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I really wish I had a mirror, I reflected as I fiddled with my rolled-up sleeves. I had a good idea of how I looked thanks to the ones at the Guildhall, but walking through a city of sweaty, filthy peasants tended to leave small details out of place. Was my hair still in the same position? Did everything look as I left it? I knew Hestia wouldn’t notice these things, or if she did, she wouldn’t care, but it was the first-date jitters. 

Even if it might be a formality, it was still a first date. The need to want everything to be absolutely perfect was getting to me, just a little. It didn’t need to, not really -- more often than not, so long as the other person was having fun, the details of the perfect date didn’t really matter, and I knew that, but this was an actual goddess. A goddess that came down from heaven. 

Things didn’t have to be perfect, but I wanted them to be. And...shit, I was bringing Hestia to an adventurer’s bar as our first date? I had money, I should be taking her to some fine dining faux-Italian rip-off or whatever equivalent this world had. Something fancy, and expensive and...I...was overthinking this. Again. 

Letting out a small sigh, I adjusted my collar before making sure that not a single hair was out of place on my head. I did the breath trick by licking the back of my hand, waiting a few seconds, then smelling to find that my breath nearly stank of mint. At least I didn’t have to worry about deodorant. 

I probably would have gone right back into messing with my clothes if I didn’t hear the sounds of footsteps approaching. Ordinarily, I never would have heard the soft taps that told me that whoever was approaching was small, but as my Sense stat rose, my hearing got better and better. I heard a soft breath that was nearly lost to the sound of the false door moving enough so that Hestia could squeeze herself through. 

I turned to the steps, seeing her slender legs first that gave way to a short wavy white dress with a deep purple hem at the skirt and the collar. Her hair was down, letting her long black locks fall all the way down to her butt -- it was weird just how different Hestia appeared without her hair done up. If it weren’t for her bright blue eyes filled with nervous energy, I probably wouldn’t recognize her. 

“You look amazing,” I said, smiling at her as she blushed while fingering the hem of her dress. I held out a bouquet of flowers that I had picked up on my way back from the Guildhall, Hestia lite up when she saw them, crossing the distance to take them. “I saw that the others were starting to wilt a little bit, so I picked up some fresh ones.”

“I love them,” Hestia smiled back at me, her gaze traveling the length of my body as she went to go put them in a vase. “And you look very handsome, Jericho.” She returned the compliment, her blush deepening as she turned to face me. Again she fiddled with the hem of her dress, looking at me- ah. 

“I mean it, you look fantastic,” I told her, guessing that she was worried about how nice she was dressed. I saw her relax at my words, knowing that they were the truth because they didn’t pick up on her lie detector. 

“I see you finally got your clothes,” Hestia said, clasping her hands in front of her, her arms left bare of their signature white gloves. Now she was looking absolutely everywhere but at me, except stealing small glances every couple of seconds. It was adorable, if not very stealthy. I let out a small laugh as I closed the distance between us. 

It seemed I wasn’t the only one with first-date jitters. 

Slowly, I reached down to take one of her hands in mine. Hestia squeezed my oversized hand as I lead us up the steps into the ruined church. “Yeah, I got this and a few other outfits but I’ll keep my old outfit for dungeon diving,” I said, making small talk as we made our way out of the church. One of the biggest hurdles, in my experience, was making small talk until you found a topic that swept the time away.

“I’m glad you won’t be stuck wearing the same clothes all the time. Did it really have to take so long?” Hestia chatted away with me as we made our way towards the Hostess of Fertility. The sun was beginning to make its descent to the horizon, basking the streets in an orangish glow. It was picture-perfect. 

“I’m more shocked that they had enough cloth. When I told the tailors I wanted a few outfits, their eyes nearly bugged out,” I said, earning a giggle from her. “I will admit, it is nice to not be wearing clothes that were soaked in sweat and blood all the time.” My tank top had more than a few spots were blood wouldn’t wash out.

“But,” I continued, running a thumb over the back of her hand. “It’s your turn now.”

“My turn? For what?” Hestia questioned, mimicking the action back to me. 

“To buy more clothes,” I explained as we slowly made our way to the Hostess of Fertility. “Dresses, shoes, you name it. Fair is fair, after all.” There was something different about buying clothes from a store than having them custom made to fit your body. It wasn’t exactly fun or anything like that, but it was more enjoyable than picking out a shirt you liked and that being that. 

However, Hestia was shaking her head. “We can’t, we have to save every valis for Lili!” She reminded, her voice firm, earning a small wince from me. If there was such a thing as a downer topic, then talking about how a larger familia might be forcing us into indentured servitude if they found out what we were planning was it. 

“We do,” I agreed easily enough, “but I can’t imagine that Lili would want us to go without. If you want,” I offered when Hestia looked ready to refuse again, “I can ask her tomorrow about everything. If she can get a quota from Zanis, then we’ll have a real number to work towards.” 

I couldn’t remember how much he had asked for in the anime, but I knew it was a stupid amount that no normal familia could hope to pay off in a single lifetime. I was making some serious money on the upper floors but-

“Ah,” I caught my thoughts spiraling down that rabbit hole. Hestia looked up at me questioningly, so I smiled down at her. “Tonight is all about fun and taking it easy. So, no more talk about the Soma familia and what they might do.”

Hestia nodded happily at that, blowing out a small sigh that seemed to blast away her worries. “You’re right! Let’s not think about those jerks at all tonight! I want to think about…” she trailed off, blushing as she leaned against me, her bright blue eyes darkening with… ”more pleasant things.”

Well then. 

“I couldn’t agree more,” I told her honestly, shoving the issue with the Soma familia far out of my mind for the rest of the night. I could spend all day worrying about them tomorrow -- tonight was all about me and Hestia. 

After that, it didn’t take us very long to reach the Hostess of Fertility. The building itself didn’t look that much different than it did in the anime. A large sign up top that proclaimed what it was, a two-story building that could best be described as homey despite being an adventurer’s bar. Though, I guess that was what they were going for. 

“I like it,” Hestia decided, spotting the building. “It looks homey,” she said, more or less speaking my thoughts word for word.

“Hm, I’m guessing it’s because adventurer’s come from all over the world to delve into the Dungeon. The owner is an adventurer, or was, so I guess she wants to give people a taste of home,” I commented, wondering if the fact that Mia was an adventurer was common knowledge. It wasn’t ever brought up in the anime, but I knew that everyone that worked here was at least a second rate adventurer. 

Given the reactions to Mia’s threats, I’m guessing that most people knew.

“Let’s go inside,” Hestia decided, rushing forward to shove open the doors to make a grand entrance. I followed in after her, having to duck down to avoid hitting my head, but luckily the ceiling was fairly high. My gaze swept over the interior to see that it was fairly packed out with adventurers. I recognized a few of them, though only in passing. 

The bar was filled with the sounds of chatter, laughing, boasting and arguing. Some still wore their armor, but people of all shapes and sizes sat at the tables, eating and drinking their fill. All the while, waitresses dressed in forest green maid outfits with white aprons, identical to the one Syr was wearing before. 

It didn’t take me long to spot Ryuu. Her face was deadpan as she weaved between tables with a grace that I was learning only belonged to seasoned adventurers. Her eyes a deep blue that almost matched Hestia’s, her pointed ears sticking through her short blonde hair, the angles of her face were sharper than most -- almost in an uncanny way. 

“Ah! It’s Syr’s catch of the day, nya~!” I heard a woman exclaim and when I looked over, I saw that she was dramatically pointing at me. A girl wearing the same outfit as Syr and Ryuu, her eyes were gold with her pupils slants like a cat. The chestnut brown cat ears on top of her head only completed the image. 

“Uh,” I started, seeing a few people glance over at us, their gaze lingering on me, then Hestia. The aura around her made it impossible to ignore her. “That’s me?” I knew it was an open secret how Syr roped customers into eating here, but I figured that would be a trade secret. You know, not the kind of thing that you blurt out in the middle of a packed room. 

Hestia made a strangled noise -- I couldn’t see it because of the angle, but whatever expression Hestia wore was enough to make a seasoned adventurer start sweating. She held her hands up in surrender, or to push Hestia off if she attacked before she turned her head to yell at the kitchen. “Syr! Come seat your special guests!” She yelled, making a strategic retreat back to the kitchen. 

Hestia let out a huff the same time as I let out a small laugh. I went to go pat her on the head as a reassurance, but I knew first hand just how touchy girls could be when it came to their hair. Instead, I placed a hand on her shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze as Syr came out of the kitchen. A megawatt smile broke out on her face the moment she saw us, her clothing and hair immaculate, so since she wasn’t an adventurer, then that probably meant she wasn’t working very hard in the back. 

“You finally came! I was really worried that you were avoiding eating here,” Syr said with a friendly smile as she looked over both me and Hestia. Her gaze glided over my length, much like Hestia’s had done earlier before her smile grew a bit bigger. “My, you certainly clean up nice Jericho.”

Before I had a chance to respond, Hestia darted out in front of me, putting herself between us. As if she were acting as some kind of human shield. Then she got in close with Syr as if they were huddling up to discuss a play, Sry playing along even as amusement danced in her steel-gray eyes. 

“W-what are your intentions to Jericho?!” Hestia demanded in a stage whisper that I could have probably heard without my enhanced hearing. I stifled a laugh -- Hestia was jealous. Normally, it was the guy that got antsy when others were eyeing up his date. 

“Ah,” Syr started in a tone that suggested she was enjoying this entirely too much. Her dull gray eyes flickered up to me over Hestia’s head, her friendly grin growing just enough to show a hint of white teeth. Then she leaned in closer, cupping her hand around Hestia’s ear to stop me from overhearing. Whatever it was, it made Hestia’s ears turn bright pink before Syr pulled back. 

Hestia cleared her throat, throwing me a smile that would have looked painfully forced if it weren’t for the embarrassed expression she wore. “T-they have a table r-ready for us!” She blurted like she was forcing the words out of her mouth. She turned on her heel and practically fled towards a table tucked into the corner. Syr placed a hand over her mouth, her shoulder shaking from a few giggles that escaped her. 

Syr turned to me, giving me a kind smile, “you have a wonderful goddess.” She informed, getting a lopsided grin from me. 

“The best,” I corrected, “and thank you for doing this,” I said as we made our way to the table. Hestia was looking around her like the walls themselves had eyes. I had no idea what Syr told her, but as soon as she met my eyes, she blushed so hard I worried that her heart might stop from lack of blood. 

“I’m just making up for slacking off,” Syr dismissed the issue easily as we came to a stop. I glanced down at the chair and...huh. It was bigger than the others. For starters, it was a lot bigger and it looked like it could take my weight unlike the rest of the simple dining chairs. “It’s owner Mia’s. I told her how big you were and she figured a normal dining chair couldn’t support you.”

“Thanks,” I said, taking a seat. It didn’t have a cushion, so it wasn’t exactly comfortable, but it was a lot better than squeezing into a normal chair. 

“Like I said, just making up for slacking off!” Syr responded, though her expression told me she was pleased. “Now, everything on the menu is free! So order as much as you like-” Syr paused before clearing her throat, ever so slightly. If I had to guess, she was one of the cooks tonight. “Please order whatever you like,” she corrected. 

Syr rattled off a few specials before Hestia and I ordered. I was nineteen, lived on my own and was putting myself through college -- well, I was. You could put a plate of anything in front of me and I’d eat it. Hestia picked whatever Syr suggested, her face still beet red as she looked absolutely everywhere but at me. What did Syr tell her?

“I’ll bring your drinks and have that right out for you!” Syr said with a cheery smile, twirling around fast enough that her skirt fanned out before she disappeared into the back. Leaving Hestia and I alone. 

I turned to face her to see that she still wasn’t looking at me, finding the walls extremely interesting. More amused than annoyed with Syr, I let out a small laugh that brought her attention to me. As soon as our gazes met, Hestia looked away. 

“So,” I started, seeing that Hestia wouldn’t be breaking the silence. “Did you enjoy your time at the spa?” 

The only way I could think to describe Hestia’s expression was a thousand-yard stare. She wasn’t even looking at me and I could feel her vacant stare. 

Okay. Apparently, spa days were somehow trauma-inducing. That’s one topic to steer clear of. 

“Er,” what was a better topic? “Are you excited about your new job?” I tried, getting Hestia to glimpse at me before quickly looking away. She managed to give me a mute nod, but that was it. What in the hell did Syr tell her? 

It was less funny now. How were we supposed to have a date when she wouldn’t- Any thought in my head went right out the window when I felt Hestia’s leg brush up against mine. At first, I thought it was an accident -- my legs were a lot bigger than hers, so I needed a lot of room, but when her foot began to rub up against my calf, and her face turned so red and bright that she could be used to pull Santa’s sled, it was clear it was no accident. 

Ah. So, that's what’s going on. 

“Has she told you any more about it?” I asked, a knowing smirk on my face as Hestia’s leg continued to rub against mine. I wasn’t expecting this at all, but it was hardly a bad surprise. Hestia, when she was chasing Bell, was pretty proactive in trying to seduce him. Now that I thought about it a little when I compared how she acting in the anime to how she was with me -- I think Hestia was chasing Bell how she was chased.

I knew at the very least Apollo was chasing after Hestia, and he didn’t exactly strike me as the wine and dine type. Hestia had just kinda thrown herself at Bell and hoped it stuck. If I had to guess, that’s how the gods up in heaven tried to get into her panties. 

Hestia shook her head, a small smile on her lips as her foot raised even higher. She got her other leg involved, not doing anything naughty yet but it was a clear invitation. Her foot ran the length of my inner thigh- well, as much as she could, nearly touching my groin. If she was doing the other leg, she would have noticed my hardening cock. 

When she did switch legs, instead of looking shocked or embarrassed, Hestia looked immensely pleased with herself. I couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped me even if I wanted to. Grinning, I said, “you know, I’m going to have to deal with that when we get up.”

Even as every single drop of blood went straight to Hestia’s face, that pleased grin didn’t falter. “No you won’t,” Hestia spoke for the first time since we sat down. I tried not to think about the implications of that. Was...There was no way that she was offering to...in public? No, now way. Not for her first- “The Hostess,” Hestia continued, running her foot down the length of my cock that was so hard at this point it could be used to bludgeon someone to death. 

“They have rooms upstairs,” Hestia said, reaching out with a hand to grab one of mine, tilting her head at the stairs. “Sty...secured a room...I know that you had something planned, but…” Hestia squeezed my hand, “I don’t want to wait.”

Fuck my plans for candles, blankets and making love underneath the stars. The primal caveman part of my brain told me to flip the table, toss her over my shoulder and march up those stairs. Instead, I squeezed her hand back, my grin growing as I leaned in ever so slightly. 

“You know, we haven’t even been served our drinks yet,” I observed, getting a giggle out of Hestia as she withdrew her foot so she could stand up. 

“Please,” Hestia said in a low whisper that was nearly lost in a sea of noise. The sheer need in her voice… You know what? The date was a formality. Let’s just skip to the ending that both of us were waiting for. 

Pushing myself up, I glanced over to see if anyone would notice our departure just in time to meet Syr’s gaze. There was a knowing smirk on her face as she held a handful of mugs of beer. ‘Enjoy’ she mouthed at me before sending me a saucy wink. 

Well, I guess I knew who to thank for this turn of events.

'Thank you' I mouthed right back at her as I stood up, careful to keep my back to most of the patrons. I was sporting some serious wood at the moment and it was very obvious. It was only because my gaze lingered on her, but I saw Syr's eyes widen a fraction when she saw my cock threatening to tear right through my new dress pants. I was never, ever, going to get tired of seeing that expression on a beautiful girl's face when she saw exactly how big my dick was. 

And with that, it was Hestia that lead us upstairs. I'm certain that at least one person saw us go because I heard a wolf whistle as we walked up. Hestia paused at the top of the stairs, her gaze zoning in on the center door. Hestia marched towards is with a sense of purpose, grabbing the handle with her free hand she threw the door open to reveal a very basic room. A simple bed that was made, a bookshelf filled with books, and a sitting chair to read in. 

I closed the door behind us, nearly silencing the crowd below. Hestia stood in front of me, her back facing me. I dropped my hands on her shoulders, making her lean into me. We stood there in silence for a long second. I swallowed down an offer to end things here before they went too far. Hestia wanted this just as much as I did. There was no point. 

Slowly, I pushed the open collar that hung on her shoulders down. Heatia shifted to let the dress fall, it coiling at her feet. Her sizable breasts were exposed, the familiar pink pebbled peak pointed straight ahead. I heard and felt Hestia let out a shuddering breath as my hands lowered to cup her breasts. My hands were big enough to cover them, but pale flesh spilled between my fingers. 

My fingers closed in on her nipples, earning soft sighs as I played with stiff breasts. Perfect soft, perfectly form and just...perfect. But, tonight was more than just fooling around before bed. Tonight was the night that Hestia lost her virginity. 

The plan was still in effect. Well, more of a desperate hope that this world functioned under hentai logic. Either way, the plan was to make her cum her brains out long before I inserted anything. If my years of watching hentai taught me anything it was that it made no difference just how big the dick was if she was aroused enough then getting split in half felt so good that it could inside a mind-shattering orgasm.

Gently, I spun her around to see Hestia was already aroused. Bending down, much like I did that Amazon, I picked Hestia up and closed the considerable distance between our lips. Unlike before, the kiss didn't taste of jagamarukuns and salt. It tasted of cherries and something sweet. Chocolate, maybe. The kiss started off simple, our lips pressed together, moving in harmony before it began to deepen. 

Hestia wrapped her legs around me as I carried her towards the bed, groping her ass shamelessly. I hit the bed with my shin hard enough that I probably lost a point of health. As my tongue explored her mouth, the room filled with the sounds of Hestia's clumsy and desperate kissing. Her breasts pressed against my chest, she held me so tight that they were practically flattened against me so she could run her hands through my hair. 

Lowering her onto the bed, I ran into a problem that I saw coming a mile away. Hestia was smol. I was very swol. The height difference was way too much -- if I was on top then I could crush her, or something. So, that meant Hestia had to be on top. After all, the best part of a mating press was to kiss your lover at the same time. The impact was kinda lost when Hestia would be left kissing my stomach. 

I broke the kiss to plant a kiss on her jugular as a hand went down to her pussy, the plain cotton panties were thin, so there was already a damp line that traced her slit. Hestia’s moans were music to my ears as I angled myself off so I wasn’t directly on top of her. A dainty hand grasped at my back, feeling the powerful muscles that flexed and moved with every movement. 

“Jericho,” Hestia breathed, opening her legs to grant me better access to her lower lips. After nearly a week, I knew exactly where to touch to drive her wild. Her tolerance for pleasure was slow-growing, but not enough to keep up with the assault on her senses I was delivering. Already, I could tell there was an orgasm brewing inside her. “Please…!”

“Not yet, you have to be ready first,” I whispered into her ear, making her shiver as my fingers massaged her clit. I had a health potion ready to be used if worse came to worst, but that was my very last resort. The one that came after trying to talk Hestia out of shoving a dick pornstars would bulk at inside her.

Her moans grew higher in pitch as I continued to massage her clit through her panties, feeling her grow wetter and wetter with every second. I kissed lower, tracing her collarbone, then her breast until my lips clasped around her stiff nipple. Hestia’s breath hitched while her hips jerked. It wasn’t an orgasm, not yet, but I would fix that soon enough as I began to lap at her nipple. 

“Jericho!” Hestia moaned my name as she came hard. Her pussy gushed through her panties, soaking my hand as I rubbed her clit throughout the orgasm. Her lower legs shook, trembling as Hestia let waves and waves of pleasure crash over her. 

I never stopped playing with her body throughout it, drawing out her orgasm and to work her way towards her next one. When she finally got her breathing under control, I pulled my head back, sucking on her nipple until it gave way with an audible pop. Hestia let out a small giggle, making me flash a smile at her before I began to kiss downwards. Down her flat stomach, on her bellybutton…

“Jericho?” Hestia breathed, her hands gripping my hair as I grabbed the band of her panties with my teeth and gave them a sharp yank. I tried this move back in high school, thinking was hot, only to fuck it up so it was embarrassing. Now, the sound of cotton tearing was one of the sexiest sounds I had ever heard. 

“Not yet,” I repeated, placing my hands on her thighs that hung off the edge of the bed. I was awkwardly hunched over between her legs, forced onto my knees so I was eye level with her lower lips. Her vagina was beautiful -- her slit was narrow, the clit fully exposed, while the small opening her slit offered revealed the pink inner lips. It was glossy, reflecting light from the few lights, covered in her quim while a drop of arousal dripped from her as I watched. 

I think she knew what I was going to do before I did it because Hestia moved her hips to meet me halfway. I dragged my tongue across her slit, smiling when I heard Hestia let out a deep moan while her hips pressed harder against my face, her grip tightening to stop me from leaving. Not that I ever would. 

Her vagina wept arousal as my tongue pushed open her labia, the taste of her heavy on my tongue. To my surprise, she tasted rather sweet. I lapped it up, the room filled with Hestia’s growing moans. My hands snaked upwards, ghosting over her thighs, her stomach until they found her breasts again. I toyed with her nipples, flicking, pinching, and rolling them. Everything that I learned that drove her wild. 

Hestia’s second orgasm hit with the same force as her first only a few minutes of my ministrations. I knew it was coming, her breaths and moans got lighter and lighter until she was breathless. 

“Oooohhh…” Hestia moaned as her cum gushed out of her. It didn’t come out with the same explosive force as her very first orgasm, but I couldn’t keep up with the amount rushing out of her as her hips trembled until she was shaking. It dripped down my chin, spilling onto the floor until there was a small puddle. 

Her grip went loose as Hestia was lost in a sea of pleasure. Pulling back, I hovered over her, watching her eyelids butterfly open and close. Seeing that I was hovering over her, Hestia reached out to hold onto me. “Jericho…!” She moaned, her desperation was almost palpable. 

But...was this enough? Maybe? If I was having to second guess myself, then I should probably make her cum a few more times. 

“Not yet,” I whispered right back, going in to kiss her while a hand dipped between her legs. Hestia took in a sharp breath before my lips pressed against her own before she moaned into my mouth. My fingers zeroed in on her abused clit, hammer on the pleasure button until, within a minute, Hestia was cumming again. 

Hestia pulled back, her gaze unfocused as she stared up at me. “Y-you’re still dressed,” she observed and it took me a second to realize that she was right. I was still fully dressed and she was as naked as the day she was born. Probably. Kissing her quickly, I pulled back so I was standing. Hestia’s gaze drunk me in as I made quick work of my dress shirt, tossing it to the side carelessly. 

“You’re so strong,” Hestia idly observed as I took off my undershirt, revealing my upper body. I looked down to see a torso made of defined lines and bulging muscle. I think I was actually more buff after a week here, which was even better. 

“I get a good work out every day,” I replied, going to my pants. I watched Hestia as I unbuttoned them before pulling them down. I think this was the first time she saw me fully naked, my cock saluting proudly. She swallowed thickly, a look of nervousness and determination on her face. I don’t think she was ready just yet. 

“I have an idea,” I told her, kicking off my pants before taking off my socks. There was no way to make taking socks off sexy, but I think Hestia was too far gone to care. 

“Oh?” Hestia muttered, blinking a few times as I walked around so I was on the other side of the bed- ahh, it was really soft. Like it was made of feathers or something. If only it was about three feet longer, it would be a perfect bed. Hestia rolled over, crawling towards me. 

“It’s a position I learned a long time ago. Face that way and crawl on top of me,” I explained, it only took a moment for Hestia to realize what was happening. She crawled on top, her pussy facing me so she could suck my dick at the same time. As soon as she settled down, I wasted no time lapping at her pussy once again. 

Hestia squirmed on top of me, her moans were...different? Was she trying to get away from me? Pausing, I noticed the only attention my dick was receiving was a small hand grasping it. Not stroking it, but pulling. 

“I…” Hestia trailed off, shifting so that she could look back at me. Her expression was absolutely devastated like she was told the entire world was ending and it was her fault. “I can’t reach.” 

What? “What?” I asked, confused but there was an edge of amusement.

“I can’t reach! I’m too short!” Hestia shouted forcefully, clenching her eyes shut as if she could will herself to grow taller. I blinked, still not fully getting it, but then it clicked. In this position, Hestia couldn’t give me a blowjob while I was going down on her. She was too short. 

I snorted, a laugh bubbling out of me. That laugh only got louder when Hestia glared at me, “It’s not funny!” She shouted, making me laugh that much harder. Like a domino being tipped over, I couldn’t stop myself from descending into chuckles. All the while, Hestia glared at me, her lips pressed into a thin line while her bangs hung over her eyes to give her an ominous look. 

Eventually, I ran out of steam. “Alright, let’s try this then,” I said, still smiling as I pushed myself back so my back was against the wall. Now that I was hunched over, the distance was reduced. Thankfully, Hestia wasn’t so annoyed at me for laughing that she refused to suck my dick. As soon as she was in range, I felt Hestia’s mouth clamp onto my dick. Just as my tongue was lapping at her pussy, hers was licking the crown of my dick. 

A hand went up to trace her spine, going down until it rested heavily on one of her ass cheeks. I shifted a little more, letting Hestia take me in further. Her tongue lavished attention all over the head, licking it all over like it was a lollipop. It was clumsy, but I couldn’t say that it didn’t feel good. With my free hand, I reached down and settled my hand on the back of her head before gently encouraging her to bob up and down. 

Hestia got the hint and threw herself into the task. Her head bobbed, taking me deeper than she ever had before. She managed to get passed my wide flared head, each time she moved she made it her mission to take me in deeper. She made a gagging sound when I bumped into her throat, forcing her to back off. My mouth was a little busy, so I couldn’t tell her it was okay if that was all she could take, but Hestia probably wouldn’t have listened anyway. 

Arousal dripped from Hestia like a leaking faucet while her head bobbed on my dick. She forced her head back down, gagging on my dick, but she held her head there. After a few seconds, she rose back up, letting herself breath before she went back down. Her tongue licked what she managed to fit into her mouth all over. 

She was nearing another orgasm, and I felt my first brewing in my balls. I redoubled my efforts, savagely lapping at her pussy until the room was filled with the sounds of our pleasure. I held myself back, my cock throbbing as Hestia began to rapidly bob her head, sensing my upcoming release. 

Her pussy gushed for a third time before cum erupted from my dick. Hestia kept her mouth firmly clamped on my dick, swallowing my cum as soon as it entered her mouth. I felt some drip down the nearly airtight seal, the goddess unable to keep up with the sheer amount of cum my balls could produce. All the while, Hestia came hard. Not wanting to get blasted in the face, I drank her release like she did mine. 

Sluggishly, Hestia raised her head, my cock leaving her mouth with an audible pop. Her legs trembled around my head, her pleasantly muscled thighs pressed around my ears. I heard her pant for breath before she slowly turned around to face me. Her face was a mask of ecstasy, her gaze unfocused and her skin flushed. 

“Jericho...I’m ready,” Hestia decided, licking her lips. I nodded, thinking that she was as ready as she was going to be. I reached out, cupping her face with a hand before I nodded, agreeing. Hestia smiled, leaning into my touch before she made to swing her legs over so she was facing me as she straddled my waist, but her legs refused to move. “Ah…”

Yeah, I think she was ready, I figured as I had to slide my hands underneath Hestia’s thighs, turning her so she faced me as I lined her entrance up with the tip of my cock. Hestia looked down in wonderment, moaning my name when my penis pressed against her entrance. 

“Are you ready?” I asked, making her look at me. Her eyes were filled with want, with desire. She nodded rapidly, shifting her hips ever so slightly so I was perfectly aligned with her entrance. This was it. I was about to take Hestia’s virginity. This was…

Dying was the best thing that had ever happened to me. 

With that thought in mind, I gently began to lower Hestia onto my dick. Her entrance pressed down on the tip, more weight pressing down on my dick, but I noticed the issue already. Hestia was absolutely drenched, so it wasn’t a lubrication issue. Her entrance was too small-- or, rather, my dick was way too thick. 

It couldn’t fit. 

Fuck. Fuck! Fuck past me who thought giving myself a bitch breaker was a good idea-

“Hnn!” Hestia took in a bracing breath before she blasted every trace of rational thought out of my mind. I felt my dick get enveloped with a warm, wet embrace, her wall enveloping my cock in a vice grip. Hestia thrust her hips down with all the strength she could manage, filling her pussy to the absolute brim with a single thrust. 

“Ughhhh…!” Hestia groaned, holding onto me tightly. I felt myself bump against her cervix, Hestia filling herself with my cock. She managed to take a lot more than I expected, though there were a few inches left over, still, she had a far deeper pussy than I ever expected. Hestia collapsed forward, her head settling on my chest as I felt her wall clench down on my dick hard enough that it hurt. She was cumming. 

Thank god for hentai logic. 

Her entire body shook, her pussy milking me, but it wasn’t enough to make me blow my second load so early. Hestia drooled on my chest, moaning my name wantonly as waves of pleasure crashed down on her. Cum gushed from her pussy, soaking my waist, but I hardly noticed. She was so tight. So very tight that it was an honest miracle that I hadn’t hurt her, much less gave her a mind-blowing orgasm. 

It took minutes for the tides of her orgasm to finally recced. Her breathing became less erratic before she managed to lift her head off my chest, a stand of drool connecting us. She blinked slowly at me as if she had no idea what was going on, but when she swallowed thickly and spoke, I realized that wasn’t true. 

“You haven’t moved yet,” Hestia observed, lowering her head back down so it rested against my chest again. I traced her spine with my fingers as I answered. 

“I was letting your pussy adjust,” I told her, “do you feel any pain or anything?”

“I feel...full,” Hestia admitted, getting a small laugh out of me. “And goooood. I want to…!” Hestia muttered before she gave a small thrust, making her moan breathlessly. Her walls clenched down of me, trying to keep me buried inside her. When her strength gave out, and she sank back fully onto my dick, she moaned loudly. 

It seems like I was going to be doing the work, but I was hardly complaining about that. I gripped her ass, my fingers sinking into her soft flesh, while her legs were hooked over my arms. With ease, I lifted her bottom half, making Hestia moan again as inch after inch after inch left her body, only to plunge them back inside of her. 

“Yessssss!” Hestia moaned as I began to pick up the pace, lowering and raising her up and down my cock. The sounds of sex filled the room as Hestia moaned carelessly, losing herself back into that sea of pleasure. Her juices dripped down my cock, flowing freely with every movement. 

Hestia held onto me, a deep, full-bodied moan when I gave a small thrust as I lowered her. My hips found a small tempo, thrusting into her pussy. One of her hands grabbed my bicep, squeezing the muscle, feeling it move each time I moved her. When I looked down at her, I saw that Hestia’s gaze was vacant, completely lost in pleasure. The expression that any man wanted to see when he was making love. 

The fucked stupid look, otherwise known as the Ahego. 

Fuck, dying was the best thing that had ever happened to me. I don’t know who was behind the wheel of Truck-kun, but I owed him a drink. 

My pace picked up, thrusting into Hestia now that I knew she could take it. Hestia let out another long moan as I began to seriously fuck her pussy. Sweat began to build upon my brow, lifting Hestia was starting to get tiring, so without any warning, I flipped her on her back. Once I was settled in between her legs, I brought my hips back, drawing out inches of cock before I slammed them back in. 

“I love it!” Hestia muttered, her voice slurred as if she were drunk. “I love you!” She blurted as I began to hammer in and out of her gushing pussy. A wet spot formed on the covers, soaking through the blanket. 

I smiled, loving the sight of Hestia lost in pleasure. I felt another orgasm brewing in my balls, but I fought it off with sheer force of will. I wanted this to last forever, I wanted to lose myself in thrusting into Hestia and bringing her pleasure she could have never imagined. Her breast swung with every thrust, her nipples swinging in circles as I began to pound in and out of her cunt. 

“I love you,” I told her honestly, my orgasm nearing despite my efforts. Hestia clenched down so hard on my cock I was nearly forced to stop in my tracks. With those three words, Hestia came again and by far this was her most extreme orgasm. More cum gushed out of her, her hips bucking wildly as she threw her head back and moaned, the orgasm ripping through her with explosive force. 

I let go of my self-restraint and unloaded my second orgasm, burying myself deep inside her. I think that set off another orgasm because she trembled, her breath shaky as waves of white-hot pleasure raced through her. I could feel the cum travel from my balls and through my dick, filling Hestia with a few spurts of it. 

Hot cum, with nowhere else to go when I filled her womb to the absolute brim, seeped through the seal of her vagina. Rivers of cum escaped from Hestia, dripping down her ass until it pooled underneath her. That, by far, was my largest orgasm to date. Seriously, there had to be like half a cup of cum or something. 

Hestia went still, her eyes closing -- for a moment, I panicked, but I quickly realized that she had simply passed out. I fucked her until she passed out. Hello pride, welcome home. 

Grinning to myself, I began to slowly pull out of her, more cum seeping out of her until it came out all at once when I freed myself from her vagina’s iron grip. I was only a little surprised when I saw that my cock was still hard as a rock. I did hit fifty in Endurance, so I guess that meant I got a third shot in. 

I looked down at Hestia to see her peacefully sleeping -- her legs wide open to reveal a river of white escaping her vagina, a sheen of sweat covering her, while her expression, even asleep, could only be described as satisfied. For the briefest of moments, I considered diving back in, to get another shot off so both of us would be fully satisfied, but I dismissed the thought-

Blinking, I cocked my head when I heard a familiar sound. I wouldn’t have noticed before my hearing became so sharp, but I could hear moans and the sounds of...masturbating? Was someone else using a room next to us? My gaze zeroed in on the source, the wall to my right. The very last thing I ever expected to see was a steel gray eye staring back at me through a peephole. 

I looked at it, my mind grinding to a halt, blinking in surprise. 

The eye blinked at me, realizing that she had been caught. 

We stared at one another, my brain recovering from the bluescreen it just suffered. I knew who it was. Had she been watching us the entire time? Maybe? I was a little preoccupied, so I hadn’t noticed at all. Then, without any warning, the eye withdrew and the hole was plugged up. I stared at it for a moment, not sure what to do. 

I was even less sure when I heard someone fiddling with the door, the doorknob twisting to reveal...a very naked Syr. Her skin was creamy, without so much as a single blemish, her full breasts were capped with small nipples that looked like they had seen some recent abuse judging from the reddish hue to them. Her long legs carried her inside, bringing my attention to the heart shape her pubes were shaved in and how her groin was absolutely covered in her own arousal. 

“Sorry,” Syr apologized casually like she hadn’t just been caught peeking and walked into the room completely naked. “I couldn’t help myself,” she explained, her gaze drinking me in, but they settled on my cock that was still standing proudly, covered in semen and quim. 

“Uh,” I was not prepared for this in the slightest. “It’s...cool…? But, what are you doing here?” I asked, not sure if I should cover-up. Syr wasn’t looking at me like Hestia did -- with love and adoration. There was something lurking in her eyes, but it was masked by naked desire and lust. 

“I noticed that you weren’t satisfied...after two times…” Syr breathed, striding forward with a sexy grace that brought my attention to just how wet she was. She was dripping onto the floor as she walked towards me, stalking me like a predator. 

The offer in her words was clear as the sun on a cloudless day. She was offering to take care of me, to empty my balls. Looking at her, it would be a bald-faced lie, and a bad one at that, to say that I wasn’t tempted. My cock throbbed at the idea, making Syr smile ever so slightly, as I imagined bending her over and just fucking her. 


“I’m sorry, but no,” I said with a small shake of my head. Not the same night that I took Hestia’s virginity, and had our first date. Not before we had any kind of discussion about other girls. Especially not when Hestia was in the same room. 

Syr just beamed in response, apparently pleased with my rejection, “aw, the two of you are so cute!” She commented, smiling at me as she made to retreat out of the room. “But, if you don’t want me to service you, then would you mind keeping this between us? I rather like your goddess, she’s very kind to the children.”

“Sure?” I said, feeling that this entire situation was just kinda weird. I’m not sure I would want to tell Hestia in the first place that Syr was watching us the entire time and getting herself off. 

“Thanks!” She said in a stage whisper, stepping through the door, going to close it, but she poked her head through the crack. “And if you ever change your mind, you’ll know where to find me! Goodnight!”

With that, Syr closed the door with a soft click. I stared at the door for a moment, replaying that entire interaction in my head, before a soft sigh escaped me as my gaze drifted down to my still rock hard cock. A beautiful woman just offered to take care of it for me, I just made love to a goddess -- my goddess…

I never would have expected that this night would end with me jacking off to make my hard-on go down. 



I loved it!