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The car slowly pulled into the delineated parking space. 

The engine immediately cut out as Laura turned the key and then pulled it out of the ignition. She sat back in the seat, hands on her lap, anxiously clasping her keys. 

Looking out ahead of her she took stock of the bar and her surroundings. 

There were at least ten cars or trucks in the car park. At best there would be 10 people here. At worst... there could be up to 40.


She thought back to Jenn. Her new tiny friend, who she had been forced to leave in her room. If anything happened to Laura now, Jenn would be dead, she knew it. But she had to lock Jenn in her bedside drawer, for her own safety. Laura had more of an incentive to get through this than she had before. The Doctor had promised that this would be one of her last missions. Then she'd be free. 

Laura shook those thoughts out of her mind, she couldn't let that distract her now. The clock was ticking. She ran through the instructions in her head one more time.  The Doctor had hand selected the clothes that she wanted Laura to wear on this mission. She had wanted Laura to have a certain look. Laura had also been given quite strict instructions on this mission. 

She glanced in the rear-view mirror and checked her makeup. The Doctor had instructed her to wear thick makeup, in order to look a bit like a .... well... It was to allow her to meld with the general atmosphere of the seedy bar. 

Laura glanced to her left and caught sight of a huge Juggernaught rolling towards the sliproad. She glanced at the clock. The hauler was on time... how had the Doctor known that? She shook her head... stupid... the Doctor knows everything... she gave a slight cheeky smile, 'except for my little secret in my drawer.' 

She opened the door of the car and slipped her high heel strappy shoes on. She slammed the door shut and started towards the bar. Her short tight-fitting skirt was extremely restrictive and she wished that the Doctor had allowed her to wear underwear. She had never felt so naked. But her instructions had been clear. 

Her heart started to thump in her chest as she neared the door. Overhead was the neon sign of a woman undressing herself and as Laura approached the heavily scuffed and worn entrance door she couldn't hide the look of distaste crossing her face. She had never seen a bar like this and she had always thought that she never would have needed to. 

She stepped through the threshold of the door into the bar and was immediately met by a wall of thick smoke. She blinked her eyes, straining them in the dim lights. The sight she saw caused a shiver to run up her spine. 

A myriad of dark and leering faces were turned in her direction and held their stare. She clutched her handbag close to her side, her right hand was inside, clutching the device tightly. It gave her a tiny bit of security. 

She decided that the only option was to follow the Doctor's orders to the tee. 

Laura assumed that the extremely low cut top, revealing outfit and makeup was a deliberate measure. She wasn't quite sure what the bright curly ginger wig was for though, she thought her own long hair would have been sufficient. 

She started towards the bar, and then she saw them. Several women were dancing on poles to a regular beat of music. There was a general mustiness to the air which was joined by the scent of body odour and beer. Laura shivered again. The sooner she was out of here the better. 

She suddenly felt an intrusive hand slide up her skirt from behind as she walked behind a bearded man wearing a red and black chequered shirt. She turned around in shock, smacking the hand away from her. The old man merely sat back in his chair with his beer mug and cackled at her. 

In fact, she decided. She wouldn't have any reservations about shrinking the lot of them in here. She might stamp on a few of the particularly nasty ones.

She had no particular dislike for men in general, but she did for this kind of man. The parasitical sex craving perverted types here. The ones that fed off the weaknesses of women. 

She continued to walk towards the private booth in the far right-hand side of the room. It was circular with red fabric seating, as the Doctor had said. 

How did she know that? She never left the house... or did she? Perhaps she left when Laura was asleep or perhaps when she was out on one of these missions, planning the next one? No... Laura barely slept, she was constantly terrified. She was racked with nightmares and anxiety and she was barely out half a day on her missions. Not enough time for the Doctor to have such detail...

She sat down in the booth, facing back towards the bar. Most faces had returned to their business of the poledancing women, most men's hands were - one hand on a beer, the other below the table - she looked away in disgust. 

Her eyes caught sight of the man who had molested her. He was the only man still looking at her, leering and smiling, licking his lips. 

She gripped the device even tighter, her fingernails digging into the smooth metal. But she restrained herself. She had strict orders and the Doctor had been very clear on how strict those orders were. 

A shape suddenly formed in her prehipheral vision. It was a cloaked figure, quite clearly male. His cloak was dark and he wore a hood which concealed his facial features. He gave a brief cursory glance around the bar and then sat next to her in the booth. 

"Have you got my payment?" He asked in a low husky voice. 

"Y...yes," she replied, struggling to find her voice from a mixture of anxiety and the heavy smoke that surrounded them. 

He produced a gloved hand and opened it invitingly. Laura jerked suddenly, realising that this was his signal for her to hand it over. 

She dug in her bag and pulled out a small aluminium box, approximately 150mm x 100mm. Small holes had been drilled across the surface. It was locked but she had a good idea of what was inside. She reluctantly handed the box over. 

The hooded figure closed his gloved hand around the box and merely sat staring at it. Then he moved and withdrew a key from around his neck. He used this to open the lock. 

Laura tipped her head upwards in order to get a quick glance at what was inside, but he deliberately held it half shielded. He looked inside and then snapped the lid shut, satisfied. 

"Good," his voice sounded more upbeat. "It's quite simple." He placed the box in his far pocket. He nodded over towards the far side of the bar, then looked straight back. 

"Do you see the guy in the blue short sleeved shirt?" He finally asked. Laura looked, then nodded, the curls of her wig bouncing around her eyes. 

"The short, fat, ugly one?" She asked, in mild distaste. 

"I suppose," he replied blandly. 

"In that case, yes I do." A waitress with a very short shirt and low cut top trundled over to the booth, she looked in no serious hurry. 

"What'll it be?" She asked alongside chewing gum with her mouth open.

"She'll have a double Scotch," he ordered. The waitress gave Laura a cursory glance and raised her eyebrows, then returned her gaze back to the man. 

"And you?" She asked, almost reluctantly.

"Just a dance," He replied. The waitress gave a very uncaring roll of her eyes and disappeared back to the bar. 

"As I was saying," the hooded man continued talking despite the fact that he was still looking around their surroundings. "The guy in the blue shirt is your man, he's the one who has to live."

"What about everyone else?" She asked in surprise. The hooded man sat back into the booth, appearing almost relaxed enough to put his hands behind his head. 

"Crush the fucking lot if you like," she reeled back in surprise again. 

"You know what we do?" She asked. He gave a low chuckle. 

"What do you think was in the box?" He asked. She paused. 

"Wh- what are you going to do with them?" She asked. 

"Not your problem now..." he trailed off. 

"So you've done this lots of times before?" She asked. He paused and his dark face turned to her. Studying her. 

"I told the Doctor that the wig would be unnecessary, you're quite pretty enough without it," a gloved hand reached out towards her face, but she shirked away from it. 

"You've seen me before?" She asked in confusion, desperate to get some answers to the millions of questions flying around her head.

"Let's just say I've followed your career quite closely," He placed his hands together. "Ah, here we are!" His gaze was focussed on the nude woman who had suddenly appeared from the door behind them. She blew him a kiss and stepped up onto the table, grabbing the pole that ran from the centre of the table to the ceiling. 

Laura watched the woman with curiosity. It had been a long time since she had seen a full sized naked woman, other than Katie. The images of the young lady playing with that poor tiny man rushed back to her, and then to Jenn in her drawer. 

"So you know what to do?" He asked. Laura nodded absently, still observing the naked woman who now had her legs wrapped around the pole and was leaning back. 

"Hey!" He shouted. Laura's head snapped to him. "You some kinda dyke or something?" He asked. Laura stared at him with intensity. 

"What does it matter to you?" She snapped defensively.  He then shifted towards her on the circular cushioned booth seat. He continued to push up until they were touching shoulders.  

He brought his gloves together and pulled one of them off. The bare hand ran under the table. 

Laura could feel a warm hand on the inside of her thigh. She immediately shifted, attempting to shake him off, but she didn't move away. She couldn't.

"The Doctor told you that you weren't to move until I told you, didn't she?" Laura's heart rate increased, she didn't know what was happening. The hand was sliding up her thigh, under her skirt and fingers started to slowly stroke her clitoris. 

Laura reached out with both her hands and attempted to push his arm away, but he held it there. 

"Just keep watching the dancer," he ordered. She suddenly felt a finger force it's way inside her vagina and she winced in pain, but didn't move. 

"You're a good girl aren't you?" He asked as his finger groped at her insides. "That Doctor really has you wrapped around her little finger. Just like you are to me right now." His finger was retracted. 

"Poor fucking girl," he said half sympathetic, half sarcastic, as he sat back. Then gave her one last glance. "Do what you've gotta do, but make sure that guy and the truck are safe." With that he was out the door, his cloak billowing.

Laura stared at the door as it swung back on its hinges, her jaw open in shock. 

'who was that guy?' the thought ran through her head. 

She looked back up at the dancer, who had stopped in frustration. 

"Where the fuck did he go?" The dancer asked. Laura shrugged. The dancer huffed, and turned away to step down. Reality raced back to Laura. 

"WAIT!" She called to the dancer. The woman half turned. 

Laura pointed the device at her. There was a bright flash and the woman disappeared. Laura was up on her high-heels, scooping the tiny woman up from the ground before she could even comprehend what had just happened. She was tossed into a small plastic container Laura had connected to her bag. 

No-one in the bar took any notice of what had just happened. 

Laura started striding towards the front end of the bar, the area most heavily occupied. As she approached, the same leering looks returned to look her up and down, but this time, they would fade. 

She pointed the device at each of them, coldly and methodically. Pointed it at the bar staff, at the dancers at everone, except for the man in the blue shirt. He had spotted her and immediately made a dash for the door. She swung the device towards him, but he was out the door as fast as his chubby legs could take him.

She darted towards the door and felt something soft squish under her shoe. She stopped to look down. There wasn't much remaining of the bearded old man who had felt her up earlier. 'What goes around...' she thought to herself. Then mentally scolded herself. 'My god, I'm becoming like Katie!' 

Back out in sunlight she started running towards the large juggernaught. The fat man had almost reached it and he was desperately fumbling with his keys.

The huge truck growled to a start and Laura attempted to accelerate as much as her high-heels would allow. She pointed the device at the truck and fired. 

The truck immediately shrunk, but continued to power forwards, at its diminished size. Laura had nearly reached it, but the truck managed to swerve between her feet. Laura, turned and started running after the small truck as it accelerated away. 

The high-heels were resticting her speed, agility and balance and her ankles were becoming more and more painful, especially on the uneven surface of the road. 

She almost caught up with the truck, then it swerved hard to avoid a pothole, her heel stepped into it and she fell with a hard thump, her hands breaking her fall as they slapped hard against the tarmacadam. Looking upwards from the ground, with a grimace on her face and her ginger curls bouncing around her face, she lunged outwards towards the truck, the tips of her fingers caught the rear container at the edge, causing the truck to wobble and swerve violently, but it recovered and slipped from beneath her grasp as instantly as she had touched it.  

She shouted in frustration, turning back towards her stricken feet. She desperately fiddled with the straps on the shoes, removing them and throwing them away. She was up in bare feet and in hot pursuit of the small truck as it sped along the centre of the road. 

Within twenty seconds, at a very fast pace, she managed to catch up to the truck. Panting heavily and running alongside the rear trailer, she reached down with her hand and grabbed hold of it. She lifted. It lifted slightly, the rear wheels leaving the road, but it was extremely heavy and it threw her off balence. 

She let go before she tripped up. The small wheels slammed down to the ground, the rear swerving violently with a tiny squeal, then recovered again.

She ran alongside the truck, considering her options. She couldn't keep this up forever, she was already growing tired. She could kick the truck over, but she was under strict orders not to damage it. 

She accelerated slightly, nearing the front of the truck. She reached down again, this time aiming for the cab. Her hands closed around it and lifted. It was slightly easier to grip than the rear, but equally heavy as it housed the engine. However, with the front wheels slightly lifted the truck lost its momentum and the truck immediately started to slow. The rear wheels were still on the ground, but the engine powering the wheels of the cab was unable have any effect. Laura stained to keep holding the cab up, craning her back as she ran alongside. 

Laura slowed down to a stop, her bare feet burning in agony from the hot tarmacadam and the friction of the running. She held the cab with both hands, lifting it upwards. 

The engine was still running, the wheels spinning violently, and the two exhausts at the rear of the cab were still belting out billows of smoke, but it was unable to move.

Careful not to damage the cab, Laura rotated it so that she could get at the driver's door. She placed a fingernail on the door handle and pulled at it, to her satisfaction, the door opened just enough for her to slip a finger inside. 

The tiny man inside suddenly reacted, still clearly in shock as to what was happening. He grabbed at the door and attempted to pull it shut, but Laura's finger was stronger and she pulled at it. The door flung open. The man also came with it, dangling from the door, his short fat belly exposed below his shirt, his legs dangling and kicking in a circular motion. 

Now there was no threat of the truck going anywhere, Laura relaxed. She grabbed at the man with one hand. It was an unusual sensation to hold him in her grip. He was a similar height to most people she captured, but he was definitely the fattest. It felt like holding a big ball of doe. He was squishy and almost therapudic to hold. Laura put the truck down with the other hand, now there was no threat of it going anywhere. 

He squirmed in her hand, and he seemed to fill out her hand more than most of her captives had, he was quite chunky. She produced a cylinder from her bag, it was a special recepticle the Doctor had given her, and it was meant just to hold him. 

Without any ceremony she dropped him in and screwed the cap shut, then rotated the top to expose airholes, placing it back in the bag. 

She glanced back at the bar. 

How long had she been? Probably only a minute or two. 

She bent down and picked up the truck with both hands. It was very heavy and she carried it as fast as she could back to her car. 

With the truck secured in the boot, she returned to the bar. Entering through the front door, she was met by the billowing smoke once again, but this time, it was an empty bar, the music was still running and the spotlights were still pointing at the tables where the dancers had been. 

In fact... movement caught her eye, a dancer was still standing on one of the tables.  

Timidly, Laura tiptoed over to the table. The dancer hadn't seen her, she was facing the other direction and was shouting down to someone on the booth seat. 

Laura looked around her and spotted an empty pint glass. She picked it up and turned it upside down. 

She slowly approached the table, slowly reaching her arm out holding the glass. 

Suddenly the tiny half naked woman looked around, then she froze, staring straight up into Laura's face and screamed. The tiny dancer started to run across the table away from Laura, but Laura had been expecting the move and slammed the glass down on the table. The tiny woman smacked into the glass wall that had suddenly appeared in front of her. She turned and ran to the other side, finally realising that she was trapped. Sliding against the glass she beheld her captur. 

Laura smiled and moved her face close to the glass, she studied the tiny woman inside with avid curiosity. She faintly wondered why she hadn't felt so immensely horny upon the device being activated this time. Then she remembered, she had forgotten to take her medication. Actually, the Doctor had forgotten to force her to take it. Did it really have such an effect on her? 

She carefully slid the glass across the table, the movement forced the woman against the far side of the glass, her feet were attempting to dig into the timber surface, but they merely slid along helplessly, and the woman was slid off the table and into the waiting hand cupped below her. 

The giant fingers were curled around her and she wriggled quite violently in Laura's hand. Laura rolled her onto her back and grabbed one of the dancer's wrists between her fingers and lifted. The dancer swayed about quite fiercely to begin with squealing at the top of her tiny voice, then slowed and quietened down as she realised that it was causing her more pain than any inconvenience to the giant woman who was effortlessly holding her. 

Laura held the tiny half naked woman up to the light and studied her closely, bringing the tiny woman up close to her face. The tiny woman seemed to suddenly look into Laura's eyes and show real fear, as the reality of the situation hit her tiny little brain, she realised what was happening. 

Laura was amazed, she was turned on by the tiny woman, but it was a controllable sensation, on all previous occasions she had been unable to resist the urge for long. She gently placed the dancer inside a canister, then shrouded her in the darkness of the lid. 

Laura was immediately looking around for her next captives. She had counted the number of people in the bar, so she had a good idea of how many she needed to collect. She made her way around the bar and managed to scoop two more runners, until she found the light switches. 

She flicked all of them on. The dingy room was immediately thrust into bright light. 

The light made the whole exercise easier for Laura to catch the female dancers, but she had to really hunt for each tiny sworded man until she had a canister that was absolutely thrumming with activity. 

Laura did a final headcount and established that, to her best ability, she had captured all of the people present at the bar. She had accidentally squished one of them when running out of the bar after the fat man. She didn't want to carry him back, the Doctor had no use for dead ones, Laura had learned that before. He was flushed down a toilet in the back room. 

It was a moment of satisfaction. She had achieved yet another mission with outstanding success, and she had been promised that eventually she would be rewarded. Maybe this time she would...


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