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Hey mates! I'm back on the polls!

If you don't know the system, we each do three Ruknama+ polls, then three Sidney Sheinberg+ polls, then three free choices. I've just finished my three free picks (The Shaggs, Rosemary Brown and the one coming out next week) so am back on the Ruknama+ polls for my next three topics! 

I've gone with three topics that are all quite different from each other but think they will all make great episodes! If you want to discuss you choice below please refer to it by the letter so the others don't accidentally see!





As an aside, who’s on Free Choice Topic now?


It doesn't always line up exactly for some reason, think everyone is doing votes still at the moment


Seriously, this was a top-tier episode. I can't remember the last time I laughed as hard as I did at Dave's "Madeline" bit. This was "oh god I'm gonna pop something" laughter. A solid ep. Well done, Matt.