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Hello there! Well it seems everything is back to normal, minus having to manage two websites at the same time. It's very difficult for me but everything seems finished now.

I have to finish the next picture shortly and after that I want to take a little time to correct some animations before finally releasing them publicly. Premiere Pro is giving me some issues and now it's impossible to get a good preview of what I'm working on.

We've removed the Patreon bot that handed the tiered roles you bought on patreon. So you certainly lost your access to the discord server. Don't hesitate to ask for ti back, we're handing the roles out manually at the moment. I'm going to wait a little bit before reinstating it. It will be set in June!

I've again plenty stuff planned and the 2 first thing of the tier 10$ ;) but i will told you in the program wich one i planned to make .
 And don't forget to give some proposition for the tier 10$ (I mean your personal idea )

Also a new artpack is being planned for June-July, expect a new vote about it but there's certainly some time until then.

Thank you all so much once again for your support this month! It was a very stressful month for me, I even considered stopping altogether after this whole fiasco... but now I can continue!






Glad you stuck with it and got it all fixed, Hooves!


Very glad you got through all the drama!