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Well, another week has passed! I hope you're all doing well. 

Honestly I haven't been up to much. We did a really thorough clean of our house yesterday because we're moving in a few weeks (to an apartment 2 floors up, in the same building). But the real estate agents can't let people in to see the place, so a photographer is coming on Tuesday to do a video to send to people who are interested. Wild! Anyway, the house is very tidy which makes me feel very calm. 

I've been playing Animal Crossing a bit, and played a bit of The Sims the other day too. 

But guess what? There's a new Sheriff in town. 


"Big news here is that this podcast no longer has just one gamer! Move over Jess Perkins because yesterday I just bought a Nintendo Switch Lite. 

It’s absolutely a lockdown based panic purchase. It’s my first gaming console since our family got a PS2 in 2002. I’m pretty excited. I got Pokémon (I got let’s go Pikachu because I do not understand the new Pokémon at all. Og. 150 baby!), Super Smash Brothers and Mario Kart. It’s been fun so far but I am very bad at video games."

Matt is using his time a little more productively (emphasis on "little more") : 

"I ran 10km for the first time in ages the other night,did it in a bit under 53 minutes so gotta somehow figure out how to be 8 minutes faster to reach my sub 45 minute goal! I'm gonna try and do a 10k each week so will keep you all updated which will help keep me accountable! Apart from that I've been listening to lots of Leonard Cohen as well as reading a Leonard Cohen biography... the rest of the time I'm thinking about Leonard Cohen or sleeping (and then I'm dreaming about Leonard Cohen...)"

We're excited to bring you our livestream shows starting next Saturday! If you haven't already got your tickets, you can do so here: https://sospresents.com/?fbclid=IwAR1t-FqmA38KFxpIHkpAnYU5_xTo3yPPJ0R6upP9fMfflC0Bg4L0c8LANRk

This week’s episode of Book Cheat will be about Macbeth with Sanspants legends Joel Zammit and Jackson Bailey. Dave said  "Just finished the report and am recording tonight. I love this play."

And Prime Mates will be about Terry Pratchett's Discworld with Grace Jarvis.

We hope you're looking after yourselves and taking care! 

Until next week, 




If we get a Leonard Cohen report I would die


Looking forward to the live stream shows! Bought the seasons pass for all four shows! Will there be any audience participation during or at the end of the livestream? Anyway, I’m glad to hear you’re all doing well and staying healthy. Can’t wait to listen to all of the podcasts. Take care all!