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  • DoSkypeOn.mp4



Well Well Well. 

What a weird time we are living in! 

I don't want to dwell too much on the negativity, because I'm sure you're feeling enough of that as it is.

I hope you're all doing okay the moment! I'm watching Lost from the beginning and having a lot of fun with it. I'm also playing Animal Crossing now (my friend code is :SW 4140 0896 8612 ) 

Here's what Matt and Dave have been doing to stay busy. 


"I’m hoping to kick on with the James Bond rewatch. Watched Goldfinger, a classic with my parents last week. Next up is Thunderball. I think it was the first one I ever saw. When I was about 5 I couldn’t sleep one night and came downstairs and my parents were watching it. Been hooked ever since." 


"I've been listening to a bunch of music while researching this week's topic and have been particularly enjoying the new albums by Tame Impala, Soccer Mommy and Kvelertak..."

So maybe that will inspire you when you're looking for something to do to fill some time. And for any new Patreons (hello, welcome, make yourself at home) we have a Facebook group you can join as well! It's a great place to chat and have a laugh. Just follow this link and answer a couple of questions, and we'll add you to the group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/269896653864727/

Last night we spent a bit of time setting up some recording equipment at our individual homes so that we can continue to record the podcast even when we can't be in the same room. The sound quality is better than I expected so you won't have to put up with crappy audio just because of COVID-19. Woohoo!   

We also recorded a little video for you as well while we were on Skype. You can check it out below!

As for our other podcasts : 

Book Cheat is out tomorrow. Breakfast At Tiffany’s with Jess Perkins and Jack Druce. 

Prime Mates is about Kubo and the 2 strings with Ben Russell 

Share what you've been doing while you're spending a lot more time at home! Maybe you can inspire someone else! 

Take care, 




this was great! everything stripped back. I shall call it nude-go on


The new Soccer Mommy album is truly incredible 😆 If anyone else would like to play ACNH, my friend code is: 7570-2327-6516