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New World Order

Chapter 4 – The ordeal

Warning chapter contains: Shrunken man, BBW, hairy pussy, insertion

Richard tried to resist Olivia’s grip but her hand was too strong, she gripped his arm very firmly. He watched with fear as her other hand pressed Sachin’s diminutive head against her pussy.

Her thighs were wrapped around his colleague’s head, crushing his head between her thighs, holding him firmly. His hands were wrapped around her knees, trying to free himself, to no avail.

“Lick me Sachin, lick me, make me believe you want to taste me,” Olivia’s eyes flicked to look directly at Richard, he expression struck fear into him. It was the look of someone that no longer feared the consequences of her actions.

She held all the cards right now; in that moment.

Her hand lifted away from the back of Sachin’s head, Richard flinched as the giant hand approached his chest, giant fingers were suddenly and forcibly unbuttoning his shirt. He knew it was no use resisting this giant beast of a woman. The look on her face told him everything he needed to know.

She was determined to demean them and use them for her own purposes.

He watched reluctantly as the giant body bent over him. Then the hands gripped him under his armpits and lifted him up from the ground. He felt helpless, like a toddler, in her strong grip. He hung in her grasp, limp to the touch.

He didn’t resist her but he didn’t need to be compliant either.

He was placed to straddle on her left knee, where his colleague was given the grim task of licking her pussy. He could hear the sound of it, it made him feel queasy.

Then she resumed unbuttoning his shirt. She pulled it open and then ripped it apart. Her fingers started to fumble at the buttons to his jeans. She started to grow impatient.

Richard reluctantly reached down and unfastened his crotch before she damaged his valuable organ.

Olivia smirked as she pulled his jeans down his legs and discarded them on the floor. His pants followed behind, then his shirt was ripped from his back and dropped to gently flutter to the floor like a falling leaf in autumn.

He watched the shirt flutter to the floor, any hope was broken now, he knew this was not going to end well for him. He was two foot tall and now he was naked and in the clutches of someone who he had thought was a dedicated career woman; but now she seemed to be more interested in sexually dominating them.

Richard didn’t see the irony of his predicament, he didn’t notice that he had been encouraging the very same thing with the stripper merely twenty minutes ago. Then again, had it been clearly pointed out to him he would have denied it, of course.

The giant face leered at him, watching his every move with interest. She could spot the irony.

She seemed to revel in her sudden power over him.

He couldn’t help but notice the vastness of her thighs, hips and her breasts that spilled out from her chest, two huge mounds that threatened to smother him even where he was.

“What should I do with you then?” Olivia asked Richard with a cooing voice.

There was a loud lapping sound down from between her legs, and she gave a light moan. He glanced briefly downwards. Regretting seeing the back of Sachin’s head wedged in between her thighs, tufts of pubic hair marked the location of her pussy.

“Please, let me go, return me to my normal size…”

Olivia cut him off by shaking her head firmly.

“No, you don’t get it, you’re mine now, I can’t let you go,” the words from her mouth struck fear in his very core. He couldn’t believe this situation he was in.

The giant hands grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down the giant thigh, closer to her hairy crotch and Sachin’s head.

He looked down in fear of being added to the terrible scene below, but it looked like the space was occupied by Sachin’s face.

Instead he was gripped by the giant hands and lifted up in the air. He looked upwards just in time to have his face suddenly smothered in between her giant bulbous breasts.

The cleavage was warm and fleshy, her breasts surrounded him. She massaged her giant breasts around his head and shoulders.

It muffled the sound around him as his ears were encased with fleshy skin either side. His breath was hot and moist against her chest. He could feel her sweat trickling between her breasts. Her heart thumping was audible through her chest, as was her heavy breathing.

Then he started to feel the vibrations of her moaning from pleasure. She was getting both a physical and mental kick out of dominating both of the board members. Richard hated that he was part of it, but he had no choice.

His hips and thighs were grabbed by both hands and his body was pulled out from between the breasts and he looked upwards to meet her face that briefly observed him, then with a wry smile she cupped her palm behind his head and thrust his face into her right nipple.

The large areolas bumped over his cheeks as he face was rubbed along the surface around her erect nipple; and then his lips were brushed across her erect nipple. His face was pressed into it, forcing his lips against the nipple. He kept his mouth firmly shut.

The fingertips gripped harder and dug into the skin on his skull, pressing his face so hard against the breast that he could feel the flesh dimple and mound around him.

He knew what she wanted him to do, but he was too stubborn to acquiesce. He didn’t want her to take that power from him; as well as his height.

But he started to struggle for breath; the air was hot and scarce. He tried to move his head from side to side, to free up a nostril; but she held him firmly in place.

Grey spots started to skitter across his eyesight, he was running out of oxygen, in a few more seconds he would start to lose consciousness.

He reluctantly parted his lips and then opened his mouth. The, slightly rough, nipple rudely popped into his mouth, it was such a rude and intrusive surprise that he gagged; and she gasped with delight.

The hand eased off slightly, but moved his head, guiding it to where and how she wanted his mouth to be positioned.

It felt like she was training him.

He forced his eyes shut, trying to think of something else, anything else. This would be over soon, somebody would rescue him, he knew it. He just had to hold on and put up with this crazy woman.

Then he started to think about what he was going to do back to her, to get revenge. Revenge for making him lose his dignity, for shrinking him; using company resources no less.

He would sue the shit out of her.

Financially ruin her.

Destroy her professional reputation.

Get her imprisoned for years.

No, he would shrink her himself…

It took him a while to realise that he was biting down hard on the nipple with his teeth, he was so transfixed with anger, he was actually biting her hard.

However, she seemed to be enjoying it, he could feel her moaning and bucking beneath him.

His feet were resting on her thighs and he could feel her hips bouncing up and down as she thrust back and forth. Between what he and Sachin were doing she was reaching a climax.

He released his grip and then bit again. He actually felt a bit better, causing her some pain, even though she enjoyed it.

So he obliged her. He bit her and then reached up with both hands and dug his fingernails into her spongy breast. It made him feel much better. He had some control back.

She roared with pleasure, her whole body rocked back and forth. She laughed loudly.

He was enveloped with giant hands that pressed against his head and back, crushing him against her breast.

His foot slipped and slammed into Sachin’s head. The head didn’t move from its spot, it was wedged in.

He felt the poor man’s hair beneath his foot, he tried to move his foot away but he was suddenly forced against her chest with such crushing force that it literally pressed the wind out of his lungs.

His eyes felt like they were bulging out of his head, intense pressure built up in his chest, neck and head. Blood thumped around his head.

He could feel her hands and thighs tensing beneath him, her body was stiffening, her hips were thrusting up and down with ferocity, her voice was now a loud staccato that deafened him. He felt it from outside, but also vibrating through her chest.

Then, just as he felt that he was going to be crushed to a pulp, or explode from the crushing of her giant hands against her body, he was released.

Richard fell backwards uncontrollably, collapsing against her thighs. He caught sight of her above, her head was lolling to one side, her whole large upper body glistened with sweat from her intense pleasure.

He looked to his side, the hairy pussy was now exposed.

Looking further down, he saw Sachin. He was lying in a pitiful heap on the ground. Pooled behind her giant heels. He was breathing, weakly.

Cum trickled out of the hairy pussy and started to drip down below with a wet slap on the floor and across poor Sachin’s shoulders and face.

Olivia abruptly jerked with a gasp, as if she just woken up.

The giant head lifted up and looked down at him. Her eyes were relaxed and lined with pleasure.

“That was amazing my sex toys, I really enjoyed that,” she smiled at him briefly. “I particularly enjoyed your subservience to my will,” her eyes narrowed to playful slits as she smiled again.

Richard wanted to protest, he wanted to tell her she had forced him to do all that. He wanted to say she was despicable and he had nothing for distain for her, but he was too exhausted. He merely took a deep wavering breath and collapsed against her thigh. He was beaten.


Both men were so exhausted they fell asleep. Olivia placed them on the ground and shrunk them down to six inches. She stuffed their clothes and their bodies into her bag with the others. She could enjoy more time with all of them later.

She had enjoyed having two men on her. Now she had five men in total. She could have her own little orgy with them. She smiled at the thought as she tidied herself up and left the golf club.

She thought about her next steps in the car journey back. She now had four signatures of board members. There were another four signatures to gather, plus the chairman.  But once she had eight signatures his role was largely a ratification of the fact. It would force his hand.

Olivia decided that the best immediate course of action would be to take her little men back home and put them somewhere safe, before she was caught with them.

Whilst the Size Adjustment Act had been passed through Parliament, she didn’t want to be the first person to be the one subjected to a legal battle testing the legislation.

So she dropped them off at her home and then went out to a petshop and procured some animal cages and some padlocks. She took all of that home and decided to show her five little men what their new lives looked like.

It was their fault really; they should have supported her being CEO. It was too late for them now.

She placed the cages down at the foot of the bed and tipped the six-inch-tall distressed men inside the cages. They collapsed inside, sobbing as she closed the doors and locked them. She gave them a once over and then stood up, towering above them. She pondered her next move.


Lucy managed to find out where the rest of the board members were.

Olivia had to tread carefully, whilst the law supported her situation once the men were shrunken down, she couldn’t be caught in the act of shrinking or kidnapping them.

She spent the rest of the weekend planning her next steps with them, but also the new direction for her company to take.


Monday morning came and she was refreshed and excited. She had generally left her little men alone, feeding and cleaning out their cages was about it. She would enjoy their company again soon.

She was more focused on solidifying her position. She had asked Lucy to arrange a few appointments with the board members individually.

It was disappointing that only one of them accepted the invitation. The rest of them ignored the requests.

That was quite rude and Olivia was very offended by that behaviour. That was not how to treat one’s acting CEO.

Regardless, she proceeded with arranging her meeting and gave Lucy a specific set of tasks in the meantime.


Donald Haverstock sat in the plush leather chair opposite the CEO’s walnut desk. She had definitely moved into the CEO’s office, in her temporary role, she had taken to it all very quickly. All of her personal items had been moved up there.

Lucy was posted outside but also had a working desk inside Olivia’s office as well.

Lucy had greeted Donald with a warm smile as he entered. She followed him inside and took a chair adjacent to him. That was slightly unusual. It positioned her in an equal position to him.

He knew the likes of Richard would not have stood for something like that, but he did not carry such an ego.

Olivia had shaken his hand at the door and guided him to his seat.

“I see you have settled in well here,” he commented, looking around the room and then back to the large woman across the desk.

Her chest was huge and very prominent above the desk. Her expression was regal and quite fitting for her position.

“Yes, well one must take their role seriously I believe. The company needs a strong hand after the unfortunate events that have befallen all of us recently. Plus we need to get ahead of our market competition following the Size Adjustment Act.”

Donald nodded in agreement.

“I couldn’t agree with you more. Your efforts and personal involvement in the Act getting passed through Parliament has not gone unnoticed by me,” he winked at her. A sideways glance revealed that Lucy was grinning, she had played a role in it as well; he knew. He tipped his head to her as a gesture of this knowledge and sign of respect.

“Under your stewardship, temporary or permanent, I believe we will be positioned very strongly at the head of the market competition,”

Olivia nodded in agreement.

“That’s partly what I wanted to talk to you about, and get your advice on,” Olivia started. “I am very keen to retain this position permanently.” Donald nodded sagely.

“Indeed. What kind of message will it send to investors and shareholders to have so many leadership changes in such a short time. The share prices already plummeted after the last CEO announcement.”

Olivia nodded.

“So we are in agreement that I am the best person for the role permanently,” Olivia stated. Donald tipped his head in agreement.

“Of course, you know I had been vocally supportive of you being the CEO of our company. I felt that you were by far the best candidate. Either internal or externally sourced. Your knowledge and personal drive far exceeds anyone else.”

Olivia smiled thinly.

“Thank you, I have appreciated your support Donald, unfortunately it seems that many of the other board members do not share your views.”

Donald shook his head sadly.

“I’m afraid they do not seem to have the vision that we have. They also listen, of course, to Richard’s views,”

“He is indeed an outspoken member of the board, however,” Olivia lifted the paperwork up from her desk. Lucy reached out and handed it to Donald.

He glanced at the four signed documents, the four board members, including Richard had signed a declaration approving Olivia as the permanent CEO without further delay. They had witnessed and signed each other’s signatures.

His bushy eyebrows rose with astonishment.

“How on earth did you achieve this?” He asked, his eyes widened and directed the question at her.

“I feel that they must have had a change of heart. They finally realised that I am the best person for the role,” she cocked her head. “That is what I wanted your advice on Donald. I need to get four other signatures, plus the chairpersons ratification.”

Donald nodded, still confused. His eyes were clearly still trying to work out the facts and how this had happened without it being a public or even a communal board event. It was indeed as per the rules, it didn’t need to have an assembled board vote or meeting. It enabled CEOs to be placed where required for emergency or seamless running of the company.

“I err…” he stammered, he was rarely speechless. “Well, you will get my signature. It will definitely not be a wasted vote now that you have secured Richard and his closest allies.”

Olivia smiled.

“That’s great Donald, thank you, I have the documents here, I appreciate that. You will not regret that decision. The advice though is how to secure the others.”

Donald pondered this for a moment.

“Well, Richard’s signature and having four other signatures definitely helps your position. There is now a majority signed and approved position in the board, but the chairperson holds the deciding vote, so that could make it a draw if they stand firm against. That would then potentially lead to an AGM; which we clearly want to avoid.”

Olivia nodded in agreement.

“What you really need to do is get one more signature or a guaranteed vote and then you have strong leverage to get the final board members on board, that’s only 3 signatures you need to get now.”

Olivia slowly nodded further agreement. Donald was not yet telling her anything she didn’t already know.

She passed on the paperwork for Donald to start signing as he thought and spoke. Lucy signed in the witness boxes.

“I think Michael- James is your best bet,” Donald finally stated, signing and dating the documents with a flourish of his fountain pen.

He met Olivia’s gaze.

“I’m very eager to see the direction that you take our company in, now that the Size Adjustment Act has been passed the market is up for grabs, the brakes are off, as they say.”

Olivia chuckled.

“Bold new frontiers and all that,” she muttered, Donald agreed. “Thank you for your support Donald. Is there anything I can do to help you?”

He gave this some consideration.

“Not right now Olivia, my support does not come at a cost, but I’m sure you can be called on for favours in the future, let’s get the support of the board first. I will help you with Michael- James first, I’ll plant the idea with him tonight over dinner. Then I suggest you arrange a meeting with him later this week.”

“He has not responded to our messages,” Olivia stated through gritted teeth. Donald nodded grimly.

“That will be Richard’s doing, I’ll see to that, leave it to me,” Donald got up from his chair to leave and he tipped his head respectfully to each of them, then shook their hands.

“Good luck Olivia,” he wished her as he departed.

Olivia and Lucy exchanged looks when the door had closed.

“Let’s give him a few days,” Olivia stated. “What do you think about Patrick and Theo?”

“I’ve got some ideas for them, as you say,” Lucy continued deep in thought, “lets allow Donald a few days, see what he can do,”

“Yes, we could do with keeping a few of the board members from being shrunk, it wouldn’t look good for all of them to go missing.”

“I’ve got some ideas for that as well,” Lucy started. Oliva blinked quickly.

“You’re full of ideas, you’re good at this stuff aren’t you?” she winked at Lucy.

“Let’s just say I’ve had some time to think about it,” Lucy stated. Olivia didn’t probe any further. She didn’t particularly want to know what that meant.

Lucy left Olivia’s office, leaving to her own thoughts.

She leant back in her executive chair and then remembered that she had Sam.

She lifted up her suit skirt and pulled down her panties until they were around her knees. The tiny naked Sam Parnick was only about 3 inches tall today, she was trying out different sizes with him.

He had been rather comfortable, trapped between her hairy pussy and her panties.

To start with she had enjoyed the thought of him being there, then when he had stopped wriggling around she had almost forgotten that he was there. She had instructed him not to service her when she was in a meeting.

She opened her thighs and looked at him again. She could feel the lips of her warm and moist labia peeling open.

He laid back against the hammock of the panties, suspended between her knees, looking up at her awaiting instructions and also probably fearing that she would shut him between her warm thighs again.

He did look quite red after all, it must have been quite hot and humid down there for the hour that she had left him.

She shrugged and gestured for him to dismount from the panties and pleasure her.

He hopped down from the panties onto the leather seat and slowly padded his way over to her pussy.

She lifted the flap of her skirt back so she could watch him. She quite enjoyed him at this diminutive stature. He was at her mercy at any height but this was quite appealing. It was the fact that even when standing at this height he still had to crane his neck and look up to see her pussy. That was empowering.

He knew what he needed to do. He looked up at her pussy, glancing around her groin and thighs, working out his climbing route and then he proceeded.

He clambered up between the crease of one of her thighs and braced himself against her crotch. She could feel his little hand and foot pressing against her hairy flesh. He was working his way up.

He continued to climb until his was at the top of the mound of hair at the top of her groin.

He caught his breath and then knelt down and started to kneed at her clitoris.

Olivia sighed and put her hands behind her head, leaning backwards with satisfaction. Her chair creaked as she leaned into it.

She undid her bra and left it to fall loose inside her blouse. Then she started to caress the ample mounds of flesh of her breasts. She really enjoyed her size and shape, it turned her on.

She could feel herself getting moist down below as Sam worked his magic. He was getting better at this now. He was starting to realise his new place in life. His resistance was starting to wane.

She glanced down at her obedient sex servant. He was kneeling and reaching forwards with both hands, kneading her clitoris like he was rolling out flour.

She plunged two fingers inside her pussy and started to stroke her G-spot, she could feel herself widening inside and getting wetter and wetter with the excitement.

Her chest was heaving up and down now.

She tweaked at her nipple with her fingertips, pinching and pulling at her erect nipple caused waves of pleasure and electric jolts through her body and up her spine.

“Get inside me little one,” she instructed Sam with a low rasping voice.

He looked up at her, slightly afraid. Perhaps he had been hoping that playing with her clitoris would have been enough. It had a few times, but today she wanted her little man inside her to finish her off. She wanted to coat his whole body in her cum. She wanted to feel him squirming and struggling inside her.

She enjoyed feeling his little hands and feet carefully padding in a circle, as he turned around and then slowly he started to descend down her pussy. He clutched at her hair and used it to hold on like rope as he descended.

He pressed his tiny feet against her skin, like an abseiler, as he descended.

She enjoyed watching him climb downwards, it was fun watching just this simple task look like such a big ordeal for him.

Her slimy fingers slid in and out below where he was descending as she continued to pump them in and out of her pussy.

She felt one of his feet touch the top of her pussy opening and she gasped with anticipation. She stopped pumping her fingers and kept them below him, her fingertips still inside herself, but the fingers outstretched, forming a kind of platform for him.

He gingerly stepped down towards the fingers. Holding on to her hair, clutching tightly with his hands, white knuckles.

One of his feet pressed down against her finger. She felt his weight press down a bit more, but he wasn’t at all heavy. More weight was applied and he lowered himself further, until his other foot pressed down. He continued holding her hair, luckily for him, because both feet slipped forwards.

He rocked backwards, sliding on his heels against the slick cum soaked fingers. He held on to her hair for dear life, tensing his abdominal muscles, to try and stabilise himself and prevent him from falling off the fingers.

He had done that one before and knew the price of falling off. It resulted in him being plucked up from whatever surface he had fallen on by her giant fingers and then plunged into her pussy in whatever position he found himself in. It was rough and unpleasant.

At least this way he had a semblance of control.

Olivia liked it that way. She liked her little living sex toys to take some pride in their work; after all. Her pleasure and satisfaction was now their sole existence in life.

Sam managed to prevent himself from falling off, despite one of his heels sliding off the edge of her fingers, the other heel slammed into the side of her pussy, causing a pleasant twinge in Olivia’s groin area.

She continued to watch with fascination as he carefully lowered himself down into a seated position, finally letting go of the thick rope-like pubic hair.

Now he placed his hands either side of his buttocks, against the large fingers, sitting on them like a canoe. He looked ahead of himself, at the dark opening of her pussy. With grim determination he shifted himself forwards, shuffling on her slick and sticky fingers until his feet were just outside her woman cave.

He laid on his back, bracing himself with his hands and lifted both legs up and massaged her pussy opening with his feet.

Olivia gasped and snapped her head backwards. She started to tweak at her nipple again, as well as massaging her breast with the heel of her hand.

She could feel his tiny little feet dancing up and down the opening of her pussy.

She could feel her pubic hair being brushed aside by his legs as they passed, it sent quivers of pleasure through her.

She had considered shaving or trimming herself at one point, but she absolutely loved the feeling of her little sex toys rustling through her female foliage.

Sam continued to tease her with his feet, so she decided to tease him back a bit.

She started to very slowly slide her fingers back inside her pussy, with him lying on top of them. Initially his feet stayed outside the mouth of her pussy, slipping against the rubbery opening.

She could see the tiny face look ahead in fear of the warm and dark hole ahead of him. He didn’t want to go inside, but he knew that he didn’t really have much of a choice either. This was about survival now, nothing more.

He clutched tightly to the fingers that he was lying on and lowered his feet down, tombstoning his body with his feet facing towards her pussy.

His eyes flicked up to meet hers. She maintained eye contact with him as she gently and slowly slid her fingers inside herself. She watched his feet, then his calves, knees, thighs and hips disappear inside herself. She had to lean forwards to watch over her voluptuous breasts.

She couldn’t really feel anything yet apart from her own fingers intruding inside herself.

Then she felt his belly against the roof of her pussy, she gasped in pleasure and anticipation, feeling his tiny body sliding inside her, riding on her own fingers was starting to send waves of excitement through her.

She closed her eyes and pictured his tiny body sliding inside her, surrounded by her warm and wet sexual organ. His very presence and purpose was to please her.

She gently pressed her fingertips upwards, pressing his tiny body against the top of her pussy.

She thought she felt something small poking into her inside, it suddenly triggered a chain reaction of excitement, she couldn’t help but slide her fingers out a tiny bit and then rammed them further inside herself. She felt his little body sliding against her sensitive areas and it sent waves of pleasure through her.


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