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high res layered psd's with narrated process videos.   The one on the
left is based on a selfie by a German hentai artist I know, and the one
on the right is an older illustration I spruced up and rezzed up.  

I've also been busy with my graphic novel, inked 6 pages and colored 3 of them this month, you'll be receiving not those particular pages, not just yet, but a couple earlier pages, in full high res layered psd mode.  If you hang around long enough you'll be collecting all the pages.  :)    (If you missed some and you want them, let me know.)

I also have a cool idea for next month, another ambitious one, that I've already started sketching and recording.  It's got pirates, a whole pirate ship in fact, and the governor's daughter stripped and bound to the bowsprit, and the governor himself in hot pursuit on his own man'o'war. 

Otherwise things are as usual here in Kuala Lumpur, busy at work (helping out on Street Fighter V and Final Fantasy 15 plus others that are still secret) , warm outside, with a bit of haze starting up again from Indonesian fires, and making some progress in the gym finally - 110kg squat and 140kg deadlift, not amazing but not too bad for a guy nearing 60 with diabetes and gout and stuff.  :) 
Thank you so much for your help, I couldn't do this without you.   Now to eat some spicy ramen with eggs. 




Looking forward to the posting.


Where are the psds? :'(