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Hello Pah-trons!

We can hardly believe it, but next month will be our 300th episode of the show.  300 heists, incidents, killers, musicians, disasters, WW2 bad asses, Riverdancers and more.

To celebrate we are going to do a one off live streamed podcast/event from Stupid Old Studios on Saturday July 10th at 8:30pm AEDT Melbourne time.

Like our other live streams you can watch live and comment along with others, or watch it on catch up whenever you feel like. Tickets to the stream are on sale now.

For the first time we are having a small live studio audience. At the moment due to Covid restrictions we are limited to having only 25 in the audience. But we really hope that we will be able to open it up to more people in the coming couple of weeks. We'll also announce that on here.

Because seats are so limited and to keep it fair, the tickets will go on sale tomorrow (Wednesday June 23) at 9am, via this link:


After the live podcast, we will also have some sort of quiz/party that will be exclusive to the stream/live audience.

Really hope to see you there! Thanks for your ongoing support over 300 episodes.


Do Go On Live | 300th Episode!

Do Go On Live | 300th Episode!



Congrats on 300! You could do another one next year for your 365th episode to celebrate "one year of do go on." Also, a great topic for the 300th would be the battle of thermopylae, the battle that they based the movie '300' off of.


WOOT! can't wait! :D