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What I have been doing is redressing all the sims with 2 outfits, Linking to each outfit with links and thanking the creators for the CC used on those 2 outfits, whether it's makeup, hair, clothes, shoes, etc etc

This is taking wayyyyyyyy to much time for me as I have so many fkn sims on the page.

I have got down to #494 so far, So I have #494 sims to still finish.

What I'm going to do with the remaining sims is just put hair on them and the mask and link to the skin and move to the next one.

I will redress the sims over time with a couple outfits and link to the content, but I'm not holding the page back any longer, It's taking to long.

So all the sims from #494 all the way up to #741 have been dressed and kitted out.

The sims from #494 downwards will now just be the Masks, the correct skin and hair. 

That's it. In my spare time I will dress them and link to the content.

Starting from the 1st of August the page will be back to normal with uploads every other day.

And I'll be releasing my first sim on Sims Resource on August 1st

IT's time to get the page moving again.

Thanks to you all for your support and continued patience while I have been updating the page, I have been at the computer now for over a month for 5 to 8 hours every single day fixing this shit and it's finally broke me lol.

AUGUST 1st we are back to uploading sims on the regular, ALL the new sims from this point forward will be dressed with a couple outfits and all the content will be linked.


EDIT NOTE - The sims from #494 will be off the page until they are fixed, which won't take long it's just putting on hair and linking to the hair and skin.

Anyone who wants any of those sims and requests them I make them priority and make sure they are up so you can get the masks.

OH I forgot to also add, All Passwords will be being removed from the sims as they are updated, I feel with more exposure on Sims Resource it will be harder for people to share my sims around.


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