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Hello beloved Pah-trons,

We are recording your two bonus episodes in a couple of days and I’ve got an idea for what I hope will be a fun game/quiz to play with Jess and Matt, but I need your help.

I don’t want to spoil the surprise and give away the game just yet, but basically I need some suggestions of both broad and specific categories.

I’ll give you some examples to give you an idea of what I need. The categories could be...

An animal (eg. Pigs)

A person (eg. Jackie Chan)

A object (eg. A toaster)

A country (eg. Cameroon)

A show or film (eg. Seinfeld / Legally Blonde 2)

Something completely random (Eg. The history of cannonballs in warfare 1588 - 1688).

Pretty much any category you can think of.

Post them below and I’ll choose some that will become the basis of the bonus episode. The more the merrier.

Thanks a million,




Something completely random: The Takeover by Jay-Z


Obscure animals