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Hello friends! 

Firstly, an apology from me!  I didn't write a newsletter last week, because I had a grand plan. See, I usually ask the guys for an update on a Sunday, but we're all busy on Sundays so we don't always have much time to put something together. And we've recently come up with a plan to make Thursdays a dedicated podcast day, so I thought 'easy, wonderful, I'll do the newsletter on Thursdays now when we're all together!"

Well, Melbourne went into lockdown again and we haven't been able to be in the same room, so that plan was foiled. But hopefully I can make it happen in the coming weeks! 

Because not a lot is happening for us at the moment, Matt had the great idea to take questions from our Sidney Sheinberg supporters.

The question that got the most likes came from Jennifer Welliver: "If you were going to be on House Hunters International, where would you be hunting a house and what amenities are you looking for? (No limit to budget)"


"Funnily enough I was just watching a bit of House Hunters, there’s a station here that seems to play that show all day long and it has become my comfort TV in our numerous lockdowns.  

This is a tough question! The episode I just watched they were in Austin, Texas… I really enjoyed that city when I visited a few years back, so maybe there! Seemed to have a great live music and craft beer scene. Either there or Gary, Indiana…   

So no limit to budget? Let’s go wild then! A rooftop deck with a bar and a BBQ and stage for a band to play, nice big bath in the bathroom, home podcast studio with great internet connection, a little courtyard for my morning earl grey tea, can I have a creek or river nearby!? And a wing each for Jess and Dave... 

If your producing the episode Jennifer, please don’t make me look like too big of a jerk - I’m sure they edit the show to always make the people look obnoxious and fussy. On the last one someone complained the walk in robe wasn’t big enough, it was bloody massive - I mean it’s a wardrobe you can walk into!"


"I haven’t watched as much of this show as the others, but I have watched a lot of ‘Escape To The Country’ at my parent’s house so I know you definitely need multiple bedrooms and bathrooms for potential B’NB options. Also a stable for some reason.  

I’m thinking AN ISLAND! A real compound for friends and family. There’s a place for boats to dock, an area for seaplanes, hammocks central (that’s on third) and copies of Lord Of The Flies in every room to remind every to stay civil.   

The Caribbean or somewhere in the Pacific comes to mind. But then I found a website called Private Islands Online and if I give up my tropical dreams, turns out I can own an island in Nova Scotia Canada for the very reasonable price of $65,000. Suddenly this doesn’t seem that crazy!  They have hammocks in Canada right? https://www.privateislandsonline.com/canada/novascotia/half-island   

Apparently you can even buy your own custom floating residence. Sure it’s only a drawing at this stage and would make a pretty boring episode looking at a drawing, but imagine!  https://www.privateislandsonline.com/asia/maldives/amillarah-private-islands 

But at the other end of the scale, the most expensive island for sale on the website is in Thailand and will set you back a lazy $160 million dollars. Ask yourself, would you rather own one island in Thailand or 2,500 islands in Canada?   https://www.privateislandsonline.com/asia/thailand/rangyai-island   

Luckily in this scenario I’m rich enough to be buying an island because reading the Wikipedia description of the house, the contestants are not well paid:  “Buyers are said to be typically paid $500 to film around 50 hours of footage, which is then edited down.”  

See you on the island."


"Okay so it appears Dave has lost his mind. 

I agree about an island though... I do like being near the beach and I love warm weather (BUT NOT TOO HOT. I WANT IT JUST RIGHT ALL YEAR ROUND)

I wouldn't want a massive house, something just the right size for two adults and a dog who likes to stretch out but also curl up, so the house would need to have multiple napping options for Goose (literally as I typed that, he came into the study to have a lie down in his second favourite bed... a tough life) 

Like Matt I would love a nice big bath, preferably next to a big window with a nice view but also with a TV. 

A balcony or deck with some comfy chairs, a big kitchen (I never have enough bench space), and a living room that is somehow very stylish but also welcoming. Maybe a cinema? And a study for me to do the podcast / play sims.  

I would want the kind of place where people go "wow what a lovely place" but not so flashy that people are like "wow you're a bit of a wanker".  Ya know?" 

Thank you Jennifer Welliver, great question! 

Hopefully things start to improve in Melbourne and maybe we'd have actual things to take about, but did you like the Q&A idea? Let us know, it was a lot of fun for us! 

Anyway, stay safe, look after yourself, and wash your butt. 




These are hilarious to read in all your voices. I could def see Matt in Austin! stay weird!


In which Bop describes wanting to live in Perth.