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So, it's been a little while since my last post, and I just want to say that I'm not dead and not dying. I did technically skip town, but not for the reason you might be thinking.

Long story short, I recently changed jobs and moved -my gf and I also had to join a bunch of stuff together (like getting a joint bank account) in order to get approved for the new apt

Both of these were unplanned - the job was an unexpected offer that I took bc it was good, and we moved bc renewing our lease would've been unaffordable (they tell you the new rent amount 10 weeks before your lease is up and you have to tell them you're leaving 60 days in advance). Between this and just life in general it felt like I'd be able to finish something and post again at the end of each week, only for something else to happen and take priority. (Rinse and repeat)

I didn't want to be constantly posting "busy" updates empty handed while I was already paused, so I opted to focus on whatever was standing between me and making more art, but still checking in every so often to answer patron questions & comments. Sorry if I scared anybody!

The first half of June is still busy since we're still finishing the moving process and getting everything set, but I'll be working when I can. Doing simpler things in between the finished art helps me relax so I'm gonna stick with it for now.

As always, thank you all so, so much for your support! I love to hear from everyone and I appreciate everything from you.

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Dr. Evil

Take your time 🙏

Sullied Grace

Yeah we are here for ya, personal stuff takes priority!