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Hello my friends!

I’m writing this in the car (as a passenger!) so apologies for any typos.

I’m off on a holiday, driving to Adelaide with some friends for a few days. It’s a long and fairly boring drive but we’re nearly there.

Goose is staying with my parents and having the best time. Mum keeps sending me updates - so far today he’s explored their big backyard, gone with dad to a cafe for coffee, had a nap, and is now chasing birds. What a day!

Let’s see what Matt and Dave have been up to!


“Hello dearest Pah-trons!

I haven’t had a cooking update in a while. I’ll admit it’s because I dropped the ball a bit.

But I’m back! Baked some salmon last night, with some potatoes and a feta salad. Funny to think that a few years ago I was complaining on the pod about having salmon and salad at Christmas. Now I’m eating it most weeks.

We’ve got a lemon tree that is just exploding with lemons right now so basically everything is covered in lemon.

Fish... LEMON!

Salad... LEMON!

Chocolate ice cream... GET SOME LEMON ON IT GOD DAMMIT!

This week I plan to make dinner twice. Hoping for a Mexican inspired dish one night. Probably with lemon (limón)

Aside from that I started a new TV show this week. A French show called The Bureau. It’s about French spies, pretty cool stuff.

It’s originally called Le Bureau des Légendes, or bureau of legends which makes me laugh a lot.

Has anyone seen it?

Hope you all have a great week, you’re all a bureau of legends to me!



“Hey mates, I had a lovely weekend away in the country - played golf (poorly), watched the local footy and netball games, went out for dinners, went to the local brewery... just a bloody great time all round! I'm absolutely rooted now though, I'm off to bed for a week of sleep! -Matt”

So there you have it! I hope you have a great week, and remember to wash your butt.




Reading this bleary-eyed at 6am. Read "let's see what Matt and Dave are up to" as "let's see what Mum and Dad are up to."


Lemons, lemons, everywhere!