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I hope you all received the August rewards and there's no dissatisfaction, disappointments, problems or questions?   Please let me know if there are.  I want to squish those negative vibes as quickly as possible.    
And if you have any suggestions for the future, don't be shy!   I know I don't communicate enough with you here, but that's just my nature, I never was a talkative guy, really.  It doesn't mean I don't want to hear you guys talking!  :)  

I just moved (again), and now I don't have internet at home, for about a week.  (So now I'll have a good excuse for not being chatty... for a while.)
But I'm working away on September rewards - not having Facebook or movies might even prove helpful to my work, heh.   2 video recorded images, and 2 not, as usual, with 2 comic pages and if someone comes forward for a public paintover, I'll add that to the mix.  Be well, and thank you all so much for your support!  



You've really helped me out with few paintovers already, you're a great help! Thanks


The paint-overs with your detailed explanations were extremely helpful and educational, thank you so much! Please don't take them off! :) It would be great if you included the process or at least process steps of "Suzu" bonus image or a similar portrait in a future term. I am looking at Suzu and can't believe how beautiful that painting is.


I'm just in for the ride and enjoying everything I'm getting! ;)


Thank you! Ok I will keep that in mind. The next one (that I already painted and recorded) is following a somewhat similar workflow, except I tried to keep texture and paint strokes through to the end - something that can be tricky when I start noodling back and forth, things just go progressively smoother whether I want it or not. If you want the super clean look, use the airbrush more, towards the end, and take more time. Maybe I'll do a painting that only uses the airbrush, and maybe the smudge tool, nothing else.


Best of luck with your move and settling into your new place, Steven. So grateful for everything you've posted so far. I really like the paint-overs too... currently trying to find more time to study / make new art myself too.