Julian Devorak ~ Arcana NSFW | A rough Spank 💦🙏 (Patreon)
Guys…when Arcana was good it was good. I have no idea how it fares these days, but god damn when this game was popular it was more simple times ( for me, anyways 🤣)
I genuinely remember seeing Lucio for the first time and being so angry we didn’t have a route for him yet. Nadia and Julian were my go to baddies though. Ride or dies. When Lucio was introduced I played just for him really LOL
So it felt so nostalgic drawing him. It reminded me of spending time each night trying to progress through the game. I forget what it was, keys? I never had those damn things lmao
Hopefully I did him some justice here! This was the most liked/commented character at the time when I started this yesterday.
Anyways! As always I hope you enjoy, and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your night! ♥️♥️♥️💦