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boob job in the hay

southern accent




I see you've put playlists for your characters even though you stated that it was something you wouldn't do.


Southern accent is really good

Josh Lambert

Loved the accent! It's how I imagine Kathy from the Harvest Moon games would talk


Well kiss my grits that's dam fine for accent still need to eat the food and live the life to truly get it I still hear the city in u yall hurd me


Great job on the accent, though I could've sworn my childhood best friend was a guy. 🤔


Lovely voice work and charming character. Hope to see more of her in the future


Love the southern accent. The character is very sweet..


Loved the narration and how she was kind of stumbling with how to react to a past crush. I loved how she said, you are making such a mess, and how she was exploring fellatio and confessed she kind of likes it. Loved the sucking sound's and boob job. I love a good boob job.

Axton Dragunov

hearing fawn do a southern drawl is super cute I can just imagine a deer girl in a flannel half shirt and daisy dukes with a hat and boots

The Jolly Dane

Vacation to Italy, huh? Sounds like Fawn is so excited to go travelling with her friends this summer, it's seeping into her writing haha 💖


More of her please