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March was ok, until right at the end - my wife's best friend died suddenly and unexpectedly at 68 from an undiagnosed heart condition. This was just a few days ago, we're still reeling.  It's also scary, thinking how suddenly everything can change, no matter who you are.

GDC happened in San Fransisco, two things I learned from colleagues who went there: Unreal4 now can do REALTIME RAYTRACING omfg...  (a holy grail of computer graphics for decades, and un-dreamed of when I started)
and San Fransisco has turned into a capitalistic dystopia, with angry homeless people everywhere.  Apparently one of them stabbed one of the convention goers, others were seen stealing stuff, everyone who went there had a similar comment it seems.

Here's the high-res jpeg for Tied Up, and the next 2 pages Photoshop files of my comic Android Blues, pages 69 and 70.   And 2 bonus images, that last one "Vicious" I might actually develop to a full illustration some day.
I hope you enjoy, thanks for your support!  :)



kenny wong

SF : seems to have gotten worst in past 5 years

Simone Spinozzi

😅 Eh.. good luck! Also: Thanks for the art!


The ray tracing was actually trending in google news last month- apparently a directX thing (so probably can't use it for non DX systems/ only for PC and xBox): <a href="https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/directx/2018/03/19/announcing-microsoft-directx-raytracing/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/directx/2018/03/19/announcing-microsoft-directx-raytracing/</a> Sorry to hear about your wife's friend! Would be nice if everyone realized we're all going to die from medical complications, and should be a top priority to make the medical system as good as possible (I almost dies a few years ago from a massive infection). Crazy to hear about a stabbing at GDC, and the homeless problem :(