my face, and given the timing, it was fairly obvious that the dragon was me...but, given that I wasn’t surrounded by them, I’m guessing that they didn’t. 

Ralf’s Recommendations was a real hole in the wall, just like Marvin said. The stairs leading up to it were narrow, a nondescript door marking the entrance with a simple sign hanging up. Pushing it open, I was greeted with the smell of brewing coffee and paper, a small bell announcing my entrance. 

My gaze swept over the place and it could best be described as homely. There were bookshelves dotted about, packed with books with chairs and beanbags by them. The place was surprisingly busy for a hole in the wall, quite a few of the chairs were occupied. Mostly by teens around my age. A few of them chatted, but their words were lost in a lofi jazzhop song that played. All in all, just from the look and smell of it, Marvin was going to keep his money. 

I ordered myself a latte and while it was being made by a college girl with multi-colored hair and a nose ring, I began my hunt for a new book to read. As Marvin said, there were all kinds of series, a little bit of everything, and maybe it was because I was in a new world, but I wasn’t recognizing a lot of names. Each bookcase was a genre, and it seemed to go beyond the basics -- Mysticism, magic, historical fiction, alien novels and so on. 

“Nero,” the barista called out, breaking my indecision on which book to start with. Grabbing one, I grabbed my coffee from her, trying to draw as little attention to my eyes as I could-

“As in the Roman Emperor?” A dry woman’s voice commented, bringing my attention to the source and…



“Uhhh,” I returned intelligently, looking down at Raven, or Rachel Roth. Her skin was a light gray, her hair black while her eyes were a royal purple. A deep red gem rested in the center of her forehead, looking like a simple piece of jewelry or something, no different than the light eyeliner that she wore. Only if she had that, then Trigon, one of this universes version of the devil, resided inside. Except the actual devil ran a bar and spent his days singing Elton John here, but the whole fire and brimstone kind of devil. She looked older than I expected -- around my age, or older. 

She wore a dark blue long sleeve with a wide neckline that dipped over one of her shoulders, showing off a thick line that seemed to be a strap of a sports bra. It was loose fitting, her modest bust pushing out against the thin fabric, and flowed down to a pair of tight fitting black jeans that had more than their fair share of rips and tears. A simple pair of sneakers covered her feet, complimenting the outfit. 

Raven was looking at me, an eyebrow cocked at my gobsmacked expression. Right. She was expecting an answer. What did she say?

“Er, that’s the one,” I agreed, my old history lessons catching up with me a second later then I realized who I just admitted to naming myself after. “Party boy, tyrant and a lover of music,” I said, recalling one of Nero’s quotes. ‘I wish all of Rome was a single neck so I could behead everyone at once.’ Great guy. 

“The one that slept with his mother and sister before having them assassinated?” Raven pressed a note of amusement in her voice. Wait, wasn’t she an empath? So she could probably see how badly I’m freaking out internally, couldn’t she?

“A family man,” I said, and with those three words, I proved that I would never gain access to time travel because a future me didn’t come back in time to punch me in the mouth before I could make an incest joke to one of the hottest girls I had ever seen in my entire life. Raven was already part of the explanation for my thing for goth girls, and, looking at her now, she was a 15/10. Wait, no, she had magic and crap too. 20/10. 

Raven cocked an eyebrow as if silently asking me if that was the response I wanted to stick with. And the answer to that question was a great big no.

“I’m just going to pretend like I didn’t just say that. But, uh, big fan,” I started, hoping that I didn’t just shift from weird guy to creepy weird guy. Raven blinked at that, tilting her head to the side as she considered me. 

“You can see through my glamour,” she observed, and I had absolutely no clue what she was talking about, but she seemed pretty certain. 

“...sorry?” I tried, having no idea what I was apologizing for, or even that I should. I shouldn’t have, apparently because Raven shook her head as she shifted in her chair. There was another across from her, so I slid into it so the barista wouldn’t be staring at the side of my head while we spoke. 

“Don’t be. I’m just surprised,” Raven dismissed, her gaze raking over me with a critical glance. “It doesn’t happen often, but I suppose I shouldn’t be. Your mental defenses are rather considerable...I take this wasn’t a chance meeting?” She questioned, but judging from the tone she spoke with, it sounded like she thought she knew the answer. Nothing about her changed exactly -- not her posture, expression or anything, but all of a sudden Raven seemed a lot more dangerous. 

“Uh, no, actually. I mean, it is by chance,” I corrected myself, trying to make it clear that I hadn't been seeking her out even as my brain raced to comprehend what she said. What mental defenses? I was an idiot half of the time! And, wait, was she trying to read my mind and stuff? Raven's powers were vague at the best of times, but it wouldn't be shocking if she could. "I just got recommended the place and thought I'd check it out." 

Raven searched my face for a moment, looking for a lie before she gave a shallow nod. "I see," she said, and it was clear that she didn't quite believe me. 

"And I have no idea how I could see through your glamour. I wasn't trying to, or anything," I offered, feeling my welcome being worn out by the second and, more than anything, that sucked. First Beast Boy couldn't stand me, which would be fine if it hadn't made the others suspicious, and now Raven thought I was a stalker? After Hinata called out another man's name, my emotions have taken a beating today. 

"Wait, actually," I started, realizing the most likely culprit. I was a dragon with magic...only...I couldn't tell her that, could I? The fact that she wasn't wiping the floor with me meant that the Titans didn't know I was the dragon that killed Psimon. Telling her that I was a dragon would connect that dot and then they would know my non-dragon face. "I think I have an idea. Could you do a glamor so people can't see my hands or something?" 

Her eyebrows drew together but she nodded, "I've had one up since you sat down." She informed, sounding more curious than concerned that I hadn't noticed. Hopefully, that would help convince her that I wasn't stalking her, or anything. 

"Oh? Well, I guess to explain a little -- yesterday, I, uh, well, I died." I explained, cupping my hands together, rapidly puzzling out what I should show her. I shouldn't show her the white flames, even though they were arguably more impressive. It had too much of a connection to the fire I was spitting out in my bipedal dragon form. 

"My condolences?" Raven spoke, her tone dry as she watched me carefully. Her gaze widened a fraction when a small black flame flickered to life above my palm, her calm expression morphing into naked astonishment. 

"After, I was able to use this. It destroys stuff, but only what I want it to. And I'm not too sure what the limits are because a friend of mine was pretty injured and I used this stuff to destroy the wound. She was fine afterward, only needed some sleep. Do you have any idea what it is?" I asked, watching Raven stare into the flames as she shifted in her chair. 

"I don't," she admitted, crushing my hopes for an easy answer. "But this magic...is old. Ancient and powerful. I can feel that much just by looking at it...I never encountered anything quite like it before." She said, her flat tone carrying a hint of wonder. "And you have no idea how you tapped into it?" 

"If I did, then it wasn't on purpose," I confirmed. 

"Your death is obviously the likeliest explanation, but you must have already had a connection to it and dying served as a catalyst. Have you ever practiced magic before?" Raven asked, still staring at the flame. 

"Not a once." 

“Does your family have a history of magical talent?” Raven asked with a small frown. She lifted on hand, an ominous black glow emitting from her hands. Unlike the kid’s show, it wasn’t a solid area of darkness, but whisps of it, like smoke, and where the darkness was, the colors were inverted.

“I don’t think so, and I have no way to find out,” I answered, feeling...something wash over my hand. I’m guessing magic. My words made Raven pause, her gaze darting to mine before she looked away sharply. 

“I...sorry,” she said, getting a shrug out of me. She wasn’t wrong with the reason why I couldn’t get in contact with my parents because it wasn’t just because I was in a new universe. 

“Don’t be,” I returned, offering a lopsided smile to show that no harm had been done. Raven blinked, the edges of her own lips starting to tug upwards before she caught herself. I was surprised -- Raven was more...expressive than I thought she’d be. Her smiles were small, and it wouldn’t be wrong to say that her expression was blank most of the time, but she did more than stare bluntly as the comics and shows liked to portray. 

“Can you help me find out what this is?” I requested directly, knowing that I wasn’t going to be able to find out on my own, and odds were I wasn’t going to run into another powerful magic user like Raven again. There was a risk of her connecting the dots of...what happened at the mall, but so long as I kept my draconic nature a secret, then I should be good. Not to mention, Raven might have a way to bring Hinata back to her own world. 

“I will,” Raven agreed with surprising quickness. I thought she would think about it, or...well, I guess she was a hero. A real one. “It could take some time, but I’ll do what I can. I’ll get started-”

She cut herself off when I waved a hand. I wanted to know what this was, but not bad enough to cut this conversation short. “Don’t worry about it. If you’re here, then I’m guessing you have some free time and I’m not going to mess with that. Especially since I’m guessing it doesn’t happen often?” 

Raven hesitated before she nodded slowly, the tension bleeding out of her as she let the magic surrounding her hand fade as I did the same. “It’s hardly like we spend every moment on patrol, but we have a strict schedule. This is my first day off in a few weeks,” she admitted after a moment, settling in her chair. “I’m free, outside of an emergency.”

Right, so I’m guessing that work was a no go topic that she didn’t want to even think about. I knew that feeling all too well. Still, I kinda wanted to ask about the titans because, well, superheroes...but no, I had something resembling self-restraint. Sort of. If you tilted your head a bit and squinted. 

“Your book any good?” I asked, striking up a conversation as I took a sip of my admittedly pretty great coffee. I should have given Marvin a bigger tip. Raven looked caught off guard by the question before she answered. 

It was, apparently. A book about a man with two souls struggling for control over a body -- neither good nor evil, just in a state of conflict because only one could survive in the end. It had her personal recommendation, meaning that I was going to be picking it up as soon as I could. This led to another question of other books she recommended and Raven had a surprisingly long list. 

I have her a few series that I swore by -- the Expanse novel series, the Lightbringer series, and a few others. I read a little bit of everything, so provided that the series actually existed in this world, then I gave as many recommendations as I got. The conversation spiraled from there -- from genres to the fact that Raven read knockoff books about magic because she found them funny and so on. 

Minutes turned to hours, my coffee became cold as we chatted away. Somehow, I managed to not stuff my entire foot into my mouth once during the conversation. Even better, Raven didn’t seem like she was partaking out of a sense of obligation. In the end, it was only her phone that interrupted us, otherwise, we could have gone on for hours. 

“I have to get back to the tower since I’m in reserve tomorrow,” Raven informed a note of disappointment in her voice. She glanced at me, giving me a slight smile, “I’ll look into your magic. I promise,” she swore as I stood as well. 

Right. Man up and ask. 

“Do you think I could get your phone number? You know, in case I figure something else out, or you do?” I asked, trying to be as casual as I could, and I was really lucky that she couldn’t read my mind or anything. The question seemed to catch her off guard for a moment before she nodded. 

“Here…” Raven agreed, handing me a napkin and, before my eyes, in dark purple ink nine digits appeared on the surface. “And I suppose I should get yours in case you figure out something about your magic that could help me identify it,” she returned. Unfortunately, I had to give her my number in a much more mundane manner.

“I’ll see you later then,” I said, giving her a small awkward wave even though she was standing about a foot away from me. Thankfully, she returned it before a dark spot grew at her feet before she began to sink into the floor. 

“See you then.” With that, she was gone. I stared at where she disappeared to for a long moment, replaying the entire thing in my head. 

I couldn’t stop myself from doing a small fist pump -- holy shit, she was so far out of my league and I got her phone number. Apparently, the action didn’t go unnoticed because I heard the barista let out a snort of laughter, making me glance over to see that she was laughing at me. I didn’t even care. I just smiled back and ordered another coffee because I was going to read every single book that Raven recommended and I didn’t care if it took me all night. 

“I don’t think I need to sleep,” I muttered to myself as I walked back to my car. Me and Kitten went at it pretty much all night, I got maybe three hours of sleep at most. Throughout the day, things kept happening so I figured that I would end up crashing once I had time to unwind -- which is what was meant to happen with the pool and Hinata, but...well...yeah. Now, at five in the morning, after nothing but reading, I realized that I didn't feel tired at all. 

If anything, I felt wide awake. 

"Cool," I said, sliding into my car. Unfortunately, Marvin wasn't here, so I couldn't throw money at him for setting me up. I tossed a pile of books into the passenger seat -- in the end, there were too many books for me to read them all in a single night but the bleary-eyed barista let me take them home on the condition I bring them back. "Opens up so much time for activities." 

More times than I could count it felt like there weren't enough hours in the day and all of a sudden I gained an extra eight. My phone felt heavy in my pocket, wanting to shoot Raven a text already but I knew that was a bad move. For one, she was probably asleep. Secondly, the twenty-four hours rule. If I sent a text now, I'd look desperate. Raven would probably tell the Teen Titans and they'd all think I was desperate. And then I'd die of humiliation. 

The drive home was a silent one except for the wind. Even the dread of having to face Hinata again couldn't take the edge off my good mood. Pulling into the garage, I grabbed my books and coffee before walking back into the living room. 

With any luck, she would still be asleep so I could actually put some thought of what I was going to say- 

"Nero-san?" Hinata greeted me, her eyes wide as I came up the steps. Apparently I could stride towards six superpowered assholes no problem, but meeting her gaze made my instincts scream flight to the point that I was petrified for a few seconds. Though, the same happened to Hinata from the look of it because her toast was paused halfway to her lips from her plate. 

A heavy silence fell between us. It was so heavy that it crushed whatever hope that I had that Hinata had gotten so drunk that she didn’t remember what had happened at all just so I could pretend that it never happened, thus I would never have to deal with it. Her cheeks were slowly turning a bright red the longer that she looked at me, but I think it was more because she forgot to breathe as we stared at each other. 

“Uh,” I started, scratching at the back of my neck, “morning?” Maybe if I act casual, I could not-

“I’m sorry!” Hinata shouted, interrupting my thoughts as she bowed so deeply that I spared a worry that she was about to slam her face into the counter. A genius I might not be, but I didn’t need to be to know what she was apologizing for. It was obvious from the mortification in her voice. 

“Er,” I started, not sure what to say. Eventually, I just let out a small sigh, “look, you don’t have anything to apologize for. I knew you were in love with Naruto -- you told me that. And just because we were, you know, messing around doesn’t mean you owe me anything.”

Hinata’s shoulders sagged as she rose, her expression serious, “I...have loved Naruto-kun for...since before I knew what love was…” She started, and if that wasn’t a sign that she regretted last night then I don’t know what was. “But,” she continued, “I know that he doesn’t feel the same way towards me. His heart belongs to another.”

“I’m sorry,” I told her, my legs unfreezing so I could close the door behind me and walk towards the counter. It wouldn’t help, but what else could I say? That her confession would go unanswered for years, but then he’ll suddenly return them so the creator of the series can make the next generation to cash in on nostalgia?

Hinata shook her head, looking oddly at peace, which was a lot better than her crying. “It’s okay. I know I’m not likely to ever hear his answer, but I’m glad that I finally managed to bring myself to confess.” She spoke with a gentle acceptance, her white eyes with a hint of lavender glancing up at me before she set down her piece of toast. With crumbs still on her fingertips, she reached out to grab my hand. 

“And now…,” Hinata continued quietly, “I think it’s time I try to move on.”

I didn’t expect that. I didn’t expect that at all. 

“I…” Hinata continued, looking away, blushing. “I don’t know...if I’m ready for a r-relationship. It wouldn’t be fair to you. But...until then, I want…” Hinata looked up at me. Her eyes might as well have been magnets because they drew me right in. She tilted her head back, granting me a perfect angle to press a featherlight kiss on her lips. Her hand squeezed down on mine, interlocking her fingers with mine as she deepened the kiss.  

Hinata took the lead this time, drawing me in so my body was pressed against hers, only thin cloth separating us. Her free hand went up to my shoulder, to the back of my neck before she began to dip down to my chest, then my stomach until finally, her hand rested on my groin. Pulling back, Hinata broke off the kiss, her breathing heavy as she looked back up at me. “You made me feel amazing last night,” she told me, making my cock twitch, earning an embarrassed blush from her. 

Then she dropped to her knees, feeling my cock through my jeans. I couldn’t tell if it was a good or a bad thing that I wasn’t wearing underwear at the moment. Her face was bright red as she traced a hand along my length that clearly strained against my pants. “I-I,” there was a slight quiver in her voice, “want to return the favor…” 

With deft hands, she undid my button and zipper, my cock springing free with enough force that it nearly hit her. Hinata swayed dangerously as she stared up at it, the low light from the sun outside casting a long shadow of my cock on her face. Swallowing thickly, Hinata rested her hands on my thighs, trying to bring herself to take the plunge. “It’s very...large,” Hinata commented, making a swell of pride bloom in my chest. 

“Do you-” I started to ask when Hinata simply stared at my cock, only to be cut off when she closed the distance between her soft lips and my cockhead. She pulled back for a moment, eying my cock like she had expected that to be enough to make me cum. When I didn’t, Hinata leaned back in, her lips parting as she kissed my cock to take me in. “Hmm,” I hummed, savoring the feeling of her warm wet mouth enveloping my cock.

Her tongue hesitantly licked the underside as she took me deeper into her mouth, her hands gripping my thighs as she pushed herself down. Pale lavender eyes stared up at me, the sight of it was intoxicating. A hand went down to her head, resting it there and it took everything that I had not to start thrusting. Instead, I leaned back against the counter, giving her room to work with, then nodded. 

Hinata obeyed, drawing her head back as she went to work. The quiet kitchen was filled with the harsh sounds of her slurping on my dick, choking when she took me too deeply. Her tongue explored my cock, licking it in long, determined, licks as she sucked. “Shit, Hinata,” I breathed, closing my eyes while my words seemed to encourage her. One of her hands went to the parts that she couldn’t take in, stroking them as she gave an enthusiastic blowjob. 

She was inexperienced, but a rapid learner. In minutes, her blowjob went from enthusiastic but clumsy, to an orgasm brewing in my balls in no time. “Suck that dick,” I commanded, leaning forward, her pale eyes still staring up at me as she tried to take me a bit deeper, only to sputter. Pulling back, Hinata revealed a coating of spit on my cock and some of it had dripped onto her chest. Of their own will, my hands unzipped her hoodie, pushing it to the side to reveal Hinata’s breasts. 

“Nero…” Hinata muttered, embarrassed, but I silenced her by taking her nipples between two fingers and rolling them. A moan escaped her as I led her forward. She got the hint because her soft lips wrapped around my cock and continued to suck even as I played with her nipples. Her breasts were soft and smooth, yet firm. Breasts were clearly gods greatest creation, but Hinata’s were a masterpiece among masterpieces. 

One hand dipped between her legs and I smiled at the sight of her playing with herself through her pants as her tongue swirled over my cockhead. Her blush darkened when she realized that I caught her doing it, but she didn’t let it stop her. That just made my smile grow as I continued to grope her boobs. 

I fought off my orgasm as long as I could, but my cock throbbed as a warning that I was losing that battle. “I’m about to cum,” I warned her. Instead of pulling back, Hinata sucked that much harder. That set me off, my orgasm hit me like a brick. I was lucky I was leaning against the counter because my legs went weak. It was as if Hinata had just sucked out every bit of tension that I’ve had in my entire life, and now I felt so light I could fly off. 

“Ohhhh…” I groaned, leaning heavily against the counter. “Oh, damn,” I swore as Hinata pulled her mouth off my cock. Her pale eyes met mine, her mouth full of my cum before she swallowed it. 

“Did that feel good?” She questioned once her mouth was empty, sounding like she honestly meant the question. I couldn’t stop a small laugh that escaped me as I caught my breath, my heart hammering at my ribs as if I had just run a marathon. I was hardly an expert in getting blowjobs, but that one blew my limited prior experience with them out of the water. 

“That felt amazing,” I told her, getting a gentle smile out of Hinata. It became stiff when she noticed that my cock was still saluting proudly, a shine of her spit coating it. Her gaze darted back up to me, and I took the moment to cup her breast, making her groan as her stiff nipple pressed against the palm of my hand. “But you shouldn’t leave your own needs unattended.” 

As I spoke, I dipped down to her level, a hand going from her breast, gripping her zipper to fully unzip her hoodie. Hinata’s breathing hitched when my hand covered hers on her groin. “Unless you don’t want to take this any further?” I questioned, pinching her chin to make her look up at me when she tried to look away in embarrassment. 

Her voice faltered as she gazed into my eyes, a heavy blush on her face as she seemed to struggle to find any words. Then, almost mouthing the words, she spoke, “be gentle…”

I didn’t respond with words but with action. Pushing her jacket off of her shoulders, leaving her torso bare, my lips latched onto a nipple as I gently led her down so she was on her back, her jacket offering up some comfort. I really should take this to a bed, or somewhere other than the kitchen floor, but the moment would be lost then. Hinata pressed my head to her breast, and while she did, my hands went to her loose pants and began to tug them down along with her underwear. 

“You’re so wet,” I told her, tossing her pants and plain panties to the side. She really was, even if she did try to hide it, only failing because I was between her legs. “You enjoyed sucking my dick that much?” I questioned, peeling off my jacket and tossing it to the side. She was wet enough that I didn’t have to worry about foreplay, even though she was a virgin. She was absolutely drenched. 

“I…” Hinata faltered, falling silent when I took off my shirt, leaving me only half-dressed. She stared at my cock as I dipped a hand into my wallet to pull out a condom, rolling it on before we were ready to continue. 

“Hinata, are you sure you want to continue?” I asked, one hand lazily stroking her smooth thigh. “I’m not going to be mad, or anything, if you don’t. I just don’t want you to regret this,” I told her, realizing that my words and appearance were probably at odds.

“I won’t,” Hinata said with surprising firmness as she reached out to grab my hands once I settled them on her wide hips. “Nero...I want you…” She trailed off in embarrassment, and that’s all I needed to hear. 

I angled my hips down, lining my cock up with her entrance, her breathing hitching when my cock first touched her. Hinata braced herself, holding her breath before I began to press forward. Her body gave into me, pressing down on me on all sides, until I was fully sheathed inside of her, my hips meeting hers. Hinata stared down through the valley of her breasts at where we were connected with a disbelieving expression. 

“Does it hurt?” I questioned, knowing that she was a virgin even if I hadn’t noticed a hymen. I’m sure she lost hers doing some crazy ninja training, or something. 

“A little, but I feel very...full,” Hinata marveled, her breathing shallow as my hands began to ghost upwards, stroking her sides while occasionally dipping low to her thighs, or up to her breasts. “You can move...does it feel good for you…?” She asked as I slowly drew out. 

The condom was annoyingly thick, muddling the sensations of her vagina, but I’d rather it than have any kids any time soon. “You feel amazing,” I told her, slowly pushing myself back into her, letting her get used to the sensation. Her breathing hitched, her grip tightening as I found places that she had never known about. “You’re so damn tight, Hinata,” I whispered, going in to plant a kiss on her collarbone. “Are you ready for me to start?” I asked, kissing my way up to her ear. 

“...you haven’t already?” Hinata questioned, earning a breathy laugh from me. 

Then I drew back my hips before jerking them forward, a shallow thrust that startled a moan from Hinata. My hips found a slow, smooth rhythm that made sweet music come from Hinata’s mouth. She leaned her head back as I left a lovebite on her neck, my hands exploring her body, finding those places that made her lose her mind last night. 

“Oh, Nero,” Hinata breathed and hearing her moan my name drove me to pick up my pace. Her hands hung onto my shoulders, hugging me to her with a strength that I couldn’t hope to match. In response, my hands went to her hips to pick her up, granting me a better angle to fuck her with. “Nero…!” Hinata moaned into my ear over the harsh sound of flesh smacking. Her pussy clamped down on me without any warning a split second before her lower lips gushed, her arousal dripping down me and soaking my pants. 

She came already, but most of that was from her own handiwork. 

My hips kept moving, drawing out her orgasm as one hand went to her clit and began tormenting it. I wanted to hear it again, I realized as my lips sucked on her neck, leaving behind a hickey. I wanted to hear her shout my name like she had that blonde idiot’s. With that desire driving me forward, I picked up the pace, my hips slamming into hers, angling myself to find the spots that drove her wild. 

“Nero, slow down, I’m-” Hinata began, only to cut herself off as I felt her clamp down on me again, a moan ripping out of her throat, her breasts heaving with the action. That bounced in small, hypnotic circles, and throughout her second orgasm, I kept slamming into her hips. 

“Say my name,” I told her, my fingers digging into her firm ass, pulling back so I wasn’t leaning over her. I was drunk on her body -- a sheen of sweat making her pale skin shine in the morning sun, drops of sweat gathering on her perfect breasts, her groin soaked with her arousal. I wasn’t an art guy, but the sight of her breathlessly moaning as I fucked her, her breast heaving with each thrust...that was a painting. 

“Nero,” Hinata moaned, obeying my whim. I felt my balls clench, knowing my second orgasm was nearing, but I fought it off with sheer will of the likes deserving of a goddamn power ring if there was a position available in the Green Lanterns for this sector. “Nero…!” Hinata moaned again, her eyes half-lidded, her face flushed, panting for breath. After feeling two, I noticed the signs of her next orgasm coming as her walls massaged the length of my cock. 

Her breathing hitched, bracing herself as her hands grabbed down on my forearms. “Neroooo!” Hinata shouted, her hips jerking upwards as her orgasm gushed over my length while I bottomed out inside of her. Hinata trembled underneath me, this orgasm more powerful than the one last night that knocked her out. Her breathing was erratic and uneven, lost in a sea of pleasure and would only return once the tides receded. 

After a long minute, I extracted myself from her, the condom slipping off of my cock as I did. Hinata gulped down deep breaths of air, and, for a moment, I leaned back to admire the sight. Her chest heaving, the shine on her skin, the beads of sweat racing down her pale flesh...then the trail of white dripping out of her from the inflated condom left inside of her vagina. 

My cock stirred at the site and I got the feeling that I wasn’t going to get much accomplished today. 


Benjamin Lawton

Just how… virile… is Nero, anyway, just out of curiosity? As in, if he and whichever waifu are so into each other that they forget the rubber, just how likely is it for him to knock her up? *insert standard joke about the potency of a dragon's seed here*


About as fertile as you can get. If it were possible to get pregnant touching semen, then both Kitten and Hinata would be pregnant a hundred times over. Though, to balance things out, with Dragon Blood perk, if they drink enough of it they can gain superpowers, so small sacrifices.