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Little picture make for the earth day (22 april and already in late ) 

Remake of an very old artwork than i've make , it was make 2 years ago . I'm very surprise because it was a good picture for my level at this moment :o .

But i've want upadte it because it's one of my favorite , not porn here , just art .

About the ecologie : i hope you consider this probleme . Personaly my most important chooce of life is to don't get a car . I've my transport permis but i'm not interest at all to get one car . Specially because i'm always sick on it ( when i drive too ) . I know internet consume a lot of energie and it's not ecologique but ... i try to make my part as i can with not a lot of consomation of product no necessary .

Be kind with earth people . And enjoys all simple thing of life .

Tomorrow new commission !



Dragon Ranger

Her and the lighting is just gorgeous.


Beautiful colors, beautiful scenery, beautiful girl. perfect pic.


A lovely remake!

興宇 黃

so beautiful❤


A shot totally worthy of a reboot. Love it.