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EDIT: please click on the appropriate link to submit suggestions/questions/facts etc, I'll lose track of them otherwise, cheers!

Hey mates! About to record this week's Prime Mates pod, I'm staying at comedian/friend Suren Jayemanne's place so we're going to record an episode in an hour or so, if you have any prime mates/primates facts/questions etc. chuck them in here and we might read them out at the end of the episode: https://forms.gle/xyh24sBRz3LykAaDA

When I'm back in Melbourne Evan and I will get stuck into our season 3 Umbrella Academy recaps, but if you have any other topics you think we should cover in upcoming episodes (movies/tv shows/books/real news stories etc etc) you can submit them here: https://forms.gle/479MgDEuQp3SuF6t8





Gorillas in the mistssssssss


Futurama episode remaining that feature primates, The Sting(Geunter) Anthology of Interest (flying monkeys wizard of Oz spoof) A Clockwork Origin(Dr. Banjo,orangutan, and finally Fry and Leela's Big Fling (Geunter and Dr Banjo)