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Hello friends! 

I'm sorry for the delay on this newsletter (once again). BUT we have THREE questions from you this week to make up for it! 

Those questions are :

1. If you could guest on any TV show through out time, which show do you chose? To answer my own question, either the Simpsons or Community.  Danny Wallace McMeans

2.  What is a talent/skill you have that we PatreOns wouldn’t know about?  Sadie Meissner Fischer

3.  Would you rather fight one Matt Stewart sized duck, or one hundred duck sized Matt Stewarts? Tyler Edwards


"1. Great question! Maybe 1990s Australian Wheel of Fortune hosted by Burgo. Would love to yell 'top dollar!' as the wheel spins, then ask for an 'N for Nelly'. That or do stand up on Letterman or Conan.  

2. I don't think I have any great known or unknown skills. Maybe tipping the Saints incorrectly? I picked them wrong every game for the first few months of the year so now tip against us every week to try and reverse jinx us, though that hasn't worked the last couple of weeks!  

3. 100 duck sized Matt Stewart's, I can't think of anything more terrifying than a giant angry duck! Plus I'll be able to get inside the minds of the duck sized mes, reckon we'd stop the fight pretty quick and head to the pub... It'd be a cheap shout, reckon a couple of jugs would be plenty for 100 mini Matts!"


1. Oooh Danny McMeans, I reckon Simpsons is a great answer. Having a reoccurring character with a few lines every few episodes like Lionel Hutz or Fat Tony would be awesome. Especially during the glory years.  But I think my answer is going to be… Diagnosis Murder. I’d love to guest star alongside Dick Van Dyke and his entire family Barry, Shane, Carey, Stacey, Jerry, Wes, Taryn and now DAVE VAN DYKE. The show was a crime drama set in LA and often the killer was a crooked Hollywood big wig, and I’d love to play a real slimy crook.   And the good part about that show was, they didn’t care about continuity, so I’d be able to come back a couple of weeks later and play a completely different character. Dick’s grandson Carey appeared as six different characters! The range!   

2. I can lick my own elbow (although I think I would have talked about this a lot as I am VERY PROUD!) My long arms also allow me to fully sunscreen my own back, no help required. Which is good because when we go on our Do Go On tropical holiday, I won’t have to awkwardly ask Matt to rub it in. This coverage also helps me to defend myself from “Kick Me” signs being posted on my back. And yes, I’ve had a few.  

3. For the duck question, I might actually sub in my knowledgeable friend and duck expert Dr Gary Chalk…  “Thank you for you question. I would of course choose to fight one Matt Stewart sized duck so I could observe the beautiful beast and of course try and fuc…”  

Sorry about that, that’s I’ve got time for actually…  

I have to say, thanks for all of your questions. I loved them all and answered them in"


1. Easy - House Hunters. Any version of House Hunters is fine - House Hunters International, House Hunters Renovation, House Hunters International Renovation, Island Hunters, Houseboat Hunters, House hunters Outside the Box, I'LL DO ALL OF THEM. 

2. I think you would know most of my talents, because I use them for my jobs. But I'm hyperflexible, I can put my hands flat on the ground with my legs straight. I can go further, when that pesky ground doesn't get in the way! I'm also pretty good at catching food (specifically skittles) in my mouth. 

3. One Matt sized duck, for sure. Kick him straight in the duck nuts. 

Please feel free to answer one or two or all of these questions in the comments! 

As always, thanks for being the absolute best. We hope you're doing okay, and remembering to wash your butt. 




I re-listened to the Shackleton's Endurance episode today and while brushing my teeth I nearly had a vom because I laughed so hard. That's not an easy feat


Please make new DGO merch with “kick him straight in the duck nuts”