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This month we watch the 2004, Oscar winning drama, Crash. 

Well, two of us watched it...
CW: discussion of sexual assault



Ashley Dickinson

I have no idea who the people giving this movie a positive rating online are because everyone i know who has seen it, thinks its hot garbage.


I love you guys, this is my fave pod (tied with Prime Mates) but I gotta ask if it'd be possible to copy/paste a content warning like "CW: discussion of sexual assault" into future episode descriptions if the topic arises? Esp if it's as viscerally descriptive as in this episode 😅 SA is an extremely important topic to discuss, as it impacts most people through personal experience, as an advocate/ally, or as a friend or family member to an affected person. Plus, your commentary on the specific events portrayed in the movie weren't controversial or offensive, as you were in favour of victim advocacy plus denouncing the perpetrator, and overall fairly sensitive to the topic. (I'm trying to emphasize that this request isn't at all a critique of your behaviour/opinions/podcast, simply a request derived from personal comfort.) If this is unreasonable/unfeasible/can't be done for any reason, that's ok & I understand. It's a small courtesy, not an essential, and I feel guilty about making demands of your content in the first place.


Hi Alison, no worries at all! I'll add that into this description now - thanks so much for mentioning it and doing so very kindly and patiently! -Matt