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Hey mates, Matt here with an update on our American tour. We genuinely thought we would've been there by now, but unfortunately due to the difficult nature of touring the USA, we are finding it hard to get it all together! We have tried to get help from different promoters etc - but have not made any progress at all, it's been frustrating!
Anyhow, I've been speaking to friends with some experience touring over there, and I might have come up with a compromise of sorts - i'm thinking about a tour north of the border, in Canada! Apparently they're a bit more open to these sorts of things. 
The plan would be to give everyone quite a bit of notice to make sure people from other parts of America have ample time make plans to head north for the shows (not that we would be expecting anyone to necessarily of course!) - but would be thinking first half of 2020.
I've never been to Canada, so am very excited by the idea - but wanted to see what our great North American patreon supporters think before getting stuck into the planning. My hope would be a successful Canadian tour would help us prove to a promoter that a USA tour would be viable for us too...
Let us know your thoughts below!



We’ll be there!


Swing down to Yellowstone again to say hi? Also, I’m claiming that I’m the only listener from Wyoming until I can be proven wrong ;)