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Hello beloved Pah-trons! Dave here. We're running another quiz after our podcast in Perth this Sunday. And I’m going to have a round of questions suggested by Patreon supporters. I’m looking for questions about the show and previous topics and episodes. If I pick your question I’ll read it and your name out on the show. They can be regular questions or multiple choice!

Here’s an example of the first four questions I used the first time I ever did a quiz, just to give you an idea.

1. Which famous artist was married to Frida Kahlo?

A: Diego Rivera

2. The possible architect of the Collar Bomb Heist Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong had rooms in her house dedicated to what three things? One point for each correct answer.

A: Cheese, Butter and Poo.

3. In the woman who fell from the sky, in what country did Juliane Koepcke's plane crash?

A: Peru

4. On how many episodes of Do Go On has party boy Nick Mason now appeared?

A: Seven (at the time)

Thanks so much! Much love Dave 



What is She-Hulks real name and occupation? A: Jennifer Walters, Lawyer


Thanks so much everyone, these are all great.