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Hello Dear Patreons,
It's been a long time since our last update. Getting some things sorted was harder and took longer than I expected. 😞 But now, I'm excited to work hard and create the best mods that our community deserves. Just like before. 😍 Our first mod will of course be MAN HX.  Afterwards, I'm preparing a KAMAZ 6522 truck to apologize to you for the long and inactive period. Creating as using 3d referance, with that way, I create much faster, the draft is almost ready as shown on the screenshots. Also we have a new project to fill the scout gap in the future. Dodge Power Wagon (shown for the first time ever) and our Rheinmetall boxer are coming out of the archive again. The draft of both these projects is 60% completed. Of course, our first target before these exciting vehicles is MAN HX. For this, I only request a maximum of two weeks from you for the first new HX update. Actually, I started adding addons to make use of the time during the problem we were having with mod.io. However, at the last minute I have to work on a completely different subject that I didn't anticipate, I was unaware of this and this will take a maximum of two weeks. Normally I would have hoped to have completed a version of HX today and shipped the update. (with a radar and tanker addon) Right after the two weeks period, I will immediately return to HX and send the first update as early access.

First HX update will include; unique addons, interior, new chassis options and more. Then we'll continue adding more addons, texture. My goal was in Early Access is creating mods together with our Patreon community. So I want to do that. We'll develop and complete our HX and future mods together.

Also I have road-plan for our upcoming mods. Releasing mods in monthly-45 days peridod. A week for draft, a week for HP creation, a week for LP creation and texturing, rest of the time for in-game. I was tested this plan and worked well. I'll also be more active in here and discord as sharing the progress as short videos or screentshots. So you can watch all the steps we on. I can't wait to create! 😊

I get some questions via discord, I'm not sure devs are officially shared or not, but if Expeditions supports modding, yes I do create mods for Expeditions too. Will be develop and release paralel with Snowrunner.

I want to thank you once again for your continuous support. I'm grateful.  I also apologize again for being unactive for a while, thank you for your understanding. ❤️

Stay tuned, it's coming, I promise!


Rheinmetal Boxer
Dodge Power Wagon



Great job Bro!!! waiting for it🔥🔥🔥