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Howdy mates! We're always trying to think of ways to make the show better and we've had a vague idea lately of maybe doing a second mini episode each week on the main feed. It'd be maybe be an extended Fact/Quote/Question segment (or something else... ) and also include all the patreon shoutouts. This would mean the main episode would finish after the report. Sometimes I think it's a good idea and sometimes I don't... what do y'all think? I imagine this might be a divisive idea! Won't happen any time soon, but maybe later in the year if we decide to go ahead with it! All constructive feedback welcome!



Some jumbled thoughts: I like how much the show values its’ patre-ons, and think it might be nice if some sort of acknowledgement was kept in the main show. Defs think you could do a lot with extending the fact quote or question section. I like how the shout outs and the Triptych club relate to the show’s topics. Although maybe you could relate one or both of them to something that comes up in the fact quote or question section.


I'm all for more episodes, but I don't think moving the shout-outs out of the main topic episode would work. For one, I think it defeats the purpose of the shout-out to occur separate from the main pod. Second, I like how the shout-out includes something to do with the topic, and you'd lose that context.