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These are some of the rewards I'm posting for October.  Share to make sure I can afford to keep doing this!  :)  Thank you!




Do we have high resolution on these? :)


Is there a high res version of these?


Hey I just found out about you! Super excited! Pledged!


I've always loved your stuff, and I hope your patreon takes off! But do you do an overview to show which video processes you offer each month? (seeing how you paint your images+ which images would be the most interesting for me- the black widow one above would be amazing to see)


Thank you! 2 of those 4 are videos for October (the black widow and the witch), available for download now. In a day or two I will replace them with 2 new videos for November. You can see them on my Facebook page, it's the astronaut girl and the school marm. When I put the new ones up, I remove the old ones, but they will still be available on my Gumroad account.