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Hey all, I'm sorry about last month being a wash in terms of new content. I didn't expect my time to be so sporadic but I should have been more transparent with everyone when things came up. (I'm doing what I can to send art to former patrons from august - If you or a loved one pledged during last month, you can get your art here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11e2xQAH241NlYIhq5JW_KAiZyPEd55G_?usp=sharing ) but I want to do something extra for you all, too.

To make it up to you, I'll be uploading some PSDs and linework for your trouble, along with the month's new art.  The psds+linework will be available until the end of the month, so get them while you can! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DMUzjFTBeP_txU1tRi43FxaONDKctoS-?usp=sharing

 Thanks for sticking around, and don't forget to make your suggestions!

Second,  just in case any of you haven't seen these updates, please read them so you know what's happening! These are copy+pasted from the 2021 Updates post. I think I was mistaken about how patreon notifies you when I update a post - so from now on updates like these will be their own post at first, but then moved into the update log after 2 months:

August 29
: Hi diddly ho, Patorinos!

I'm hard at work on funded art, but still a bit busier than usual. I'm catching up whenever I can though! A new suggestion piece will be up in a day or two. There's very little left to do so it's just a matter of how soon I can work on it.

The May comic is nearing completion as well - I've been working on it in between monthly art to stay on pace. I'd have finished it by now if one of my files didn't corrupt... Hopefully it'll be worth the weight!

- ❺


August 3:     I'm letting everyone know that starting October 1, I will be pausing art production until January 01, 2022 (from October through December). There's nothing to be concerned about - I'm happy and healthy right now... but I'd like to keep it that way! I'm going to be extremely busy during those months, so I don't want to promise art I can't deliver. As always, paused production doesn't mean that I won't make art, and if I can start earlier than January, I will.

Any and all funded art not completed by October 1 will still be completed+posted ASAP, but pledges will not count towards guaranteed art until I start production again.

August 3 (part 2): After looking through my pledge amounts and going over the numbers, I have decided to make the minimum pledge for new patrons $2 USD instead of $1, starting in October. This is because of the high platform+service fees, which take a big bite out of $1 subscriptions. If my estimates are correct, it's better for you and me if a person pledges $2 every other month instead of $1 every month. More money = more art, so if that's what you're paying for, that's where it should go - not patreon's pocket. I'm also working out a few more tiers for patrons who want linework, art files, and things like that. I'll post more as I figure it out.

Current $1 patrons can keep their amount as long as they remain subscribed- this change only affects NEW patrons.

If you have any questions about any of this, please let me know!


And obviously, if you have any questions/concerns, that's what I'm here for!

- ❺



It's says you need a password for that linework folder