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Yuji couldn't describe how great it felt punching Sukuna in the face. It had been something he had been itching to do since he made that fateful choice to eat his cursed finger to save Megumi. He usually had a lot more reservations about hitting people because he was so much stronger than everyone else, but Sukuna absolutely deserved it. The guy straight up asked ‘Where are the women and children’ after taking control of his body at the start of their journey together, and it more or less set the tone for their whole relationship.

Then, when he took control a second time, he ripped out his heart and nearly killed his friend! Yuji couldn't say he understood all the jujutsu sorcery stuff, but he did understand that Sukuna was a bad guy. The worst, even. So, it felt pretty nice slugging him across the chin.

“As if I'd agree to that! You killed me, so bring me back to life without any of your terms and conditions,” Yuji demanded, not even sure if it was possible. Sukuna had full on ripped out his heart and threw it away like it was a piece of trash. Sukuna did strike Yuji as the type to litter too. But, he had also went and fought Megumi for a couple of minutes after, so maybe it was in the realm of possibility.

Now the jerk was offering to bring him back from the dead with conditions. To take control of his body again for one minute with the clause that he couldn’t hurt anyone within that minute.

Sukuna recovered from the blow and Yuji could tell he was pissed. Annoyingly, Sukuna looked like him -- the same pink hair, same haircut, same face except for the extra pair of eyes. And the tattoos. Which, admittedly, did look kinda cool. Not that Yuji would ever tell him that. Sukuna spat out a mouth full of blood, shifting ever so slightly to look at him. His blood red eyes were on him-

Then Sukuna suddenly looked away over at a wall. Yuji glanced over, but he just saw the same creepy place he woke up in. They were in a massive ribcage of some monster and at the center of it all was a throne made out of skulls. “Brat, what did you do?”

“Come on over here and I'll show you again,” Yuji replied, winding up a punch but Sukuna scoffed.

“No. It can't have been you, a fool who can't even use cursed energy right,” Sukuna dismissed him and he bristled with annoyance. It wasn't his fault he didn't know how to use cursed energy that well! He only found out there was a whole secret society and curses like two weeks ago! “Make the deal, brat.”

Yuji didn't exactly have a list of people he hated. He didn’t hate anyone, in fact. Not even Sukuna. He did, however, have a list of people he disliked and Sukuna was at the very top of that list. “No way, I'm not agreeing to anything.” He decided, crossing his arms over his chest. If Sukuna was telling him to do it, then he probably shouldn't. Yuji wasn't sure what distracted him exactly, but he was hoping it was Gojo-sensei working some cursed energy mojo to bring him back.

No way he was going to make a deal with this guy if he didn’t have to.

Sukuna didn't even glare, he just looked irritated. The kind of irritation that you felt when you stepped in dog crap. “You're so annoying. What a pain,” he groused, like it was a huge hassle for him. Like he wasn't the cause of their little predicament here. “Fine. It's worth bringing you back to satisfy my curiosity but for no reason other than that.”

Yuji was about to ask what he meant by that before he felt a tug in his gut and the sensation that he was being yanked. The next thing he knew, he was opening his eyes to see that he was in an alley between two tall buildings with a bright dark sky overhead. At least there was until what he could only describe as a spaceship flying over.

Immediately, Yuji sat up, watching it pass over for a brief second. At first, he wasn't entirely sure if he had really seen it. So, jumping to his feet, he made a mad scramble up the thirty-story building just in time to see the spaceship -- a golden horse shoe shape except pointy -- drop a massive spike thingy the size of a skyscraper into an island just off the coast that punched into the dirt before a projection of an alien appeared.

“Woah! Aliens are real too?!” Yuji gaped, looking up at the hologram the size of a building. He looked like a lizard, sorta. Or a fish. Greenish blue scales, red eyes, and what Yuji could only describe as a samurai helmet for a head. It was pretty neat looking.

“People of Earth. We come to your planet hunting an escaped prisoner. A very dangerous prisoner. Do not interfere and your city will suffer only minimal damage. However, if you attempt to aid her… your destruction shall be absolute,” fish alien guy announced in English. He wasn't the best student -- especially when it came to math and science, but his English and Kanji scores had always been pretty good. It also helped he watched a bunch of American movies in English.

“And they're jerks. Lame,” Yuji muttered, not entirely sure what he should be doing at the moment. The aliens stole his attention, but now that he was looking around, this wasn't where he died. This was a whole city! At first, he thought he might have been in Tokyo or something, but all the billboards and neon signs were written in english. He was in America. Or England? Which was pretty neat because he never left Japan before, but he was scratching his head at how exactly he wound up here in the first place.

He wanted to blame Sukuna because that always felt like a safe bet, but given his reaction in his innate domain thing, that idiot was as clueless as he was.

His attention was brought back to the aliens when they started pouring out of the spike implanted into the island. Yuji cupped his hands around his eyes and made a sound of awe as a couple hundred of the lizard people flew over the water towards the city. His awe was cut off when he saw that the alien army was making people panic and they were fleeing from the aliens -- that made sense, really.

But, when they arrived at the city, they came through it like a wrecking ball. Almost instantly, Yuji saw explosions going up as they blew up vehicles, smashing into buildings, and started to chase down the people fleeing. That, more than anything else, tipped the scales and Yuji flung himself through the air towards the invasion happening. If they were searching for a super evil prisoner, then he'd help them out, but they were going out of their way to wreck the place.

Gojo-sensei would probably scold him about getting involved, but for now, he wasn't here. So, Yuji was free to get involved.

He flew through the air where one of the aliens were ripping off the door to a vehicle while a family screamed inside. The alien seemed to sense him because he looked up just in time for Yuji to land on his face with enough force the asphalt cracked under them. He glanced inside the car to see a kid in a car seat with his parent frantically trying to get him out. The kid stared at him with nothing short of wonder and Yuji responded with a smile and a thumbs up.

The moment ended when a blaster bolt struck the ground next to Yuji with enough oomph to punch a hole in the ground. Looking up, he saw a squad of the aliens flying down to him as they opened fire. They were saying something to him, he was pretty sure, but it sounded like gibberish with their mouths full. So, Yuji ignored it in favor of kicking up the spear the alien he took out into his hand before throwing it like a javelin.

His aim was dead on, catching one of the aliens in the gut. He already clocked how tough these things were -- they weren't as tough as the Special Grade Curse he fought before coming here but they weren't as fragile as the average person. So, with that in mind, he hefted the now empty vehicle before using it to swat the remaining three aliens out of the sky when they tried to dive bomb him. They hit the ground hard and with a pivot, he threw it at another squad that was coming in as back up.

It was as they scattered around the vehicle, all except for one that couldn't get out of the way in time, that someone else joined the fray with lime green energy bolt looking things that exploded on contact, taking the aliens out of the sky. The source of them revealed herself -- another alien, based on the growing green eyes, flaming hair, and orange skin. And she was flying. That was also a clue.

She was joined by others and Yuji thought his life got pretty weird when he ate Sukuna's mummified finger. Not a bad weird necessarily- well, maybe bad because he died -- but definitely weird. Then a green kid turned into a T-rex and roared so loudly that his ears were ringing so it turned out that things could get weirder still.

“Wow! Where were you when we were trying to settle flamebrain down?” Yuji heard directed at him as he continued forward, joining the fight. He glanced over his shoulder as he delivered a powerful question mark kick to the collarbone of a fish person to see it was a… robot man? Not a lot of him was human with most of his body clad in armor looking plates.

Yuji nearly got hit by a stray laser blast before he snapped out of it. “Oh! I was dead. And in Japan!” Yuji informed, making the guy's expression falter. Only part of his face was machine, but most of his head seemed to be. As he spoke, one of the aliens dove for him, intent on skewing him with the spear blaster weapon. With a quick divert of the tip, he punched the alien in the face hard enough that purple blood dripped down his knuckles.

Another three went for him, only for a light pole next to him to be ripped from the ground and wrapped around the aliens like a rope. He had no idea how until he heard someone speak in a low, almost monotone, voice. “I don't suppose you're aware of the malevolent entity inside of your soul?”

He looked over as he delivered a kick to see it was a girl with dark hair and faintly gray skin. A deep blue cloak was draped over her body, even her hood seemed to cast an unusually dark shadow over her face. He offered a wane smile at her, “Yeah… that's Sukuna. He's a jerk. I ended up eating one of his fingers for a power boost to save a friend of mine and how I'm stuck with him.”

“Sounds like after we deal with these guys, you could use a little help yourself,” robot man noted and Yuji could only smile at that.

“I'd appreciate it!” He said, flipping over another alien, getting it in a headlock, before flipping it and slamming it into the ground. The aliens weren't that tough, in all honesty. They were stronger than that curse he fought before eating the finger, but not by much. And as much as he hated to say it, he had definitely gotten stronger physically after eating the finger. For all the records he broke back at school, he never really pushed himself for them.

But, after gaining access to cursed energy, he had entered a whole new level of strength.

Despite being rather outnumbered, Yuji felt like the odds were tipping in their favor pretty handily. There weren't any citizens to worry about, and the people he was fighting with were pretty strong. The green guy turned himself into animals and dinosaurs freely, the orange girl was as strong as he was, if not stronger with the added ability to throw the green energy bolts.

When robot man unfurled what Yuji could only describe as a laser cannon from his arm, which tore apart the sleeve that hid it, he was starting to feel like they couldn't lose. The aliens must have felt the same since the ones that could still fight were backing off, grabbing the injured before flying up.

Yuji watched them go, landing lightly on the top of a topped car, “Did we win? That was kinda easy-” He began before the hologram alien emerged once more.

“Fools! Earth was warned! For your insolence, your city shall be destroyed!” He announced, sounding pretty angry before he vanished once more. Not a second later, the space ship began to move once more, positioning itself over the city while what Yuji could only describe as a massive gun on the underside of it started to glow as it charged up a shot.

“Oh. Never mind. Any idea how we get up there?” Yuji asked, looking at the others who started to group up.

“We have to get up there and quickly,” another voice spoke up, getting the drop on Yuji and just about making him jump out of his skin when he realized it came from behind him. It was a guy around his age dressed up like a stoplight, complete with a cape, and a domino mask that covered his eyes with a white film. However, his attention was firmly on the mothership above. “Based on the energy build up, we have ten minutes before it can destroy the city in one go.”

To that, Yuji went still. He had been under the assumption that the ‘destroy the city’ thing had been an exaggeration.

So, he looked to the orange girl, “Could you fly me up there? I can smash the energy source. Or the controls,” he said, planting a fist in his hand for good measure.

“Uhh…” the green guy said, his face covered by a half mask. “Who are you?”

“Itadori-” he paused. Americans said their names backward, so it'd be…, “Yuji Itadori!”

Green guy smiled at him, “I'm Beast Boy!”

Yuji sputtered, “You have a superhero name?!” He started and couldn't wait to tell the others about this. Nobara was going to lose her mind. She'd be as green as Beast Boy with envy. That seemed to puzzle Beast Boy because he glanced around at the other before looking back at him.

“Dude. We’re all superheroes!” Beast Boy stated, shocked by his ignorance. He inspired that reaction a lot in people but this was the first time Yuji felt uncertain of himself because of it. “That’s Robin,” he said, jabbing a finger at the guy behind him, “Raven, and Cyborg!” He finished with the gray girl and the… well, cyborg. He didn’t introduce the flaming-haired woman, so Yuji took that as a sign that he didn’t know her name.

“I’m not sure when I became a superhero,” Cyborg noted, his tone a mixture between amused and exasperated.

“Enough. This isn’t the time for idle chatter! We need to get up there and shut that ship down,” Robin snapped at them and Yuji could agree with that. He wasn’t about to let some aliens blow up a city. However, the authority in his voice evaporated when he looked around them, “Any ideas on how we’re going to do that?”

They all glanced at each other for a moment before Raven slowly rose her hand, “I can teleport us there? We’ll have to travel through shadows… It… might not be pleasant?” She said, and Yuji got the impression that she was shy. So he smiled and gave her two thumbs up, and Raven didn’t seem to know how to respond to that.

She didn’t have to because Robin nodded, taking the lead. “Perfect. Get us as close to the command center as you can.” He instructed and Yuji hopped off the car, landing near the group. Raven glanced at them, though her gaze lingered on him. Probably because of Sukuna. Or the blood that was still on his chest where Sukuna ripped out his heart.

Taking a deep breath, Raven began to mutter, “Azarath. Metrion. Zinthos.” In response, her shadows under her began to grow, expanding under their feet before a dome of it spread over their heads. Yuji felt… cold. No, it was more like someone had turned off his senses. He couldn't hear anything because there was nothing to hear. He couldn't smell anything because there was nothing to smell. He wasn't even sure if his eyes were open or closed until the darkness faded away.

When the dome of it lowered, Yuji found himself in a hallway. On an alien spaceship. It was pretty big, more of a road, with metallic walls and flooring. It was a bit dull looking, but it was still an alien spaceship, thus pretty neat.

Beast Boy shivered, looking like he enjoyed the transit the least but he was quick to put on a brave front when he saw the rest of them were unbothered. “So, where are we going?” Beast Boy questioned while Yuji peeked his head around the corner to see that no one was coming. Their arrival went unnoticed. For now, at least.

“To the bridge. That's where the controls for that weapon will be,” Robin replied.

Yuji scratched at his cheek, “How exactly do we get there? I'm not seeing a ‘you are here’ sign,” he said, prompting Cyborg to look at a panel in his arm.

“I have one,” Cyborg said, projecting the map into a small hologram. So cool. There were two dots and a line connecting them, making it a pretty straight shot to the command bridge. Only issue, Yuji saw, was that there was a pretty big door in their way.

“We don't have time to waste- can either of you break through it faster than we can hack it?” Robin said, looking at him and orange girl. The two of them glanced at each other, and Yuji shrugged.

“One way to find out?” He said, taking a breath and striding towards the door with the alien girl beside him. He glanced her way -- she was outrageously pretty, but that wasn't the time for that. Instead, he focused more on the fact that she didn't look particularly strong. “I never got your name,” he remarked and she favored him a small smile.

“I am Koriand’r, but in your language, I would be called Starfire,” Koriand’r introduced herself.

They both strode towards the heavy metal door, “On three, Kori?” He tried, and Kori smiled. Yuji channeled that feeling -- cursed energy. He finally got a grip on the elusive energy against the Special Grade Curse shortly before he gave Sukuna the reins to his body to kill the monster. A poor decision, in hindsight, because he hadn't been able to switch back. Sukuna hadn’t fought him the first time, and it was a lot harder to take control back when he was. It was a lesson learned.

It came in sparks, a bluish black energy that enveloped his hand as he wound up the punch. “One… two… three!” He said, timing each number with a step and as one, they slammed their fists into the seam of the door. The thick metal plating bent inward with an explosion of force, creating a hole large enough that they could step through.

It was hard to tell with something like this, but he was pretty sure that Kori was stronger than him. That was a new experience.

There was no time to comment on it because they were off, heading to the bridge. However, he noticed the look that Raven was casting his way. Something between suspicion and curiosity. He tried to reassure her with a smile, but that just made her look away. Oh well. There would be time for explanations later, after they saved the day.

To that end, Cyborg spoke up. “That's the door we got to get through.”

“On it!” Robin said, a hand going to his belt before he took out a couple of… were those boomerangs in the shape of a bat? Before Yuji could even ask, Robin threw them and each embedded itself along the edge of the door and a short second later, they exploded. “Beast Boy! Knock it down!” he instructed, and Beast Boy snapped off a crisp salute.

“Yes sir!” He exclaimed, rushing forward first as a cheetah, but once he built up enough speed, he slammed into the weakened door as an elephant. The doors came crashing down and Yuji pulled ahead, determined to take any heat off of Beast Boy. He heard a lot of yelling in an alien language, accompanied by flashes of lasers before he cleared the smoke to enter the command room.

Instantly, his gaze zeroed on the biggest alien in the room. He was closer to ten feet tall than he was nine, towering over everything as he shouted orders in a language that sounded like he had a loogie stuck in the back of his throat. Without hesitation, he threw himself at him, leaping into the air over a slash from his weapon, he flipped in the air to deliver a drop kick to find that the alien managed to put a forearm between his feet and its face. Even still, the alien went flying across the room as Yuji delivered the kick, slamming into a wall hard enough to warp the metal on impact.

“Someone, get the control panel! I got the big guy!” Yuji said, and he heard an ‘on it!’ from Cyborg.

“You mean we have the big guy,” Robin corrected, taking out an unfolding bo staff and readying himself.

Yuji just grinned, cursed energy sluggish flowing to his hands. “I'll keep his attention if you can hit ‘em where it hurts,” He said, already striding forward. The alien snarled at him, lunging to meet him halfway. It was then that Yuji realized that Robin knew what he was doing. Probably more than Yuji did. No, definitely more than he did.

The alien was tougher. Faster. Stronger too. He was closer to the Special Grade than not, but Yuji was pretty sure that the cursed spirit would have won if they fought. If Yuji took a hit from the alien, it’d hurt, but he had the edge on speed so he made sure that he didn’t take any hits. So, he danced around the attacks and lunges, and each time he punished the alien for them.

And wherever he wasn't, Robin was.

When Yuji planted a high knee to the alien's face, following it up with a spinning heel kick to the side of the head, Robin went low and attacked the knees. He perfectly capitalized on any opening that Yuji gave him, and he opened up plenty of openings for Yuji to exploit. Such as when Yuji side stepped a lunge with the spear that would have skewered him to drop kick the alien in the face, Robin was there, throwing a set of bolas around the alien’s legs to topple him.

“The weapon is shut down!” Cyborg shouted as Yuji raised a leg high in the air before planting it on the alien’s face with enough force that the ground warped underneath him. The alien snarled, the bolas snapping as lunged for Yuji and he felt a hand wrap around his shin.

“Oops?” he muttered before he swiftly found himself slammed into the wall, knocking the breath from him and before he had recovered, he was smashed into the ground like a hammer. That was going to leave some bruises. Thankfully, by slamming his heel into the hand that had him, he was able to loosen the grip enough that he was sent flying across the room instead of getting smashed into the floor again.

He felt that same cold energy catch him mid air, letting him right himself enough to land on his feet. His gaze darted to Raven, who had an outstretched hand to him. “Thanks!” He said before sprinting forward, and cold clocking an alien that tried to hit her while she was distracted. Pivoting, he started to go back to the big alien only to see that Kori slammed into the big guy with a war cry when Robin looked like he was in a pinch.

“Time isn't on our side, guys! We have reinforcements coming!” Cyborg announced as the first wave of them seemed to erupt into the room. Yuji put his hands up, ready to act as a chokehold while the others could gang up on the big guy.

Then… something happened.

Yuji wasn't entirely sure what it was at first, only it started with the sound of glass shattering before there was a blur moving before his eyes. For a second, he thought that he might have blinked or something because one moment he was facing down a wall of aliens and the next they were all down for the count. Dozens of them. All laid out with what looked like a punch each and they were every bit as confused as to what had hit them as Yuji was.

The answer, as it turned out, was behind him because Robin called out a name. “Superman!”

Yuji looked over his shoulder to see that a man was flying in the middle of the room, over the big alien, a red cape flapping in the wind while a large S was emblazoned on his chest. He wore a kind smile as he looked over all of them, making sure that they were alright.

Generally speaking, Yuji spent most of his life in various stages of confusion. Ever since he ate Sukuna's finger, he felt like he sank to a new level of confusion as he muddled through a secret world. But, he plunged into outright bafflement the moment his gaze landed on Superman.

He wasn't particularly invested in American comics, and he was far more aware of the Marvel series because of the movies, but there was no mistaking Superman. He was the American equivalent to Godzilla, almost. He was an icon.

“Good to see you, Robin. Does Batman know you're here?” Superman questioned and Yuji struggled to pick his jaw off the floor as he tried to figure out what was going on here. Aliens were a pill to swallow, but he already accepted the existence of curses. Superman being here was something else entirely. Especially when he recognized the name Batman.

“That's none of his business. I've gone solo,” Robin said and Superman looked amused.

He pointedly glanced around at all of them and his smile grew a fraction, “So I see,” he remarked, making Robin look embarrassed. “Well, you all made a great team. I can handle the clean up and send these people over to Green Lantern to decide what to do with. They said something about a dangerous prisoner?” He questioned, looking to Kori.

She started to take a step forward, but Robin stepped in. “They meant slave. She's not going back with them,” he stated and Superman nodded in agreement.

It was then that Yuji raised his hand, sensing that the issue of the city getting blown up was handled so now he could focus on his problem that got a lot more severe.

“Uhh… Superman? Sir,” Yuji started, making America's iconic hero look at him. He must have sensed his nervousness because he offered a friendly inviting smile. So, Yuji pointed to himself and spat out the issue. “I think I've been isekai'd?”

He felt all eyes go to him, but it was Superman that spoke.

“Well, that's not good.”

Sukuna lounged upon a throne of skulls and bones inside his innate domain, frowning to himself as he examined the brat’s memories. “Of course, you'd be useless even when you're wasting time,” Sukuna remarked to himself in distaste while the brat in question explained the situation to these ‘heroes.’

His prison knew precious little about this ‘DC Comics’ and most of which came from VS debates between Son Goku and this Superman, both aliens with the latter being empowered by the sun. Given that the character had changed hands dozens of times over the course of a century, his strength varied considerably.

This variant seemed to be on the stronger end, Sukuna noted, watching through the brat's eyes as Superman hefted the spike the aliens plunged into an island off the coast with a single hand and carried the space ship on his back with the other. He easily carried hundreds of tons.

“That could prove challenging,” Sukuna uttered, a slow grin tugging at his lips. He was at three fingers worth of strength, and what was worse was that he couldn't sense the presence of his other fingers. What happened exactly remained unclear, but one thing was certain -- there was no chance that he could easily recover his old power. A dangerous thing when there were now foes that outstripped him even at his peak.

It was an exhilarating thought. Especially if the little the brat knew was reliable. But, given that it came from the brat, he wouldn't get his hopes up. In either case, it did leave him in an unfortunate position.

It'd be different if he had control over the brat's body. He would have a lot more options on how he could approach this while regaining his strength before he could feast upon this world. He had never eaten an alien before. But, as irritating as it was to admit, he overplayed his hand. Now that the brat was aware that he couldn't effortlessly suppress him when Sukuna was fighting for control, the brat started actively suppressing his domain at all times.

Meaning that if he wanted to gain control, he needed to get lucky or the brat had to willingly surrender control. But, even that could prove to be an issue.

“How annoying,” Sukuna sighed, watching the brat make friends with the group of intrepid heroes. The only one worthy of his attention was the gray skinned one -- Raven. That energy that she used wasn't cursed energy, but it was similar. Something akin to being cousins in nature, which made it of interest to him.

Taking control of the brat had its own set of complications. As it was, the moment he seized control of this body, Robin would only have to call Superman to deal with him. Meaning that he needed to have a way to deal with Superman, and others like him, before then. If not defeat them, then at least a way to prevent them from forcing him back into his prison.

Which left him with a few bad options.

He could play the long con. The brat was stupid and gullible. It wouldn't be particularly difficult to convince him to let go of the past. He could play mentor to the brat, use him as a method of recovering his lost strength while also positioning himself for an opportunity to seize control of the brat's body. In terms of getting him what he wanted, that plan was the best. There was one fatal flaw with it.

Sukuna's nose crinkled in disgust as he watched the brat laughing with his newfound friends, agreeing to join them on a hero team until they found a way to bring them back to their world -- that plan required Sukuna playing nice with that brat. Teaching him. Showing him the intricacies of cursed energy and his innate technique. It was bad enough that ‘Shrine’ was going to be inscribed into the brat's soul, but he would have to help put it there.

The thought made Sukuna want to vomit. For the offense the boy committed, Sukuna resolved to devour this new found team of his with his own hands. The machine one wouldn't have much meat, but he was rather curious what the green one would taste like. The women would suffer at his touch, and he could only imagine the despair on the brat’s face when he destroyed everything he cared about. Trapped within him as the brat had once trapped him.

That made Sukuna pause, “His face would be pretty amusing when he learns that his trusted sensei betrayed him.” He was trying to talk himself into the idea, but the potential years it would take to see that brat's face twisted in utter despair were a hard pill to swallow. But, perhaps there was a way to make him suffer in the meantime? Something that would help him along to an eventual pay off?

… Nah. He couldn't do it. He couldn't stomach the idea of playing nice with the brat. He’d rather bathe in liquid shit.

Which just left him a single option.

A slow sinister smile stretched across Sukuna's lips as a low chuckle escaped him, watching through the eyes of his prison. It would take time. Patience. Finesse. And a little luck.

But he had already waited a thousand years for his promised feast, so what was a few more?

One of my favorite parts of JJK is how Sukuna is a pure-blooded Yuji hater. Every single time he has an opportunity to make Yuji catch a stray, he takes it. The man really went ‘If Yuji has a million haters, then I am one of them. If Yuji has ten haters, then I am one of them. If Yuji has only one hater then that is me. If Yuji has no haters, then that means I no longer live.’

So, I’ve always wanted to play with the idea that they’re sorta forced to work together while also hating each other's guts. Both Yuji and Sukuna are in an interesting spot -- Yuji has been cut off from potential other teachers to master cursed energy. He doesn’t know about black flashes, he doesn’t know how he would even go about training it. Sukuna, on the other hand, has a fraction of his true strength in a world where he would have been a small fish in a big ocean at his peak.

I chose a DC start because, partly, I’ve been itching for another DC story. But, it would also have some interactions with their characters. DC Comics is a setting that would reward both of their characters in different ways. It’s a setting that would reward and enable Yuji’s selfless act of saving others because he can save them. There are plenty of like-minded people like with the Justice League, Teen Titans, etc, that he can rely on.

On the flip side, it’s a setting that would reward and enable Sukuna’s selfish evil nature. When it comes to power, Sukuna has a 530,000 IQ and he has a lot of options to regain his strength and take himself to new heights. There are plenty of like-minded villains that would be willing to work with Sukuna, even as he sets the whole world on fire for his amusement.

A big draw, for me, is pitting these characters against each even as they’re forced to work together.

On the DC side of things, I’m going with a mix of things. Teen Titans, Superman’s Adventures, Justice League Unlimited, Young Justice, etc. So, more animated universe rather than the comics where I cherry-pick the best parts and string them together. In terms of length, I think this one can go the distance of a 80+ chapter story. DC has a lot of toys and characters to play with.

Let me know what you think about this one because I’ve missed DC as a setting and I’m looking to return to it at some point.



ehh i wouldnt say sukuna is a small fish especially if your mainly using animated stuff he definitely aint nowhere near the top but hes still pretty strong

Christopher Harris

If I'm not wrong then sukuna is the eobard thawn to yujis barry Allen and the can be brilliant but petty as hell.

Cameron Nelson

This story has promise. Also does posting this story mean you might be ready to dive back into writing DC stories. If so, does this mean there’s a chance you might continue your Gone Native story?