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Hello , it's not again the final version , i change some details later , but i correct and finish this for this weekend , i prefer make some picture during the week and correct them on my big computer the weekend . 

And sorry for the later but it's the end of my trimester , many work to send urgently ^^' i start actually to work on my personal picture for post this tommorow night too with the correction of the family treatement 2 . 

Do you want an Family treatement 3 ? :p Anyway thx you again for your waiting and support <3 i try to create picture always when i can 

The next picture it's a model design by me ( Canon charactere)




The ladies look lovely in this image. Good job!

Stewart Simpson

Family treatment 3? Yes, please! Haha, Spike is a lucky guy.


I'd love to see a part 3 with the ladies loving on each other.


I'm on boat for a part 3 for this! Keeping my fingers crossed. Really love how Sweetie Belle looks, that's a very sexy pose and sensual expression on her.

Fernando Chavez

The faces you give sweetie belle are amazing


Need a number 3. Hell, we just need more amazing Sweetie Belle stuff in general. Solo tho. :p