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Hello Pah-trons!

Dave here to tell you that ticket to our Brisbane show on Sunday August 11th are going on sale to everyone else tomorrow...

But we've got an exclusive ticket link just for you. And if you use the link and then code word "BRIS" you will get $5 off each ticket.

It's two shows in one, with a live podcast first and then a Do Go On quiz show after a break.

We can't wait to head back north and would love to meet some of you there.



Do Go On - Brisbane Show

After selling out shows across the Australia, UK and of course The Koh Samui International Podcast Festival, the Do Go On podcast returns to Brisbane for the first time in almost two years. Please note: The show will be in two halves, with the first half being a live recording of Do Go On and the second half being an interactive Do Go On quiz.



Aw man, the first time you guys were in Brissy I was in a different state, and now this time I’m going to be at a work conference all day 😭


Bloody clicked and booked before reading the post and missed out my $5 discount! Too keen!