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Just as Katie reached the edge of the dunes she could see the security team were just putting a tiny model sized car in the boot of their vehicle. Apart from their two cars the car park was now empty.

Two others had passed Katie heading down to the beach, presumably to clean up after them.

She stopped at the edge of the dune as Lena joined her.

Lena hoisted her bag in the air cheerfully.

“What did you catch, let me see?” Lena gestured with both hands, fingers cycling eagerly to hold Katie’s catch.

Katie passed her the buckets with a grim expression.

Lena sat on the side of one of the sand dunes, roughly placing her bag beside her and lifted out a canister, placing it between her feet. Then she peered inside one of the buckets.

“Nice catch, the parents I presume,” she looked up at Katie, then back at the bucket. “Hi Mr and Mrs!” she waved playfully at them with a sweet smile. “Thank you for volunteering to take part in our trials,” she giggled with a wicked grin on her face.

Katie could barely watch. Lena lifted each of the screaming people out of the first bucket and placed them inside the canister of shouting occupants, then screwed back the ventilation lid.

She picked up the other bucket and peered inside.

“Ooh, you’re tasty little things aren’t you.” She lifted them out, one in each hand. Katie winced, watching them struggle, they were waving their arms and legs trying to break free.

Lena studied each of them closely.

“Hi there, you nearly look like you’re twins,” she stated at each of them. “Sisters?” They both nodded shouting and asking to be put free.

“How old are you?” Lena asked, they replied. Katie couldn’t quite hear due to the wind, it was picking up. “They are both twenty!” Lena looked up at Katie with a menacing smile.

“Well that’s great for you ladies, you’re the perfect catchment for our study group, you’re going to have so much fun,”

“Stop playing with them,” Katie growled at her.

“What? I’m being nice,” Lena protested. She looked at each of them hungrily. “We’ve already got the six that we need, so… Hmm, seeing as Katie has been such a bitch about how I treated you I think I’m going to keep you two…” she brought her hands together and her face close up to them, “we can be friends,” she beamed.

They looked up at the giant face in terror. Katie looked on in concern, she wished she hadn’t said anything.


Michael and Laura had been inside the zipped up in the giant bag for what felt like a few hours. Every movement had been terrifying, they didn’t know where they were being taken or what was going to happen to them. They had discussed the impossibility of their situation and then accepted that it had clearly actually happened to them.

They finally felt themselves being placed down on a surface and suddenly the bag moved at the top and the giant zip was opened at the top with a loud ominous sound, they heard and felt every click of the metal zip as it unclicked its way along.

Light spilled into the darkness causing them to shield their eyes.

Before they could recover from the light the bag was tipped sideways and they found themselves tumbling out onto a soft surface.

Michael and Laura rolled out and landed sprawled in a heap, then quickly looked about themselves, anxious about their new surroundings.

They found themselves in the centre of what appeared to be a giant bed sheet, covering a mattress, and kneeling next to them was the giant woman that had captured them.

Both of them gasped uncontrollably. The giant woman loomed over them, she was looking down at them, a similar look in her eyes that one would imagine a mouse would see when it was cornered by a cat.


The giant woman was impossibly huge, all of her features were absolutely massive, goddess like. Laura couldn’t believe what she was seeing, the only comparable thing in terms of size was the giant Buddha’s she had seen in Asia, but this was real and, moving, living and… even bigger.

The giant woman looked to be in her early twenties. She was fully clothed, but she had changed her outfit from the red bikini that she was wearing earlier. She was dressed in a skirt, with white panties showing beneath and a low cut top.

She was just staring down at them, with that arrogant look of power that she had before. Now Laura knew why.

Laura didn’t know what to do or say, she just laid on her back, transfixed by the giant form above her. She didn’t know what she wanted.

She flinched as the giantess suddenly moved. The knees adjusted and the huge torso and head descended towards them. Laura started to scramble backwards, two giant hands lowered either side of them and pressed down on the mattress, the giant face loomed towards them until it was a few metres away; far enough away that the giantess could still focus on them with both of her huge eyes.

Laura suddenly felt the heat that the giant face emanated, it felt like an invisible force enveloping her, and then the warm moist breath of the giantess washed over her, like a breeze. She shivered uncontrollably.

Laura was astonished by the detail on the giant face, the huge lips, nose, eyes, eyebrows, even the pores on the skin were clearly visible.

The giant lips curved into a smile, there was a wet slopping sound as the giant lips retracted over the teeth. Large, glistening pearlescent white teeth shone as the lips parted.

Laura was terrified and mesmerised by what was looming over her.

Giant breasts hung below the large torso, nestled inside a bra and top, they seemed huge to Laura. She couldn’t believe this.

“As you were,” the giant mouth suddenly boomed. The sudden break in silence caused Laura and Michael to jump in unison.

“What… do you mean. What do you want from us?” Laura asked up towards the giant face. It held a concerning leer.

“I want you to get back to what you were doing before I shrank you both down,” the giantess responded.

“How did you…”

“Don’t ask questions, just do what I tell you,” the giantess cut Michael off abruptly. The tone of her voice and angle of her eyebrows did not leave much room for doubt.

“Kissing?” Laura finally asked instead.

“No, you know full-well what I mean,” the giantess replied, refusing to allow this to be a negotiation. “I want to watch you two love birds fuck each other. Show me how you like to do it…” the huge front teeth bit down on the giant lower lip. “Otherwise…” the giant eyes gently rolled in their sockets, “I might have to think of different ways to use you both to amuse me…”

Laura and Michael looked at each other, wide-eyed.

“We have to do what she wants,” he snapped at Laura, she slowly nodded in reluctant agreement, holding back tears, her eyes misting over. She had to remain strong. This giant woman didn’t seem the type to care about how upset she was making them.

They just had to do what she wanted, somehow they would escape this nightmare.

Laura held his gaze as she rolled onto her back, spreading her legs and providing him with a view of her pussy, she started to slowly masturbate, trying to get herself ready for him as quickly as possible.

She noted that he was flaccid. She didn’t blame him, she didn’t at all feel in the mood, both of them would need to help each other. It was going to be harder for her, physical and visual stimulation was only a tiny part of what turned her on.

She tried to ignore the sound of the giant woman breathing above them, leering down at them and just shut her eyes, rubbing herself below with her fingers. She parted her legs as wide as they could go and hoped Michael would soon be able to play his part in this sick voyeur game.

She could hear him rubbing himself, trying to arouse his member. He kept saying “c’mon”, she could hear his impatience in his voice. A painful minute passed, Laura opened her eyes, Michael’s face was red with embarrassment and fear.

The giantess gave a long suffering sigh.

“I understand that this is an unusual situation and can lead to some stage fright,” the giantess murmured in a soft sympathetic tone. “Why don’t I help you out little guy?”

The giantess’ head rose upwards, she raised her body until she was upright, her bare thighs were spread either side of them as she knelt, her skirt billowing between. Her giant body soared upwards.

Michael turned to look at the spectacle as the giantess lifted her top, slowly rolling it from her navel, up over her breasts and armpits and over her arms.

Her long hair cascaded over her neck and shoulders as her top was thrown to the side.

Giant breasts bounced down to her chest and then settled.

The giantess looked down at the tiny man with a knowing and all powerful smile.

“Let me give you a little bit of a starting nudge,” she spoke only to Michael. The giant head descended back towards them, the knees disappearing behind as the body adjusted.

Laura caught her breath, she suddenly realised the mouth was opening towards them. She gripped her hands into fists at her sides, locked in terror, vulnerable, naked, lying on her back with her legs wide open.

She was unable to decide what to do. She thought the giant mouth was going to envelope Michael.

Instead giant fingers gripped him and gently moved him aside, the giant mouth continued towards Laura. She yelped in intense fear as a giant wet tongue emerged and approached her instead.

Laura went to close her legs but felt a strong grip on both of them, giant fingers were holding her in place; legs open.

She screamed as the tongue slithered up her left thigh and then the warm muscle slapped against her vagina, licking at her.


Michael was astonished at the scene in front of him, his lover was being licked by a giant woman. He could barely see most of her body, she was enveloped in giant fingers and the huge glistening pink tongue that started licking down between her legs and then lapped at Laura’s vagina, causing wet slopping sounds with every lick.

Laura’s face was contorted in fear and horror, she pressed both hands against the giant lips, trying to push them away from her.

The giant eyes were staring down at him though, studying him, they could see him watching the scene. The mouth turned into a smile. She held complete power over them.

“Hmm, your girlfriend tastes amazing,” the giantess murmured, moaning in pleasure as she licked.

Michael didn’t know what he should do in that moment, but he knew what the giant woman wanted him to do; so he continued to stroke up and down, reluctantly clutching his penis with his right hand as he stood watching. He noted that it was starting to get thicker and grow slightly.

The giant tongue then moved up to Laura’s belly and slid over her breasts, licking at them gently, then the face lowered slightly back to the legs and the tongue took one large long lick up Laura’s body.

He could see her quivering in fear and distaste, she looked like she was going to be sick. But seeing her body glistening with the saliva of the topless and attractive giant woman was definitely working. He was angry at himself from being turned on by this.

The giant eyes flicked to him again.

“Working, but not quite there yet,” she muttered, her lips pressing down on Laura’s belly.

The giant head lifted and a hand clutched Laura. The whole body lifted upwards away from the bed, effortlessly, Laura was clutched in a hand and squealed as she ascended.

Michael watched, suddenly concerned again for her safety.

He was mildly relieved to see that the giant woman just intended to caress Laura against her breasts. The giant hand held her against her left bosom and pressed her into her nipple, gently massaging her against it.

The giant head tipped back with a sigh, her mouth opening in pleasure, she was quite literally being titillated by a tiny woman. Michael could feel his penis getting harder underneath his grip as a result of the incredible scene unfolding above him.

The giant woman lifted Laura off her breast, her forearm pushing her breasts together she slowly slid the tiny dangling woman down between her breasts and slid the body up and down. She looked directly at Michael as she did that, licking her giant lips with a smile and a moan.

He was fully aroused now. The giantess beamed with self-satisfaction.

She lifted Laura up to her mouth, whilst gathering saliva in her mouth, then opened her mouth.

Laura screamed wildly as she was lowered towards the opening mouth. The giant tongue met her and slapped a fresh batch of froth covered saliva into her pussy.

Then Laura was unceremoniously lowered back down towards him, slick with the bubbly saliva of the giantess.

One giant hand positioned him on his back, laying him down, the other placed Laura on top of him, lowering her and guiding her to slide herself down onto Michael’s member.

Her body was warm and slippery from the giantess’ saliva.

Michael doubted Laura was turned on in the slightest, but luckily for both of them he managed to enter her pussy with his penis all the same. This seemed to please the giantess, who loomed closer again, watching with a perverted intensity.

Michael guided Laura’s hips down towards his pubic bone with his hands either side, thrusting himself inside her and then raised his hips, lowered again and started to slowly and, as tenderly as possible, pump inside her.

He could feel the warm, moist breath of the panting giantess, he could tell this was turning her on; her head was only a few feet away from them in their perspective. Her eyes were looking up and down both bodies and watching their groins as they slowly moved together.

Tears were streaming down Laura’s cheeks but she didn’t sob or cry. She didn’t want to cause their giant captor to be unhappy with their show.

The giant body suddenly started to move above, Michael couldn’t help but be distracted. Laura noticed his eyes and felt the movement, her eyes were wide and alert.

“What’s happening?” She asked anxiously, daren’t looking around.

“Just carry on,” he urged her.

The giantess was eagerly pulling down her skirt and pants and threw them away across her giant bedroom.

Michael continued to watch as the giant shadow loomed back over them again.

The mattress of the bed wobbled, like they were on the deck of a ship rolling in a storm as the giantess pressed one knee into the bed to one of their sides and then another on their other side. She was now kneeling either side of them, looking down at them. Her crotch was positioned much closer than before.

Behind Laura’s beautiful frame he could see the giant vagina hovering above them. He noticed the pubic hair was neatly trimmed. He had never seen a vagina in such vast and close detail. Her giant pussy was glistening with excitement. Then the giant fingers appeared and started to gently massage the clitoris.

The motion created a moist sound.

Laura could see Michael watching behind, she turned her head to look, but he shook her in between thrusts, causing her to look quickly back at him.

“Don’t, look, you won’t want to see,” he advised her firmly, continuing to thrust his hips into her groin. She looked down at him wide-eyed.


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