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In the 18th and 19th century it was common for people to produce their own honey, and with that came some interesting traditions and superstitions - one of those being 'telling the bees' which we discuss today, enjoy!

PS: Dave's on an extended Christmas break, nothing to worry about!



Wow! We live in the Berkshire Hills! Neat! We keep having connections to Do Go On reports! We are related (by marriage) to Neil Adams, who was mentioned on one of the comic book episodes, we regularly hang out at the house where Betty Davis went to school (now owned by a close friend) and now Beeeeees! The Berkshire Hills are more-or-less a continuation of the Green Mountains in Vermont! It takes 20 minutes for us to get to the Vermont border. Maple Creemees do not disappoint.


Okay but where is Dave? Actually


I’m glad you did press record. This was a rudderless banger 👏🏼


I heard the ghost of Dave’s laughter after Matt said mis-snake.