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Laura anxiously glanced back up at her door. She wasn't quite sure why. She knew that it was locked. But then again, in this house, one could never be too careful. 

She paced up and down her small room next to her bed. She was concerned about how much the Doctor already knew. She had already pushed her luck earlier by attempting to hide one of the female captives. The last thing she needed was for the Doctor to catch her with another one. She expected that if she was caught again, the Doctor might alter the deal that had been made over eight months ago. 

'Not much of a deal' she mused. 'More a one-sided ultimatum!' But what would happen to her if the deal was altered?

With that jarring thought her head snapped to the bedside cupboard. She darted over to it and slowly opened the drawer. 

A tiny lady sat inside, wearing an oversized T-shirt, hugging her tiny legs and gazing up at her.  

"I think it's all clear," she whispered down to the tiny lady. The small person smiled slightly and stood up inside the drawer. 

Laura lowered her hand, palm facing upwards, invitingly. The tiny lady looked down at the hand and timidly stepped onto it and made her way to the centre. 

With careful concentration, Laura lifted the tiny woman, she felt so light and fragile and Laura didn't want to alarm her. 

Laura laid down on the bed and placed the tiny woman down on her duvet. Laura rested her head on her arm and gazed at the tiny lady with increasing intensity. 

Previously Laura had felt extremely excited and turned on by the fact that she finally had a tiny woman in her grasp. But the feeling seemed to be wearing off. Earlier on today at the beach she had been so horny that she couldn't control herself, it was like she was being consumed by her lust. But she knew it was really the drugs that the Doctor forced her to take that caused her uncontrollable passion. 

Now, looking at the tiny, beautiful form in front of her, there was still a lustful feeling, but it was more curiosity now and definitely controllable.  

"What's you name?" The tiny woman asked. 

"Laura," she replied immediately. The woman nodded. 

"I'm Jenn...nice to meet you," Laura gave a wide smile as Jenn reached her tiny hand out in the invitation of a handshake. Laura extended her index finger and allowed the tiny hand to wrap around it and they gently shook. 

"Nice to meet you Jenn..."

"How long does this last?" Jenn interrupted impatiently. She signified what she was referring to by opening her hands to encompass her own body. Laura's smile disappeared and she creased her forehead. 

"I don't think it can be reversed..." Jenn's eyes suddenly widened in shock as Laura continued. "I... I've never seen it reversed I mean..." Jenn seemed to stagger in shock, as if she was losing balence. She placed her tiny hands to her head. 

"What?" She shouted. "I... I'll be this size forever?" Her voice started to waver and Laura could see her eyes filling up with tears. Laura lifted her head sympathetically and started to cup her hands around the tiny woman. 

"No!" Jenn shouted, backing away. "Get away from me!" She shouted at the hands, tears flooding her face. "This... this is you!" She pointed at Laura's face, her face red with anger. "This is your fault!" She collapsed to her knees and sobbed. "You did this to me... you ruined my life..."

"It's not my fault," Laura felt a lump form in her throat. She had never even looked at it like this. She had always felt the victim. The Doctor had forced her to do this. She had threatened that she would find Laura's family and friends and shrink them all. The Doctor also promised that she only had a few more missions to do before she would be set free. 

The people she shrunk were only in her possession for such a short amount of time and then they were whisked away, she had never really thought about who they were, or who they had been. "I..." Her own eyes started to well up as her mind ran through what Jenn was telling her.

Jenn was right. It was Laura's fault. She was the one who had shrunk Jenn. Whether deliberately or not. Had Jenn been at the beach instead of in the car she would still have shrunk her, but deliberately... and she would have handed her over to her Mistress... to the Doctor, who always took every single one away. Then her discarded subjects always ended up with her disturbed daughter, Katie, and Laura never saw them again. Well she had sometimes... what was left of them... and it wasn't a pretty sight. The cat always seemed to loiter around Katie's room when...

She suddenly stopped sobbing, her eyes widened in panic. What could happen to the poor shrunken man.

"We've got to stop her!" She suddenly shouted at the tiny woman, then checked her voice, glancing anxiously at the door. She paused to listen. 

"Yes... yes!" The tiny woman squealed jumping up and down in eager anticipation.   


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