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Helllooooo friends! 

I hope you're doing well, and that you Melbourne mates are staying sane. 

I don't have too much to report this week. I went for a jog this morning and then got rained on, and then I watched Charlie's Angels (the newer remake.. it was okay) 

Thanks so much to those of you who joined us for the live streams, we had a lot of fun doing them and look forward to doing some more, especially as it seems international travel will be off the cards for a while! 

Let's see what the boys have to share! 


"Pan-Tronskis! How are you all?  

I’ve been called into work today, so don’t have too much to report on - other than I’ve been watching some more 90s action classics.  I started the week with Demolition Man. Stallone/Snipes/Bullock in a seashell packed extravaganza. So many so bad it’s great moments.  

Then last night I watched Terminator 2. So many so great it’s the best film ever made moments. Man I love action movies from that era. If anyone and any suggestions of 80s/90s action films I’d love to hear them.   

Also, we’re doing our first bonus episode for the month tonight. I’ve written a report loosely based on something that was quickly mentioned in this week’s 250th episode. Any guesses?"


"I got the all clear on my covid test again! Just a boring old cold for me... 

This week has been very low key because of it. Watched the first episode of the new season of Umbrella Academy last night... The Saints had another win and are starting to look likely to make the finals, though I'm still nervous about that... Our next month of games are against other finals contenders!  

I don't think I've got much else to say, hope you're all doing okay!"

So a short and sweet newsletter from us this week. Like you, we don't have a lot going on at the moment! I've got the beginnings on a migraine starting so I'm going to go take some meds and play Animal Crossing in bed while it clears up! Gotta be in tip top shape to record a bonus episode later tonight! 

Take care, and wash your butts. 




Matt, if the Saints get into the finals, any chance you could set up something so we can all cheer along with you? I know it must be hard not being able to go to the games (matches?) in person.


@Dave watch: Fifth Element, Air Force One, and Speed.