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Hi there , i've finish my animation "the game you lose " last small part , but sfm start to make many weird thing ... the last time the most of my stuff on the steam workshop have disapear of my list ( no turtle :'( ) and now when i try to export something of the animation my avi files are corrupted ... by what ? idk . 

So one day of late ... sorry for that and maybe need to rexport everything ... so  , i do of my best for resolve this shit . 

Really need to change of software ... i learn it actually ( but i make some commission just in first )  I've check everything , it's just sfm not my computer who make weird thing for no reason

If someone have an idea of what's happen thank for your help 


Talon Vague

I have worked with sfm before. It can be really wonky at times. I have never heard of the models just deleting though. But there is a file that tells it where everything is, if it was overwritten it would seem like it all vanished, at least I think. I might be wrong, it has been a while since I worked with it. Though I also know you need to bake the bones, other wise hair goes all over the place in the render. I normally exported it as a png sequence and put it together in a program like after effect. If the render is avi, It might corrupt if there is audio that is the wrong format. Source engine mainly likes 44.1Hz and only 16 bit. Hopefully something of that might help.


Take your time :)


Well that is always good to know that , i do check the audio it's maybe that who corrupt my animation ( i add always the audio outside of sfm )