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Hey hey hey! It's been a while between newsletters! But for the first time in a while, all three of this week's episodes have been recorded ahead of time, so I thought I'd let you know what this week's topics are!

Before I get to that, a quick update on live shows - Dave is in an email convo with an American company about the US tour... it's happening slowly, but it is happening! I've also started to email some Brisbane venues about a potential August show up there... 

Our live podcasts in Thailand are coming up soon too! Anyone coming along? I'm looking forward to hanging out with some of you in the sunshine... if you're keen there is still time to book! https://littledumdumclub.com/kohsamui/ 

I asked Jess if she had anything to tell you and she said: " Tell them I did my washing and then hold for applause...  I also made a lentil shepherds pie AND I made a new friend today. You're never too old to make a new friend "

Let me know if you have any questions or anything!

Anyhow, this week's topics are below....


Matt, (Jess and Dave)












Book Cheat: Catcher in the Rye (with Jess and Andy Matthews)

Do Go On: Dolly Parton

Prime Mates: Dragon Ball Z (with Adam Knox and Timothy Clark)

















Something tells me jess is gonna be singing a lot this episode...


The husband and I would like to request a Dallas, TX and Cincinnati, OH show, if possible! Of course we will do our best to make it to any show in the U.S., but we would love to have you in both cities. :)