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A couple of things have come up, so I'll go down them in order of importance.

First order of the day is that I've had some IRL stuff come up which make my ability to update next week spotty. And since it's been a couple of months since I've taken a week off, it felt like I might as well make the best of a bad time. So, there will be no updates between the 19th to the 26th with the exception of Never Fade Away and Best of Intentions. NFA has two chapters left, and I don't want to put anything on hold in the last act.

Secondly, Patreon's rules have changed a bit with it comes to 18+ creators, mostly in regards of consent. I at first assumed that these changes would affect people who do porn, but I was mistaken as Life's Rough on the Rim got dinged. I didn't break any rules -- the rule in question was alluding to sexual slavery -- but I figured better to be safe than sorry and have since deleted the chapter from Patreon.

The change won't really affect any of my other stories but in the case of Life's Rough on the Rim, I will now only be posting it to QQ.


The Panda Queen

....wait, "Life's rough on the outer rim" was dinged for merely alluding to sexual slavery......but "the good life" is okay? If I didn't already know Patreon was retarded....

Luc Ario

My dude, this is why people moved to alternatives like Subscribestar and maintain both if possible. Is it annoying? Yes. But, when the entirety of your work can get deleted because of one self-righteous asshole, it's important to diversify. Fortunately you're already on QQ. Best of luck! The fracturing internet is a bitch.