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i won't be able to get out videos this week. i'll have a double nsfw upload this coming week to make up for it. I stayed up super late to try and edit some stuff but it's not going to work out like i planned.

On the bright side, I do have 8 commissions in progress of various arts of the new mascot design, so those will be out soon if anyone is interested in art!

I've been getting some time-sensitive things done, but soon i'll be able to upload a lot more consistently



Take ur time, don’t stress yourself out, it’s all good Fawn


I indeed am very interested in art lmao

Mr McGibbons

It’s okay! Take your time and don’t rush things or feel bad. We will all happily wait 😁

Hubert rockstrong

We’ll wait! Don’t worry! Take care of yourself above all!


Happy to wait for sure. Can't wait to see the art!


I'm honestly not surprised


Take care !

James Lasseigne

No worries Fawn, you’re doing a great job! Take as much time as you need.

Lost Puppy

as others have stated, take Your time Lady Fawniva we will happily wait for You to be able to share Your wonderful creations with us. so please do not stress Yourself with worry because we will be patient for the Lady is worth waiting for :D


Please take care of yourself, we're all only human and we understand you're only human too!


Take your time


Ok take your time I can wait next week or 2 take you time take care of yourself don't push yourself too hard

Cinder Stahli

It’s fine. Besides, an improvised plans beats a perfect one. Though I say, the plans are passion driven, so I am willing to know what you been working on