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Hello there! So many commissions to do, but between them all I'm hoping to make more short and sweet animation content ;) 

I wanted to try some new universes, as I want to recover the motivation of making stuff I can call my own. 

I have a lot of ideas that I've held on for years but there was never a good opportunity to put it in one of my votes. 

I'm hoping to get a lot of personal content out the door this summer, so long as people outside don't bother me too much x) 

At the moment it's fresh summer, lots to love about that! As always the planning isn't static but it should give you an idea of what's coming!

  • 1) Tier 1: Picture commission Rarity cow / Random male
  • 2) Tier 3 : picture voted Pinkie / Button's mash / Pound
  • 3) Tier 5 : Personal stuff   self birthday picture !
  • 4) Tier 1 : Picture commission  midna, wolf link
  • 5) Tier 1 : Picture commission Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle
  • 6) Tier 5 : Personal Animation  Amy rose / Crocodile
  • 7) Tier 1 : Picture commission Silverstream, Applejack, Big mac and Gallus
  • 8) Tier 5 : Animation voted Button's mash / Chrys / Sweetie / Button's mom / Pinkie
  • 9) Tier 1 : Picture commission  Lyra / Bon-Bon
  • 10) Tier 1 : Picture commission Limestone pie, Pinkie pie
  • 11) Tier 5: Animation voted Celestia / Luna / Guard



Will I do love your mlp art I am looking forward to you doing new universe like sonic and if I could I'd like to suggest Disney's gummy bears not a lot of girls for verity but it's the best I can thing of right now


So much hot stuff Hooves......

jordan (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-05 21:28:04 I'd like to see more guard and flurry heart animation
2023-07-05 15:11:43 I'd like to see more guard and flurry heart animation

I'd like to see more guard and flurry heart animation


If possible would like to see midna, wolf one be short animation. Have you ever animated them?