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So whoever are the Tier 5 patrons (50$), let me know here or in an email, stahlber@yahoo.com, and we'll schedule a Skype session! :) (I'm not sure if there's a way for me to see that information anywhere, I couldn't find it anyway.)



Hello, my name is Mick. i choose 50$ per month petron. Sorry for my bad Eng. Nice to see you here. Love your work. &gt;<b></b>


Hi, thank you for your support! Your first month will begin April, you can email me stahlber@yahoo.com to book a tutoring session.


Thanks you, then,i will let's you know on early of April to book a session.


Hi, sorry for not responing for so long. I do not expect you to agree to accumulate the time or something. I would like you to have a look on my demo reel if you do not mind. Its an animation reel but i will be needing feedback on the overall look. It is only one minute long. Are you okay with that?


Yes, sure, send the link to stahlber@yahoo.com (no G)


Hi, Just subscribed with the 50$ patronship. I'd like my 3d character portfolio reviewed, as well as some discussion of a freelance career advice in 3d illustration. I live in the Philippines and aware you are now in Malaysia, anytime you are most convenient to have a Skype chat this April will be great, I leave the choice to you. Looking forward to talking to you.


Welcome and Thank you! This week: Tuesday Wednesday Thursday evenings, and the weekend, are good. Email me your portfolio link stahlber@yahoo.com and add me on Skype stevenstahlberg


Sure I will go ahead and do that. How's this thursday evening sound, around 9pm? Also do I get a paintover as well, I want one of my mech designs improved into a better looking one(not entirely new)?


Yes and yes. :) When you send the portfolio link, let me know which is the paintover image.


Sent you my portfolio to your email, did you receive it? I also added you on Skype. Looking forward to Thursday.


April 15, Wednesday - (couldn't find a Reply button on the last email) Yes thanks I got your email. I'll do the paintover tonight I think.