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March, good month again, I've found a new routine, work work work.  But fun work.  Some freelance, some Patreon, some Webtoons.  Both me and my wife working from home now, she's teaching.   
Just now both my doctors ran out of one of my medicines, for several days, so my bloodsugar is like double normal value, I feel like too much coffee lol.  But I expect to get back on the medicine today.  

I already mentioned it, my research seems to indicate that I should add more hentai or explicit stuff to my rewards. This will be the 4th month I do that.          

Here's the high-res jpeg for Pearl Girl, and the next 2 pages Photoshop files of my comic Android Blues, pages 93 and 94.   

I hope you enjoy, thanks for your support, let me know if you have feedback!  :)




Awesome to hear you guys can both work from home- saves so much time compared to commuting. For blood sugar- one of the herbals I have to take for my SIBO+ lyme is 'Berberine' - but one of the side effects is that it really lowers blood sugar. Maybe it would be of benefit to you? (some people have to stop taking it because they already have low blood sugar xD)


I'll search for it, thanks!