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2 things -
1.  this image show what's coming beginning of next month, in terms of video tutorials and high-res psd's.  The line drawing will be fully colored.  There will also be another Bonus image.  
2.  here's a list of people who's cards have been declined, Patreon tries several times, sometimes it's Patreon's fault, a bug in their system, but I thought I'd let you know in case someone is sneakily emptying your bank accounts or something .    :) 
Anyway thank you all for your support!

Dwain South



Robert Polomsky

James Nelson Smith

Hannah Kincannon

John Catron

Ash Rush




They look nice to look forward to! Who is the most popular patreon artist you know? I started with Sakimi Chan, and she seems very popular- but I think the thing that got her popular was her "gender bender" series, with Disney fanart. She's been doing more erotica lately (so I assume she has some way of knowing what people like the most), but it still seems like her fan art gets the most attention (even from obscure Japanese shows I'd never heard of before) Hope your patreon takes off so you'll be able to afford to work on it more!


Thanks! I think it's still Sakimi Chan She's up to 51,000 usd per month now. :)