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So, I've been thinking... based on the feedback I got about choosing what to draw and getting input from patrons, it might be time to switch things up

I'm still working things out, but the idea that I have right now is:

Anyone who's a patron can make suggestions whenever they want, in whatever format they want! I'll look at those to guide me and get ideas for "regular" art!

For comics and bigger pieces, I'll write some prompts, and patrons can vote on which ones they like the best! (comments will be enabled as well)

To keep things interesting, votes will influence but not guarantee what gets made!

How does this sound?



If this means I can suggest more May art then YES


@SofttContent (Ivy) yeah, that's why I'm still reserving the final say; you can only see an eating contest so many times before it just gets boring. AI gens can make... somewhat competent "fats of she" for popular characters, and I generally favor quality over quantity (and not just the visuals, the dialogue, scenario, plot, etc.) I might make it __ suggestions per week, to avoid spam and make voting easier. Votes/reactions will still be what I look at to see how everyone else feels about it comma so reposting the same thing will actually work against you, even if the votes solely determined what I drew. I'll still have rules against spam and abuse too so hopefully that won't be an issue!