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Great video. Made me chuckle


She's incredibly thick, but she's earnest and lovable, and that's what's important. It does frighten me that she has a card though. Who's letting her have money?


Another wonderful character and audio! I want to give this adorably ditsy girl a hug, and tell her she’s doing great and that I appreciate all the good she does. Her methods are a little unorthodox but she means well and that’s what matters💕


A key and worm made me laugh who feeds a worm strawberries lmao


Ayo the listener is a swimmer? Let’s gooo

James Rhed

She's a little confused, but she's got the spirit

The Jolly Dane

This character is a keeper for sure 💕💕


Ok ngl I’d be hella worried in this situation haha. Listener taking it like a champ. 😆 She keeps saying I got bugs inside me which weirds me out a little. Definitely got the feel of the character right I’ll say that for sure. Nice work.


My heart hurts

John Kerry

Very interesting to see special needs represented here. Her knowledge of the world is very incomplete, but the way she fills in the blanks are plausible given the limited knowledge that she does have. If you didn’t know how to boil water or understand the physics behind it, then shaking the water is really not a bad guess. The fact that she tried shaking the water demonstrates an ability to experiment when a solution does not immediately present itself. She also knows how to ask the right questions when something doesn’t make sense to her (“you said you had a cold, but how can you be hot and cold at the same time?”) We can not ignore the fact that she snuck into a restricted area and used an unsecured computer to access private information. Doing this required significant intelligence, creativity, memory, and powers of observation. One might even classify her actions as “social engineering”, a category of hacking that does not rely on traditional computer skills. We know that she is no stranger to “stealth missions”, because she admitted to the listener that she “left and came back when you weren’t looking.” She is also an excellent liar. When she said “I’m really good at cooking” there was nothing in her voice to suggest that she was being dishonest. She says that she is not good at cheating, but I suspect otherwise. Let us also not forget that she was able to find a hidden key in order to enter a house that she has never been to before, which demonstrates her ability to solve problems in novel environments. She has some degree of independence. She lives in a dorm, rather than with her parents or a group home for the intellectually disabled. Given the extreme incompleteness of her knowledge, the fact that she can live independently is a bit surprising. However, I think her usage of apps might help to explain it. For example, she compensates for her inability to cook by using food delivery apps. I assume she also used Uber or Lyft to find the listener’s house once she obtained the address. I would not be surprised if she had many other such apps-based solutions to the problems that she commonly faces. She used the listener’s desktop computer to create the food order. I point this out because using a desktop computer, rather than a smartphone, is something that even some neurotypical people struggle with. She finds something spicy on the listener’s computer. In order to not embarrass the listener, she pretends that she didn’t see it, which demonstrates significant social awareness and “theory of mind”. However, her knowledge of social norms is in general very limited, as evidenced by her entering listener’s locked home without permission. She seems to have an excellent memory. When she talks about past events, she is is very detailed and literal. It is strange then that she has trouble remembering how to spell her own name, but it makes sense given her academic difficulties in general. I suspect dyslexia may be part of the issue. Fortunately, her speech and general language skills appear to be unaffected. Given the extreme incompleteness of her knowledge, I would guess that she was very isolated in the past. Perhaps she was inappropriately placed in a class of very severely disabled individuals. Perhaps her parents hid her away, because they did not want to confront her disability or deal with social stigma. Fortunately, as an adult, she now seems to be doing very well, at least from a cognitive standpoint. With enough support and accommodations, she could make a lot of progress indeed. She complains that the information presented to her in the classrooms does not seem to stick. It would seem that for one reason or another, the classroom environment is simply not a good fit for her. On the other hand, she is very engaged with the conversation she is having with the listener. I suspect she would do very well with 1-on-1 or small group instruction if the people and topics involved are interesting to her. Her difficulties appear to be more attentional then cognitive in nature. She stopped what she was doing to buy a strawberry for a worm that she found, which is heartwarming but also suggests that she has very significant attentional challenges. She’s an extremely interesting character, and I hope to hear more Rosie soon!

John Kerry

Given her disability and current level of functioning, she would clearly have difficulty finding employment and is therefore eligible to receive a monthly social security check. She might also have a managed special needs fund provided by her family. These things are usually supervised so that all the essentials such as rent and utilities are paid automatically each month before any discretionary funds can be spent.

Lucy First

Genuinely reminds me of Luna Lovegood


Please make a part two 🙏🏼