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Hi there , as always little program for prevent you of my activity :

  • 1)  Upgrade animation "Primal desir" And correction "Difficult to chooce"
  • 2)  Blender picture Trixie / Starlight  
  • 3) Wild Fruit 5/6
  • 4) Wild Fruit 6/6 (before the end of the month )
  • 5) Commission Animation Button's mom x Button's mash
  • 6) Commission Animation Stellar Flare x Celestia
  • 7) Commission Luna x Shining
  • 8) Commission Spike Big orgie 

All the commission are make on sfm ? Maybe but i'm not again sure , and i'v so many commission to do ... i gues have take to much , So please commissioner i ask you to wait , you are to many . I've an last month of study and after I've finish my years of study and i can rush all the commission in late .

All This program worry me terribly because Idk if i do already close the commission for the next month , with blender i've to many thing to do . 

So if you commission me I ask you to wait much more for the next , i hope you understand . Thank for your support ! 



No worries, I am sure you will succeed. And i'm excited for your next works! Very busy, haha


i will be patient dont worry hooves :3