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Hey friends! Matt here, Hows everyone going?? What did you think about the Mothman episode? It's a pretty different vibe without Bop there, much less laughter for starters! She's back this week though and we've recorded this week's episode, it'll be going out in a little over a day... Bop is back in the hosting chair and it was a whole lotta fun (scroll down if you want to see this week's topic). We're thinking about revamping the patreon rewards in the next little while, let us know if you have any suggestions for new rewards or anything! We're getting super excited about our 100th episode coming up this week, it's the biggest live crowd we've done the show to yet - should be heaps of fun and we're looking forward to catching up with those of you who can make it! This week's topic: WWII Badass Charles Upham



Well, it'd be super cool if you did this report....you wouldn't wanna seem uncool now, would you?


Ditto for video recordings, you guys give good face. Also an episode with Aunty Donna would be something truly special.