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Hello my friends!!

How are you? I hope you’re doing really well. I am writing this while I’m at work, feeling a little dusty and fragile after a very late night. But I’m really excited for our final live show tonight! It’s been so good to be doing shows in our home town again, especially after the incredibly long lockdowns Melbourne had last year.

I am looking forward to things being a little quieter though - it’s been a hectic month!

Let’s see what the boys have to share this week!


“Hello Pah-Trons!

I am so excited about The Mummy screening in September. Also blown away that we sold a quarter of the tickets on day one of the pre-sale. It got to the end of the day and I realised I should contact Lido Cinemas to set aside some seats for us. Otherwise we’ll be watching from the aisle. Or from the projection room. Actually, that would be so cool, maybe we’ll do that.

For the final weekend of Comedy Festival I’m as usual, cramming in as many shows as I can last minute. Saved some of my festival favourites until the end, David Quirk, Luke Heggie and then especially looking forward to seeing Andy and Alasdair on Sunday.

And for Book Cheat I’m trying something different this week. For one episode I’m rebranding as “Poetry Cheat” and going through a few famous poems and what they mean. I decided to do so after going to a wedding last weekend and someone read a poem and I had no idea what they were taking about.

If anyone has any suggestions for poems then please let me know!

The guests will be Case Paige and Joel Zammit from Sanspants so should almost certainly be a good time!

The only other thing to say is my friend came over last night accompanied by a cheesecake. I can hear it calling my name and I must now return to that caramel classic.

Au revoir!


Matt :

Hey mates! I don't have much to report, Ive been having a nice time at the comedy festival with lots of fun shows with do go on, prime mates and my own shows... if you're keen to come along to the latter, Sunday is the last night of the fest!

This week I also filmed a panel show for the aflw grand final, it's up on youtube here if you wanna check it out: https://youtu.be/ivg-Q0JubIE

Even if you're not into footy I think it's a fun watch (Ben Russell comes on as an Irish player's uncle at one point).

Hope you're all doing well, I'm looking forward to a big sleep next week!


So there we have it! I hope you’ve had a good week and have been nice to yourself. And I hope you washed your butt.




"Porphyria's lover" by Robert Browning is nice and short


"The Charge of the Light Brigade" is relatively short and is about an actual event that can add to the discussion. Plus, Alfalfa performed it in the Little Rascals: https://youtu.be/Lz3u0hPOTqw